Offical 2009-10 NBA Season Thread

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I hate how NFL Tonight continues to come on even though the NFL offseaosn been over, so I have to wait until like after midnight to catch NBA highlights, or just catch SportsCenter in the morning. What other sport continues to maintain its own nightly show during the offseason?
you my friend need NBA TV, thats all i watch seriously
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I hate how NFL Tonight continues to come on even though the NFL offseaosn been over, so I have to wait until like after midnight to catch NBA highlights, or just catch SportsCenter in the morning. What other sport continues to maintain its own nightly show during the offseason?
ESPN cares more about NFL free agency than the NBA. NBATV is the only way to get good NBA coverage outside TNT nights.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I hate how NFL Tonight continues to come on even though the NFL offseaosn been over, so I have to wait until like after midnight to catch NBA highlights, or just catch SportsCenter in the morning. What other sport continues to maintain its own nightly show during the offseason?
ESPN cares more about NFL free agency than the NBA. NBATV is the only way to get good NBA coverage outside TNT nights.
100% true.

And Josh Howard... tin-man.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I hate how NFL Tonight continues to come on even though the NFL offseaosn been over, so I have to wait until like after midnight to catch NBA highlights, or just catch SportsCenter in the morning. What other sport continues to maintain its own nightly show during the offseason?
ESPN cares more about NFL free agency than the NBA. NBATV is the only way to get good NBA coverage outside TNT nights.

this is true...i love the NFL as much as the next guy but c'mon what really goes on in the offseason? 
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Are Statheads the NBA's Secret Weapon?:

[h3]Number Crunching[/h3] http://
Some NBA teams have employees whose only duty is statistical analysis, and some don't. Here's a breakdown of their winning percentages this season.
[/td][td] # OF TEAMS [/td][td] RECORD/
[/td][/tr][tr][td]Teams with
Stats-Specific Employees [/td][td]15[/td][td]570-392 (.593)[/td][/tr][tr][td]Teams without Stats-Specific Employees [/td][td]15[/td][td]390-568 (.407)[/td][/tr][/table]

numbers tell it all but they lie

15 of those stats teams employ stat heads but often ignore them (eg Toronto) the 8 teams that statistics factor heaviest into decision making are

Portland, OKC, Denver, Boston, Houston, Cleavland, Dallas and Orlando.

2 of them outperforming traditional analysts forecasts despite being decimated by injuries.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Suns dropped a buck fifty on the Wolves last night? 
  Good lord. 
Kurt Rambis after the game: "That's what happens when you don't play defense."

Great stuff coach!
...that's the kind of in-depth knowledge we pay you 8 million dollars for!
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by CP1708

Suns dropped a buck fifty on the Wolves last night? 
  Good lord. 
Kurt Rambis after the game: "That's what happens when you don't play defense."

Great stuff coach!
...that's the kind of in-depth knowledge we pay you 8 million dollars for!
It's been that kinda of a season for the wolves. I wonder if they can pull a win out against Utah. Especially the way D-Will has been playing.
Gilbert Arenas: What I've Learned

It started on the plane. Over a game of five-card spades — we call it boo-ray. Javaris Crittenton was losing money. He jumped in the middle of a conversation between two other guys playing and I didn't want to hear it no more. So I throw my cards down in the middle of the hand, tell them all, "I'm done. I'm getting on up." Javaris is saying, "No, this is some street **%!. Where I'm from, you gotta finish the game. My money's on the line." He and another guy say it's a misdeal and they want me to match the pot. "You gotta pay that debt," Javaris says, "or we gotta take it outside." Take it outside? He said, We gotta fistfight. I start joking. I put on some music. Michael Jackson. "You wanna be startin' something ..." Everyone's laughin'. He's like, "Nah, nah, homey. This is real. You ain't gonna joke with this. You owe me my money." So I start to play "Beat It."

It continues on the airport trolley. "We're gonna have to fight," he's saying. I said, "Man, it's snowing out there. I got on white Louis Vuitton shoes. If we get in a fight and one of my shoes falls off in the snow, I'm not gonna be able to find it. I'm gonna get frostbite. Before I get into a fistfight, I'll burn your car." He said, "You burn my car and I'll shoot your knees."

