Offical 2009-10 NBA Season Thread

Originally Posted by DLo13

Has anybody run in here to post "JAMAICA QUEENS STAND UP!" yet?

I'd assume I'm the only in here from Jamaica but I'll pass

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[h3]Dumars looking to deal?[/h3]
10:03AM ET

[h5]Detroit Pistons[/h5]
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Joe Dumars started breaking up the Pistons last year because he didn't feel they could compete for a championship. The team is struggling this season and Dumars is willing to make more trades if it helps long-term.

"We will not be averse to being active before the trading deadline," Dumars told The Associated Press Thursday. "But we're definitely not going to be active just to be active. At this stage, it has to make sense for us going forward. We're not looking for a short-term fix."

"We are not a finished product. "We have some holes to fill and we will go about doing that."

Players most often mentioned that Dumars would be willing to trade include Tayshaun Prince, Richard Hamilton and Kwame Brown.

http:// [h3]C.D.R. won't be like T.O.[/h3]
9:48AM ET

[h5]Chris Douglas-Roberts | Nets[/h5]
Top Email Douglas-Roberts was having a fairly productive season for the lowly Jersey Nets under Lawrence Frank, but that has not been the case since Kiki Vandeweghe took over as the head coach.

The philosophy now is to center the offense around Lopez and Yi Jianlian.

"It's a different offense. It's a different scheme. It's a different system," Douglas-Roberts told The Star-Ledger. "So things are a lot different. It's as simple as that. Things are a lot different now."

As much as he's frustrated with the losing and the way the offense is run and the decrease in minutes, Douglas-Roberts says he won't be a troublemaker.

"We emphasize a system, and that's what happens," he said, when asked about the team's nightly pattern. "It's that simple. I don't know. I don't know about that. But at the end of the day, I'm doing my job. If my job is 'Feed the post,' I'm feeding the post. I never want to be the guy who's the bad apple. A guy called me Terrell Owens the other day on Twitter, man. How? So I don't ever want to be that."

http:// [h3]Arenas won't be welcomed back?[/h3]
9:22AM ET

[h5]Gilbert Arenas | Wizards[/h5]
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Gilbert Arenas is expected to plead guilty today to a single felony count of carrying a pistol without a license in exchange for avoiding jail time.

Arenas is currently suspended by the league for his behavior after the incident. The final straw happened when Arenas pretended his hands were guns during the announcement of the starting lineups. A source close to the point guard says Arenas told NBA investigators that he did that because he doesn't feel the Wizards were supporting him.

"If your own franchise, the people you considered family, weren't there for you when you needed them most, would you want to play for them and be around them anymore?" the source told The Washington Post. Arenas "was wrong for bringing guns into the locker room, and it's going to mean pleading guilty to a felony. It's serious business. But the way this came out and how Ernie Grunfeld and the organization handled the facts makes you wonder if he will ever play for them again."

Another source tells the newspaper that peace between the team and the player would be difficult if Arenas can't be traded and his contract can't be voided.

"Until Gilbert realizes none of this would have happened if he hadn't brought guns in the locker room and accepts responsibility for his actions, he won't be welcomed back anywhere," said the source.

http:// [h3]Karl closer to signing new deal?[/h3]
8:54AM ET

[h5]George Karl | Nuggets[/h5]
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Contract negotiations between head coach George Karl and the Nuggets continued on Thursday and the two sides might be getting closer to an agreement.

"It's a complicated discussion and process because of the potential lockout (after 2010-11)", Bret Adams, Karl's agent, told The Denver Post. "It's a different economic environment. All of that has added a complexity to contract negotiations that simply hasn't been there before. But both parties are professionally and diligently working to keeping George Karl in Denver."

"We really want to try to move towards a resolution," Adams said, "because we don't these contract discussions to be a distraction."

http:// [h3]May happy, despite not playing?[/h3]
7:52AM ET

[h5]Sean May | Kings[/h5]
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Sean May signed with the Kings because he thought he could be part of the playing rotation. May is hardly playing, but says he is very happy in Sacramento. He also says he knows he could be traded.

