Obama is gonna be a 1 term president in my opinion....

Originally Posted by akuratl02

Originally Posted by RL Treyce

Originally Posted by akuratl02

Just to add my .02 cents ... I was kind of dissapointed at the date set for the initial troops to be sent home and I shot my friend in Norway an email discussing this with her back and forth ... And she said something that definitely immulates a feeling that can be given from someone who does not live in the U.S.

She said this .... "Does he really have a choice? He's just trying to clean up after Bush.......lol
What would happen if he pulled everyone out.....full kaos ... Im looking at thousands of people gathered infront of Obama's hotel n there is a parade going past the hotel......n they all waiting from Obama to show up on the balcony.
Who can say he doesnt deserve the price when he has millions of people inspired the way he has........What other person in the world right now can inspire hope like that.....For the first time u have a president thats bigger then just the united states"

I have to agree w/ her ............. Could we really just have pulled ALL of the troops out just like that ???
I dont think that we should be deciding whether or not Obama will be an 1 term president. Why pre-judge someone who hasn't even been in office half a term yet ?? Some people act as if these decisions can be implemented just as easy as turning off a light switch ...


Are you serious ????? You a %!@#$+* weirdo if a person whose second language is english mis-spells one word out of a whole paragraph and thats what you place in details ????
Must not be an Obama supporter ....

I'm a weirdo cause you attempted to spell chaos with a K, hmmmm alright....carry on.
I used to support Obama all the way and fight with government teacher who was against Obama.

Idk now haven't seen much change at all.

Maybe he was right???
Originally Posted by biff lawson

I mean its not like he took over during a time of extreme prosperity....Chuck Norris could be president and it would be

tough to see progress...a year into the presidency

Chuck Norris>>>>>>>>>>Obama

Originally Posted by cguy610

You would have to be a fool if you think Obama would do anything that would hurt/slow the economy right now or in the near future. He hasn't even raised capital gains taxes.
Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005(Bush's idea) extended the current capital gain tax rates through 2010.

In 2011 when this expires and unless Obama and Congress passes legislation to extend this, these tax rates goes up automatically back to the 10% to 20%.

Originally Posted by ManBearPig

it's comedy to see all these replies about how our troops SHOULD be in Afghanistan, yet when Bush was the president everyone was in shambles over us being there. hypocrisy at its finest.

No kidding. Where are all the Democrat Congressman with their temper tantrums about the increase in troops like during the Bush Administration? HYPOCRITES!!!

Democrats talking about supporting the troops is a bunch of bull crap. Politicians like Obama and the Democrats simply used the anti-war sentiment Americanshad as political propaganda to get them elected. Americans as whole are now aware, and I see a Republican take over in beginning in midterm elections 2010!
i mean any way you look at it, your putting a tax on energy, and that cost will be past down to da consumer...

i live in a building thats heated by natural gas, and da school next to me, burns coal in its furnace...obama is gonna make both of those

energy sources extra costly from emissions "regulation"....this cost will DEFINITELY be past down to da residents of these buildings.

whats gonna happen when people can't afford da 200% rent hikes due to electrical and gas tax? how about what gonna happen to

land lords that have to abide by a system that prevents them for raising rent because of affordable housing city zoning laws? are we gonna see em burn down

da buildings like da BX again in da 80's because its better for them financially.

bottomline is that cap and trade is a train wreck waiting to happen.
I'll bet my screen name that he gets re-elected. You do the same if you want to quote me for later reference.
SunDOOBIE, I thought you were a more liberal dude. You really think those things now?

Why the turn-around?

On this thread's subject I will say this:

People are realizing Obama was elected for many wrong reasons and he, along with quite a few nefarious people he's surrounded himself with, is settingabout fundamentally changing what this country is. The health care bill, cap and trade? All about gaining the power to micro-manage people's lives. AndRepublicans aren't obstructing him from doing anything because they don't have the votes. Obama and Congress owns everything they're doing.

It's less about political parties at this point. It's about preventing serious changes to this country that are not good for anyone no matter whattheir politics are.

I believe Obama and the Democratic Congress are too close to making the changes they want to even think about abandoning or altering those changes now. Ireally think they'll plow us into the ground to get what they want.
Originally Posted by franchise3

100% guaranteed he gets re-elected.

