
these for me, i cant wait for those royal foamposites to drop, eciaccord if you don't mind me asking where did you get those Olympic uptempos from did they drop already, nice cakes and great pick ups everyone
i usually don't post my pickups since all i have is an iphone for a camera, but o well got a
couple of grails in this week so guess i post some highlights over the past month or so.

last but not least maybe my greatest grail.
C1- no problem homie, hope you enjoy them and add a little variety to your collection.

Neukicks- cmon son, what are you talking about? I didn't get anything through the pm's besides you got my no.

SinnerP- click the tennis thread on Monday
columbia XIs

dreads - the oly uptempos dropped at HoH in Mia for the grand opening.
Originally Posted by Koopa2410

arisorous - those v rings. i'm about to stock up on v's. the vi's making me throw up.
. where did you cop early?
Originally Posted by fizzy23

Originally Posted by arisorous
Dude! Where did you get these??????

one of my dudes in LA got em early... off the trunk sale
^thanks homie! I'm one pair away from having all the retro colorways. I NEED those Olympic Uptempos! Good pick ups everyone
Originally Posted by eciaccord

Selecta- It was the easiest pick up ever for me. I walked in around 9:30 hoping they had the lebron pre heat. No lebrons but I saw these on display and it totally changed my mind. I know things are gonna be crazy at 2:30 for the grand opening. I'm so glad we finally got a HOH here in Orlando.
how was the hoh didnt get a chance to go
are those brandon's sig shoe from under armor???....if so how much and where are they available
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