I dont know why so many people are so quick to jump all over you and start arguments with you, your threads have substance....and i agree with 95% of the !#!+ you post.
I think its hilarious because He does stuff like sleep with married women who may have children with the mindset of "eh, people cheat. That's just what we do." and then gets outraged at things like this
. Dude is hilarious at times.
Dude is pure comedy.
Again this thread isn't about me and my values or "lack thereof". If I paid someone to manage and start a very important project for me by a deadline and I saw dude on the news the next day gambling and hitting up strip clubs, I would be heated.
like dude doesn't do any work from 8 am - 10 pm every day.. I'd literally like to see anyone do this and not at some normal job but as leader of thefree world and most powerful nation in the world.
See if you don't need a couple hours a week to yourself. Even then you get briefings every 5-10 minutes. Your advisors and cabinet is still doing work atthis time.
If any president didn't do other thing guaranteed within 6 months they would go off the deep end.
It's funny how when it comes down to it people are crying over the lil things instead of dudes policies. Or at least cry louder over his cheeseburger orhis wife's arms, or his use of the teleprompter (which the scary thing is Bush used it every speech, as has every president since the invention)... Onceyou start criticizing his policies more than random crap you may be taken seriously. But since opposition hasn't or lacked substanced to the argument itmakes Obama look like damn G. Washington b/c you can't give a god reason for Obama FTL or Obama unappreciation.