Democrats will vote Obama. Republicans will vote whoever is nominated. But can you see the Independents flocking to and casting votes for a Sarah Palin? A Romney? A Pawlenty? The right has guys like Sean Hannity and a Lou Dobs talking about running. Yeah, ok. Good luck
yeah you have no idea what youre talking about
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by ManBearPig

it's comedy to see all these replies about how our troops SHOULD be in Afghanistan, yet when Bush was the president everyone was in shambles over us being there. hypocrisy at its finest.

No kidding. Where are all the Democrat Congressman with their temper tantrums about the increase in troops like during the Bush Administration? HYPOCRITES!!!
Nowhere to be found...Just like all the Dems here are conveniently over looking this post
Most Presidents get re-elected for a 2nd term.

It'll come down to how well the economy is doing in 2012 and who the Republicans nominate.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

Originally Posted by franchise3

100% guaranteed he gets re-elected.

Democrats will vote Obama. Republicans will vote whoever is nominated. But can you see the Independents flocking to and casting votes for a Sarah Palin? A Romney? A Pawlenty? The right has guys like Sean Hannity and a Lou Dobs talking about running. Yeah, ok. Good luck
If unemployment is hanging around 10% plenty of Americans will vote for anyone the GOP puts out there because he or whe will not be Barack Obama and that is scary because I could see Palin getting the nomination because she would appeal to the base and win the primary and in the General elections people who are broke and will have been flat broke for years by 2012 will largely be unmoved by soaring rhetoric about our standing in the world and all of the Orwellian "figures" we that will be read aloud about about how production of weather caulking has climbed and how Wall Street is thriving thanks to TARP vol. 16.

I am terrified of a Sarah Palin presidency but I am also terrified of Obama's legislative agenda which could very well keep unemployment at or near double digits through the entire balance of his term and doom him in the 2012 election.

Palin has no shot. Not even a 1% chance. Remember, she quit as Governor.

Obama is one of the best campaigners that we have ever seen. If unemployment stays above 10% by 2012, it could pose a problem for Obama but not as big as you think because he can run a flawless beast of a Presidential Campaign.

I think the biggest threat is Romney, he seems to be a beast on economics from the short clips of him that I've heard.

He also signed into law a failed universal health care system that has run up huge deficits.

The only way Republicans win in 2012 is if they run on strictly ideology, if they continue to run with moderates they will lose like they did with that moron John McCain.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa %%$$ Cheney would win?

I said IDEOLOGY. You know, big government v. small government, high taxes v. low taxes, lots of government spending v. less government spending? Wasnt Cheneypart of an administration that expanded the role of the federal government and part of an administration that increased spending on government projects? Ithought so, that's so very conservative, right? I would think liberals would love the Bush administration with his spending, new government programs, beingthe president who spent the most on public education and so forth.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

SunDOOBIE, I thought you were a more liberal dude. You really think those things now?

Why the turn-around?

I am more moderate than liberal and I am just calling it how it is. Back during the Bush Administration, the Democrats protested everything Bush did. So wasthe protesting for the benefit of the country or was it because they were Anti-Bush?

Same thing now with Obama. Regardless whether certain Obama policies may work or not, Republicans are just Anti-Obama on everything.

All these politicians are one and the same and it's just baffling to see people in this country go crazy over one party or another. Party lines FTL!
If I were Obama, I wouldn't even want to run for re-election. He gets handed the job at the worst time in history, and now people wanna throw him under thebus because he couldn't bring it back to the Clinton era prosperity in a few months. And it seems like the media has been quick to forget how big a pile of+%+$ Bush left for Obama to shovel.

I say we have to let the man finish his janitorial duties first before we can really judge him. Because in actuality, he's just the janitor of presidents.
Originally Posted by RL Treyce

Originally Posted by akuratl02

Originally Posted by RL Treyce

Originally Posted by akuratl02

Just to add my .02 cents ... I was kind of dissapointed at the date set for the initial troops to be sent home and I shot my friend in Norway an email discussing this with her back and forth ... And she said something that definitely immulates a feeling that can be given from someone who does not live in the U.S.