"I was telling coach Paul Westphal, 'I'm not even playing, and this is the happiest that I've been since I've been in the NBA,' " May told The Sacramento Bee. "I enjoy coming to practice every day. I enjoy my teammates. My life is great. The only thing I would change is if I was playing 15 to 20 minutes a game. It seems simple, but at the same time it's hard."

"I talked with my agent (recently) about different scenarios," May said. "And the fact of the matter is you don't know what's going to happen. Look at Portland -- that happened overnight, bodies going down. You never know what could happen. I like Sacramento. I love the organization. ... It's hard to sit here and sit, as a player and a competitor. But I can't worry whether I want to be traded. I would like to see it work out here."

http:// [h3]NBA, Kings back major land swap[/h3]
7:41AM ET

[h5]Sacramento Kings[/h5]
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The NBA is supporting a land-swap proposal that would lead to the building of a new arena for the Sacramento Kings. The NBA and the Maloof family back the concept because it has private investors willing to put up money.

"We wouldn't be here today if the Maloofs didn't like it," NBA representative John Moag told The Sacramento Bee on Thursday.
The Maloofs issued a short statement thanking the NBA and the mayor. "We're committed to help any way we can."

http:// [h3]DeRozan claiming a victory already?[/h3]
7:30AM ET

[h5]DeMar DeRozan | Raptors[/h5]
Top Email DeRozan's goal since the NBA draft is to compete in the dunk contest during All-Star weekend.

He will participate in a dunk-off against Gordon at halftime of the Rookie-Sophomore game on that Friday night and the winner will be part of the main dunk contest on Saturday. DeRozan is confident he's going to win both of them.

"I don't care if Jordan is in it," DeRozan tells the Toronto Sun. "Ever since I was in the eighth or ninth grade, every dunk contest I did, I never lose. In the ninth grade, I was in one with Michael Beasley and Henderson and won. I always feel confident. I like pulling things off."

http:// [h3]Bosh ready for media onslaught?[/h3]
7:24AM ET

[h5]Chris Bosh | Raptors[/h5]
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The Toronto Raptors play the Knicks in New York tonight and Chris Bosh, one of the top free agents this summer, knows the media is going to be all over him wanting to know what he's going to do.

"Is anybody ready for the New York media?" Bosh asked the Toronto Sun after practice yesterday. "There are a lot of newspapers, a lot of TV stations. There's a lot of everything in New York. I'm just going to New York to play a basketball game."

According to the newspaper, the Raptors media department has assigned two officials for tonight's game.

http:// [h3]Finley returning soon?[/h3]
6:09AM ET

[h5]Michael Finley | Spurs[/h5]
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From today's San Antonio Express-News:

"The Spurs have reassigned swingman Malik Hairston to Austin of the Development League. Hairston appeared in 21 games with the Spurs. The move could be a sign Michael Finley, out since Dec. 5 with a sprained left ankle, might be nearing a return."

http:// [h3]Can Lewis and Carter play together?[/h3]
6:01AM ET

[h5]Rashard Lewis | Magic[/h5]
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Rashard Lewis' numbers are down this season as a result of less shot attempts and he's getting a bit frustrated. Lewis acknowledges that the swap of Hedo Turkoglu to Vince Carter is affecting his game, but he vows to make it work.

"Vince and I were talking. We have to make this work," Lewis told the Orlando Sentinel. "It feels different (this season). But we got to make it work. Nobody's going anywhere. We're not jelling. We're playing OK, but we're not elite ... where we need to be. It feels like we're one of last-place teams."

