Offical 2009-10 NBA Season Thread

Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by CP1708

I just seen that thread that Niketalker23 started last night about the Lakers playing 82 home games.

Are people really that stupid? Do they not know that every single team plays 41 and 41? So if we have frontloaded home games, that means we have backloaded road games. The Suns have frontloaded road games, and backloaded home games. Is that hard to understand for some folks?
You can't possibly be that dense.

Apparently I am, enlighten me. Please, teach me how not every team plays 41 and 41. What am I missing ol wise one?
Obviously that post NT23 created was tongue-in-cheek.....

I can get that, but he isn't the first one to bring it up either. He was merely the only one to make a thread about it.
Originally Posted by CP1708

I just seen that thread that Niketalker23 started last night about the Lakers playing 82 home games.

Are people really that stupid? Do they not know that every single team plays 41 and 41? So if we have frontloaded home games, that means we have backloaded road games. The Suns have frontloaded road games, and backloaded home games. Is that hard to understand for some folks?
so your going to call out dude and not post a link to the thread?...
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by CP1708

I just seen that thread that Niketalker23 started last night about the Lakers playing 82 home games.

Are people really that stupid? Do they not know that every single team plays 41 and 41? So if we have frontloaded home games, that means we have backloaded road games. The Suns have frontloaded road games, and backloaded home games. Is that hard to understand for some folks?
so your going to call out dude and not post a link to the thread?...

I'm too lazy for that nonsense.
But naw, I ain't mad at theguy or mean to call him out like he's a criminal, I was talking in general about all the buzz. Every time we are mentioned on ESPN, NBATV, newspapers etcetc they bring up the schedule. This isn't college football, we all play the same one.

It got locked anyways, some dudes got into it and Ska locked it, otherwise I woulda just posted and put it to page 1.
Originally Posted by Do Be Doo

Originally Posted by CP1708

I just seen that thread that Niketalker23 started last night about the Lakers playing 82 home games.

Are people really that stupid? Do they not know that every single team plays 41 and 41? So if we have frontloaded home games, that means we have backloaded road games. The Suns have frontloaded road games, and backloaded home games. Is that hard to understand for some folks?
so your going to call out dude and not post a link to the thread?...
the thread was locked and he got suspended.
LeBron to the Clippers
[h1]Forget all other scenarios, LeBron James is fit for the Clippers[/h1]I'm listening to Colin Cowherd's radio show Tuesday morning, and he's talking with someone about LeBron James maybe ending up in New York or New Jersey, and I keep waiting for Cowherd to say something brilliant.

He usually does, but he's off his game, and so now I'm the one who will have to make the argument that there's an excellent chance James will be playing for the Clippers next season.

Right now there are seven teams in salary-cap range to make a run at James. Among them, the Clippers offer the most attractive supporting cast to a guy who is probably pretty intent on winning a championship.

He can stay in Cleveland and make more money than anywhere else, but how much would they have to pay you to live in Cleveland?

Throw out Minneapolis and Oklahoma City, too, because no one wants to live there. The Knicks are loaded with stiffs, making it impossible to win any time soon and he will be halfway through his contract before New Jersey is playing in something other than a dump.

That leaves, Miami, Chicago and the worst sports franchise known to mankind.

Does James want to play with another megastar like Dwyane Wade? Doubt it.

Hard to argue with Chicago right now, but for someone like James, who has already shown a keen interest in Hollywood, why not the entertainment capital?

The Clippers have seven players under contract for next season, potential young stars in Blake Griffin and Eric Gordon to go along with Baron Davis, Chris Kaman and Al Thornton.

If the Clippers still have to drop someone to clear more salary room for James, that's easy -- bye Al.

In a recent interview, Donald Sterling was talking about having a ton of money and wanting to spend it on a superstar. He thought he had a deal with Kobe Bryant. Why shouldn't he think there's a chance to land James?

If James leaves Cleveland, he will get about $16.5 million next season, no matter who signs him. That's the way the NBA works.

Talk about a basketball legacy for the ages -- how would you like to be known as the only player in NBA history to make the Clippers a winner? At the same time you get to square off with Bryant for basketball supremacy, up close and personal.

Now there's a Nike commercial for the game's top two competitors with Staples Center as the backdrop.
If LeBron turned around the Clippers, that would be the single greatest feat in sports history
Yo, efffffff that, I was the one who said Clippers in the offseason thread.
That dude stole my idea.
I just found the thread....

dude was mad....

at him for not knowing about 41 home games and 41 road games....
Everyone has been talking about the Clippers, CP you ain't the first. Still can't see it though, I don't think he would want to be the second actin a city, which let's be real he would be. It would be funny to see "Lakers" fans all start going to Clippers games once Kobe is donethough
. Lakers games start looking like Clips games

I just don't understand how Bosh is a franchise player yet his team is awful. It's not like they don't have talent either, Barganni (sp) and Turkcan both ball, Calderon is solid, Jarret Jack is a good player off the bench. Bosh is a second option plain and simple. I wouldn't mind the Knicks givinghim the max though, waiting till the summer aftre that and throwing a max deal at Melo or someone else.
I have to make sure I state my claims early, Mike seems to think I was pro Oden over Durant from back in the day. So now I have to make sure of everything Isay so we're clear.