Brendan Haywood is saying, "Javaris, just leave it alone. You keep talking, he's going to keep irritating you."

Next practice I come real early, and I get word that Javaris is there. When I see him, my mind says, Boo yow! My guns, put them on the chair. That's where the problem came in — with the "boo yow!" I wasn't using longevity thinking.

Rewind. I had a big gun collection. About four to five hundred guns. The guy I bought it from was in his seventies. He'd been collecting them for years. He had First World War guns. I bought his whole collection and added to it. I didn't need a license to keep them in my house. There was an officer who would come by and look out for them. The door was reinforced and a security system was set up. But when my kids came, I said, I can't have these guns around. We put everything in storage, but I kept four: a gold Desert Eagle. There was a Smith & Wesson 500. A Kimber. The other was an old gun with a long clip. None of them were loaded. I kept them in a lockbox in the empty locker next to mine.

I put my four guns in my backpack so nobody could see them. I wrote the note: "Pick one." Put the guns on a chair where Javaris would find them. I go in the training room where he was. I can see him — "What's this? What's this?"

"You said you were gonna shoot me in my knee. I'm giving you the guns to do it."

"I don't need you to give me nothing. I've got my own gun." He pulls one out and puts the clip in. That's when some of the other players are saying, Man, I gotta get out of here. But then he puts his earphones in and starts singing. So I pick my guns up. From there, everything settled down. He goes into the Jacuzzi. You know what? I gotta warm my knee up anyway. I go in and sit with him. We're just sitting in there talking. We didn't have no problem. It was just some fun that got out of control.

It's like I told David Stern: Anything that happens in my life, I'm always looking to see, What can I make funny out of this? But I said, I know you need to set an example. He said he wasn't trying to make me an example. He said, "I know your personality. I've got to get you out of the limelight because you're not gonna let it go. When you come back, then we build." We talked about it for three minutes, and then for the rest of the time he told me about what he wants to do with the league.

I feel like I messed up Abe Pollin's legacy. I have a painting of him in my garage. I just walk by it with my head down. I called Mrs. Pollin and said, "If Abe was still with us, I would've had to talk to him, so I'm gonna give you the same respect. I want to say sorry to you. I deserve to be punished. I'll do everything it takes to get back your husband's respect."

A woman gave my dad $400 so we could get an apartment. We were living in a park. That's how we got started: Four hundred bucks, and look at me. When I donate a computer to a school, I never know what's going to come out of it.

When I was little, I looked in the mirror and held the Bible in my hand — that's how I talked to God. I never just asked for stuff. The way I saw it, if you give Him something, you get something. So I said, I want to ask for two things. I want to see my mother. If you let me see her, I won't ask her any questions. The second was, If you get me to the NBA somehow, I'll never do drugs.

When I hear about people murdering, I wonder, What has to go through your brain to say, I don't want him breathing anymore? What makes you get that angry? How can you take someone's breath away? That just blows my mind.

I was in honors classes in high school. I'd get an A on every test, but I had a 1.9 grade point average. The teacher would say, "You didn't do your homework." I'd say, "But isn't the homework supposed to be the lead-up to the test?"

Everyone is having sex until they fall in love. When you fall in love, then it's making love.

You can't start anything and not trust nobody. You trust everybody until they do something wrong.

Say it's all true. At the end of the day, that's not the reason I love Tiger. I got three Tiger Woods games for my Xbox just in case one gets scratched. On the cover, it doesn't have him walking next to his wife. It just has Tiger Woods, hitting shots.

My best moment in the league came when I scored my first bucket. Against Cleveland. I stole the ball and made a layup. I thought, If I never play another game again, it'll be in the record. Two points. Gilbert Arenas was in the NBA.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Great stuff coach!
...that's the kind of in-depth knowledge we pay you 8 million dollars for!

Kurt Rambis was an awful decision to hire for head coach.
they needa stop talking about Michael Redd so much..."they are playing great without michael redd"

Redd sucks now
good win for the bobcats
hope we can pass the bucks for 5th or drop to 7th because i do not want us to play the celtics
Hollins outcoached again.

That's a *$+%$ that the night the Spurs lose, we lose.

Its like Hollins doesn't care if we win or lose now since we "overachieved". He told Gasol to sit out tonight when he wanted to play.
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