"You look at the stat sheet, it kind of speaks for itself every night. I think in order for me to have a good game I have to make every shot, every last one of them. Because I'm not getting very many of them," said Lewis, an edge to his voice. "Guys coming off the bench are getting more shots. There's nothing I can do about it. ... I don't think were just playing with a good rhythm on the offensive end as a team."

http:// [h3]55 not a curse?[/h3]
5:19AM ET

[h5]Brandon Jennings | Bucks[/h5]
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A few weeks ago Bucks rookie Brandon Jennings said his 55-point game against Golden State had turned into a curse because it put unrealistic expectations on him. Jennings has since changed his mind.

"It's not a curse, it's a blessing actually," Jennings told the Journal Sentinel Thursday. "It's put Milwaukee on the map. We've benefited from that game. You know, ESPN games and everything."

Jennings is not expecting to score 55 points against the Warriors in Oakland tonight.

"The main thing is I feel they're going to play more aggressive," Jennings said. "They're not going to let the same thing happen again."

http:// [h3]NBA urged to drop age rule[/h3]
4:43AM ET

[h5]NBA Draft[/h5]
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The New York Times reports Education Secretary Arne Duncan said the NBA's minimum age rule sets up young athletes for failure during a speech at the NCAA convention Thursday.

"They are simply passing through your institutions on their way to something else," he told the audience. "Some of them make it, some of them wash out very, very quickly."

After his speech, Duncan called the NBA rule a "farce" and "intellectually dishonest."

Billy Hunter, executive director of the NBA Players Association, said in a statement that "the vast majority of our players have consistently expressed their opposition to the age limitation and we fully intend to revisit the issue in collective bargaining on their behalf."

http:// [h3]Could Oden return this year?[/h3]
4:26AM ET

[h5]Greg Oden | Trail Blazers[/h5]
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Everyone is counting on Greg Oden to miss the rest of the season after he fractured his left patella in December.

But is there a sliver of hope he could perhaps return before the season is up? Looks like it.

Oden told the Portland Tribune the Blazers' medical team hasn't dismissed it.

"It's possible, but you know, we'll play this by ear, and we'll be very cautious," GM Kevin Pritchard told the paper. "We're not going to push. We'll let it happen naturally and follow what the doctor orders."

It still seems unlikely at this point, but if Oden were able to return late in the season, he could be a nice option off the bench in limited minutes if the Blazers make the playoffs.
So help me if Oden comes back. I will be ALL over Pritchard the wonderful. I will bury that dude.

Oden coming back doesn't win a damn thing this year, so let him heal up completely. This franchise just makes it too easy for me sometimes.
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

Ummmmm why is Bron the inbounder during crunch time?
Because the inbounder is the most dangerous player on the court....
word to Robert Horry...
Pritchard is just saying that to keep everyone optimistic. Everyone knows Oden's outlook is bleak.

You seen what Coach Gaines told the team after Boobie got hurt in Friday Night Lights?
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

Ummmmm why is Bron the inbounder during crunch time?
Because the inbounder is the most dangerous player on the court....
word to Robert Horry...

i agree in some cases but horry cant create his own shot and hes a dangerous catch and shoot player while Lebron can create his own shot which makes sense thathe doesnt inbound
But the cavs had to hit there free throws, bron wasn't going to get the ball back after he threw the ball In
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]LeBron was saltyafter the game. That is understandable but he seemed directly upset about something. The team was in a big hurry to get out of here and to the airport so therewasn't time to find out. I can guess that it may have been because wasn't selected to take the clutch free throws in the final minutes. Hewas the trigger man on those out of bounds plays. He may have just been angry that he had to carry everyone in this game. Though, as pointed out above, it wasmore than just because guys weren't making shots. Cleveland PlainDealer[/font]
[h2]Sophomore 20: Large and in charge[/h2]
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By David Thorpe
Scouts Inc.

Joe Murphy/NBAE/Getty ImagesFront and center: Kevin Love, Marc Gasol and other second-year bigs are doing damage down low.

Even though Derrick Rose and a few other second-year guards are playing great ball, the bigs are still the story for this class. So for this Sophomore 20 report, I've ranked the top big men and top guards separately.