She said this .... "Does he really have a choice? He's just trying to clean up after Bush.......lol
What would happen if he pulled everyone out.....full kaos ... Im looking at thousands of people gathered infront of Obama's hotel n there is a parade going past the hotel......n they all waiting from Obama to show up on the balcony.
Who can say he doesnt deserve the price when he has millions of people inspired the way he has........What other person in the world right now can inspire hope like that.....For the first time u have a president thats bigger then just the united states"

I have to agree w/ her ............. Could we really just have pulled ALL of the troops out just like that ???
I dont think that we should be deciding whether or not Obama will be an 1 term president. Why pre-judge someone who hasn't even been in office half a term yet ?? Some people act as if these decisions can be implemented just as easy as turning off a light switch ...


Are you serious ????? You a %!@#$+* weirdo if a person whose second language is english mis-spells one word out of a whole paragraph and thats what you place in details ????
Must not be an Obama supporter ....

I'm a weirdo cause you attempted to spell chaos with a K, hmmmm alright....carry on.

Thanks for reading my whole statement ... It was a quote from a friend of mines who lives in Norway ... So yes you are a !#$!$+% weirdo X 2 now ... I just saidthat english was her second or third language .. do you not !#$!$+% read ??!?!?!!
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by Burns1923

SunDOOBIE, I thought you were a more liberal dude. You really think those things now?

Why the turn-around?

I am more moderate than liberal and I am just calling it how it is. Back during the Bush Administration, the Democrats protested everything Bush did. So was the protesting for the benefit of the country or was it because they were Anti-Bush?

Same thing now with Obama. Regardless whether certain Obama policies may work or not, Republicans are just Anti-Obama on everything.

All these politicians are one and the same and it's just baffling to see people in this country go crazy over one party or another. Party lines FTL!

Wouldnt you expect that, though? If everyone always agreed then who is doing the thinking? The problem with the Republicans is that they have ZERO ideas andthey are run by Country Club Republicans and "inside the Beltway" establishment. The "Old Right" Republicans use to have representativesthat were private sector bred and economically sound, today's "conservatives" are just a joke.
agree with the OP... Absolutely zero chance of him being elected to a second term.

Quote this, take a picture, save it... do what you want. You'll all see soon enough.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

i mean any way you look at it, your putting a tax on energy, and that cost will be past down to da consumer...

i live in a building thats heated by natural gas, and da school next to me, burns coal in its furnace...obama is gonna make both of those

energy sources extra costly from emissions "regulation"....this cost will DEFINITELY be past down to da residents of these buildings.

whats gonna happen when people can't afford da 200% rent hikes due to electrical and gas tax? how about what gonna happen to

land lords that have to abide by a system that prevents them for raising rent because of affordable housing city zoning laws? are we gonna see em burn down

da buildings like da BX again in da 80's because its better for them financially.

bottomline is that cap and trade is a train wreck waiting to happen.

the fundamental problem is not the increased taxation in the form of regulation, it is the amount of governmental intrusion on traditionally private-sectoreconomies. i'm all for the public interest in terms of keeping emissions within a certain threshold, but to have more than one governmental agencyresponsible for that is ridiculous. for example, when there is any proposed change in the import or use of natural gas here in southern california, we have toappease the california public utilities comission, the south coast air quality management district, the environmental protection agency and the federal energyregulatory commission. each and every time there is a proposal, there are countless cross-agency lawsuits. we spend billions fighting each other each yearand those costs obviously get put on the public in the form of taxes. the problem isn't the current president (although he isn't helping the cause),it's the size of government and its desire to take over every little detail in the lives of its citizenry.
nobody campaigns better than Obama...he'll get re-elected

his foreign policy is spotty but you have to expect that after what happened this decade, i disagree with sending more troops but i have faith in his long termplan

as far as the economy...will be a major issue of the 2012 election i predict, if it's on an upswing he's a lock
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

nobody campaigns better than Obama...he'll get re-elected

his foreign policy is spotty but you have to expect that after what happened this decade, i disagree with sending more troops but i have faith in his long term plan

as far as the economy...will be a major issue of the 2012 election i predict, if it's on an upswing he's a lock
As it stands right now, the 2012 election will have little to nothing to do with foreign policy.
Originally Posted by yancancook90

Originally Posted by Kn0wledgeable

recently, i have been thinking the same thing. why is he getting the nobel peace prize though? even he thinks he doesn't deserve it. he has not done much change, yet at least

its ironic, he wins a Nobel Peace prize, but at the same time he is sending more troops in to Afghanistan to fight a war.

as ironic as naming the Nobel prize after the man that invented dynamite
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