For the bigs, there are 10 deserving candidates. For the guards, there is a major dropoff in production after the top 5. Let's take a look.
[h3]Top 10 bigs[/h3]


1. Marc Gasol, Grizzlies
Although he was limited to three straight sub-double-digit scoring games recently, Gasol has been a rock for Memphis all season long. He is averaging almost 15 points and 10 rebounds a game. Bigs who require double-teams on offense but don't normally need help defending the post are a coach's dream. Gasol fits that bill.

The Grizzlies will need him to produce if they want to remain in playoff contention -- he averages 16 points per game in wins and 13 in losses. That's a big swing.



2. Brook Lopez, Nets
Lopez's success last season was no fluke. He's very good. That he's playing for the worst team in the league shouldn't change our opinion of him. Although he's not shooting well from midrange, he's killing people down low and blocking two shots a game.

As the Nets' franchise center, he needs to be the guy who leads the team back to respectability. A tough self-critic, Lopez is sometimes too focused on his own play and not focused enough on his whole team.



3. Kevin Love, Timberwolves
The best rebounding forward in basketball, Love is already a master of positioning. And a few more seasons of leaning out and getting more athletic will serve him well. If someone were to ask me who will have the most rebounds this decade, I'd probably say Love or Dwight Howard.

In addition, Love is a solid paint scorer who is starting to get to the free throw line with more frequency -- this is an important part of his overall development. He has earned a double-double in all but five games this season.



4. Danilo Gallinari, Knicks
Gallo still looks like the best shooter in this class despite his 0-for-7 outing in Oklahoma City on Monday. And like great shooters do, he has been able to bounce back from poor showings with strong performances. Check out what he did after three games in which he missed all of his 3-pointers:

On November 21, he made 3 of 8 shots from deep. On November 29, he made 4 of 5. And on December 17, he roasted the Bulls with 6 3s in 15 attempts.



5. Michael Beasley, Heat
Beasley may have some consistency issues off the court, in terms of focus and work ethic, but not on the court. Look at his monthly totals: In November, he averaged 14.2 ppg and 6.6 rpg; in December, he averaged 17.3 ppg and 6.6 rpg; and through seven games in January, he is averaging at 17.3 ppg and 6.7 rpg. Those are solid numbers for a No. 2 guy on a playoff team.

One of the best young bucket-getters in basketball, he's shooting well from the field, too. If he cuts down his 3-point attempts (16 for 59), he'd be even more effective.



6. Roy Hibbert, Pacers
Hibbert is becoming an important piece on the Pacers, albeit a situational one at times. He's had some terrific games against teams with legitimate big men inside, like his 26 and 8 game against Orlando and his 21 and 7 against Minnesota. But against smaller teams, like Toronto, he barely plays.

Overall, he's been just as productive as last season. And since he's getting nine more minutes a game than he did in his rookie season, his stats are better. But as the Pacers look to the future, it's still not clear if he's more than just an effective role player.



7. Jason Thompson, Kings
Thompson looked like a lock for this year's rook-soph game. However, he is really struggling now, averaging only 8.5 ppg and 7.3 rpg in January. What's worse is that his foul problems have increased -- he's averaging four a game in just 28 minutes.

The Kings thought they had their power forward of the future. But Thompson must fight for his spot going forward; Sacramento will likely be able to land a starting 4 through free agency or the draft if it so chooses.



8. Ersan Ilyasova, Bucks
Ilyasova appears to have hit a wall, averaging just 6 ppg in the new year after scoring 11.9 ppg in each of the season's two previous months. In fact, going back to December 21, he had five different games where he made just one field goal.

Part of his problem is shot selection -- almost half of his shot attempts have been 3s lately; in November and December, 3s accounted for only 35 percent of his overall shots. He's at his best when he's moving and finding shots inside the perimeter, as he's an excellent finisher.



9. Ryan Anderson, Magic
Struggling since Rashard Lewis returned to the lineup, Anderson averaged only 6.8 ppg on 33.3 percent shooting from 3 in December. So, he was benched for two games last week.

The Magic promptly lost at home to Toronto then again at Washington, so Van Gundy put Anderson back into the lineup. He responded by scoring 26 points in the next two games combined, making 4 of his 8 3-point attempts. And the Magic won both games. That is how you earn back rotation minutes.



10. Anthony Randolph, Warriors
Before going down with an ankle injury, if any player deserved more playing time, it was Randolph. Consider that his minutes had gone down to 19 per game this month and that he still averaged almost 12 ppg -- the same as he did with more playing time in November and December. His rebounds per game had been almost exactly the same from month to month as well.

Many young players let the roller coaster of playing time negatively impact their performance, but Randolph has avoided that with smarter shot selection despite the reduction in minutes. He may have some maturity issues behind the scenes, but any GM would be proud of a young player who has remained committed to getting better in an environment as strange as Golden State's.

[h3]Top 10 guards[/h3]


1. Russell Westbrook, Thunder
Westbrook has been a better all-around player this season and it's showing in his stats and in the Thunder's win column. Exactly a year ago, Oklahoma City had a total of six wins. Six. It currently has 21.

The quarterback for his team, Westbrook is as much a reason for the Thunder's success as Scott Brooks or Kevin Durant. His turnover rate (11.1) is down, his assist rate (26.7) is up and he can still score 25-plus points when necessary. If you ever read about the impossibility of teaching a 2-guard to play the point, just revel in what's going on in Oklahoma City.



2. Derrick Rose, Bulls
Ah, normalcy reigns again in this report. After ranking 12th on this list last month, the reigning Rookie of the Year is moving up the charts. He has been the catalyst for the resurgence in Chi-town, scoring 21.3 points a game on 51.4 percent shooting this month -- not an easy feat considering teams still lay in wait for him.

It's hard to balance scoring and setting guys up when you are as explosive off the dribble as Rose is, but he's learning to do just that. And his shot looks smoother, too. He may never see the floor the way Steve Nash, Chris Paul or Deron Williams do, but he sees it well enough to be a fun guy to play with. I like him as a player more now than ever.



3. Eric Gordon, Clippers
Gordon is averaging 17 points per game and has a true shooting percentage of 58.7. Only one other shooting guard in the league is averaging more than 12 points a game with a true shooting percentage that high. Ray Allen, who averages 16.5 points a game and also boasts a 58.7 TS%. That's pretty special company for an undersized shooter like Gordon.

And Gordon is so much more than a shooter. He also gets to the line, where he averages almost four made free throws a game. And he's one of the more dynamic transition players in the NBA, too, as his strong build, combined with his agility and body control, make him very difficult to stop when he pushes the ball. He's still a bit of an "either/or" guy -- he either takes the 3 or drives to the rim -- but it seems only a matter of time before he improves his midrange game.



4. O.J. Mayo, Grizzlies
If the 3-point contest were held tonight, Mayo would be the favorite. He's making 54.8 percent from behind the arc since Jan. 1. But the thing I like the most when I watch Mayo now is how invested he seems to be in winning.

Despite all the hype that surrounded him in his rookie season, he doesn't appear to have any obvious issues conceding to the likes of Zach Randolph, Rudy Gay and even Marc Gasol. Mayo could easily be a top-two or top-three option on a number of teams, but he is basically No. 4 in Memphis. Accepting a lesser role has helped turn the Griz into a potential playoff team, and he deserves some credit for it.



5. George Hill, Spurs
Hill is having an outstanding January, combining hot shooting with solid and sometimes spectacular defense. He's shooting 25 of 37 from the field (7 of 12 from 3) this month while playing over 20 minutes a night for a team that's won 12 of its last 16. His accuracy from deep and energy on D make him a perfect role player in San Antonio.

The 26th pick in the 2008 draft, Hill is another example of the Spurs getting great value for their selections.



6. Jerryd Bayless, Blazers
Bayless has been a strong part of Portland's rejuvenated rotation, where he finds way to score from the perimeter, on drives and, of course, from the free throw line. He's taken 124 free throws in 560 minutes, whereas Mayo has only 121 free throw attempts in over 1,400 minutes.

If Bayless can develop a consistent shot, his value would jump way up.

7. Mario Chalmers, Heat
In our rookie report last year, we mentioned that Chalmers was not playing well enough to guarantee himself the starting point guard spot even though he was starting. That future arrived last weekend in the form of Rafer Alston, and now Chalmers is battling Carlos Arroyo for the backup spot. He's in the lead now, but that probably will be a race that goes back and forth until April.



8. Chris Douglas-Roberts, Nets
With the strong play of Yi Jianlian, who is getting some of the offense run through him, CDR's numbers have taken a hit.

He's scoring just 10 points a game this month and his three-point outing against Boston on Wednesday marked a season low. He can still get buckets if given a chance, but it appears the Nets see him ultimately as a bench player.

9. Courtney Lee, Nets
Defense is still his strong suit -- he's among the league's top 20 in steals per game and is the Nets' best perimeter shut-down guy. But his offense is improving, too, with better shot selection and a stronger eye for passing. He recently set a career high in points (28) and in 3s made (5), so perhaps he's close to breaking out as a shooter. His current 12.00 PER is also a career high.

10. Anthony Morrow, Warriors
Morrow has seen fewer shots and minutes ever since Stephen Curry started to come on strong. His last 20-plus point game was back on December 2 and his scoring average has dipped below 8 ppg this month.
I would be happy too if I was Sean May. Get paid doing nothing.

Mayor Kevin Johnson doing work. Finally, a new arena proposal where there are more money coming from private investors than the city and state. Please let thishappen.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Ehh...I'm still taking Lopez over Gasol right now.

They did it probably because of Gasol's efficiency compared to Lopez. Gasol is the 4th scoring option on the team and still averaging 15 and 10. I believeLopez is the go-to-scorer with the Nets and is more concerned with his statistical output than Gasol.

Its going to be scary to see how good Gasol will be in the next few years. People have said he could be better than Pau when its all said and done. Hewon't be that good with all those scorers there though.

I still don't like Gordon over OJ either, but can respect it. OJ and Gordon going against each other long-term will be a nice battle though. People get sohyped up in Rose/Rondo, but OJ/Gordon will definitely be a matchup to keep an eye throughout both of their careers.
Lol @ Marc gasol coming even close to the player Paul is right now, I hope all those people saying that are memphis fans and not NBA gm's

And nobody is going to give a rats +%* about oj mayo vs Gordon.
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

Lol @ Marc gasol coming even close to the player Paul is right now, I hope all those people saying that are memphis fans and not NBA gm's

And nobody is going to give a rats +%* about oj mayo vs Gordon.
The NBA GM's have been the ones to say it. Memphis fans wasn't thinking about it. Its obvious that it could happen with the type ofproduction he puts up with only averaging like 8 shots a game. He has everything Pau has other than his quickness and now experience. I don't know why itseems so far-fetched that he can't be 20 and 10 with his work ethic. I guess he'll just have to prove people wrong.


Kevin Love

Still can't believe he wasn't on the Rookie team last year. I know he did a lot of unnecessary complaining about it, but him not making it was someserious highway robbery.

Lopez > Gasol
I've always been a fan of E. House, but a video of yourself shooting HS 3s isn't the greatest campaign idea... even if it is cold outside.
Jamaal Crawford with the buzzer beater to get the W against the Suns. I know he's glad to finally be playing on a winningteam.

The Suns blow another lead again.
I dont know how many times i bring this up but Gerald Wallace needs to be an all star..

21pts 7rebs 4stls 5blks

they also beat the Spurs by 16 and held the spurs to 76 points

always good to see an underdog team do good
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