Notice how he's saying he thought Osh was anti Bosh last year? Mike is keepin tabs on people apparently.
JapanAir21 wrote:

Those guys I think are locks.

Then there's question marks, a ton.

Vince Carter? Caron Butler? JO? Shaq? Horford? Noah? Gearld? Granger? Rose? Iguodala?

JA, I didn't want to step on the G Wallace thread, I'm tryna be a nicer gentler CP, but what is this garbage?

No to Rose, no way Shaq, GT.OH with JO, Horford maybe, Noah way, Granger is out so won't get in, AI2 yes. Wallace hopefully.

Personally I think Jamison deserves to be in there before Caron, but thas just me. But ya'll think Rondo gets in? High profile type vote?

Vince i think is in, he even deserves it.

So where does that put me? Rondo (I guess) Wade, JJ, Bron, Peirce, Bosh, KG, D12, Vince, Wallace, AI2, and either Jamison or Horford, I lean towards Twan.

What you got out west JA?

I go CP3, Nash, Kobe, Melo, Dirk, Bynum, Amare, DWill, Duncan, Durant, and then have about 4 guys I wonder about. Roy (shoulda been a lock, but now I dunno)Kaman, Marc Gasol, and Ellis. Maybe Boozer too.
Rondo is an all-star that is all I know.

Co-Sign on Jamison over Butler too. I think Butler is one of those guys that was underrated for a long time, and than everyone realized and now he has becomeslightly overrated. I have been unimpressed with his play for the past year and a half.
Don't sleep on Noah. I threw out Shaq and JO because they aren't that far behind the other C's I mentioned. JO is actually averaging more points, afew less rebounds, and about the same amount of blocks. Obviously Horford is the better player and he's a stud but he's not THAT far off.

But back on Noah, he's grabbing a ton of boards, he's playing very efficiently, he's playing good defense, he's one their most valuableplayers.

Rondo was really kind of MEH to me. What other guard is going to get votes? I don't know. MAYBE VC, I actually wouldn't be surprised if he got votedin. I think Rondo gets in regardless though. Granger's probably a no because of his injury. Tawn has only played 10 games so far, and although he's hada better impact, Caron's been around and done well. By February, maybe, but right now, Caron deserves the nod.

Iggy gets the nod I think though..

I didn't put too much thought into it, but I guess CRUNCHING 12 names..


That's 12 guys there, and that's with guys like Gerald Wallace, Antawn Jamison excluded.

I won't go into depth too much with my West picks unless someone has a problem with em.


Unless another forward comes in instead of Kaman and Duncan/Amare is listed as a C.. I don't think it changes too much from that.
I like Butler, I don't mean to hate on dude, I just think Jamison has been ballin since he came back. Puttin up real decent numbers. Whenever I seethem play, I notice him, I don't notice Butler or Arenas as much.

Speakin of Arenas, he still play?

He typed a lotta words for a long time, but I haven't seen him do anything on the court that made me
. And now he don't type either. Weird how that works.
Horford has the edge on Noah as of now because he has been better offensively but we'll see what happens as the season develops.
So we pretty much have the same then.

But are we feelin good goin Roy over Ellis?

Ellis with almost 25 5 and 4 with 2 steals, at 46 percent, Roy with 20 5 and 5 with less then a steal and at 45 percent.

And I'm sure someone will want to bring up PER, which Ellis probably sucks at cuz of his turnovers.
Still though, Roy over Monta?
Are you serious? Yes, Roy will get chosen by the coaches 101 times out of 100 over Monta. He also deserves it.

I also don't think Caron is an All Star.

And I would like to see Kaman get that Z treatment and rot on the bench (that is if he gets chosen).
As of now, this is how I see it shaking out:
Wade, Carter, LeBron, KG and D12 starting.
Jennings or Mo or Rondo, Johnson, Pierce, Wallace, JSmoove, Bosh, Bogut or Horford off the bench.

Snubs: Lopez, Jamison, Granger.

Kobe, CP3, Melo, Duncan, Amare starting.
DWill, Nash, Billups, Durant, Dirk, Boozer, Bynum or Pau (or both
) off the bench.

Snubs: BRoy, Monta, Gay.
I know Roy is the better player, Monta is having the better year.

So um.....Bron is getting heat from his own diehards about not having a post game to speak of, and I'm watchin last night as Kobe is taking left handedturnarounds off the block.

Left handed folks. Left handed. Anyone wanna bet he's picking that up from Gasol?

Utah was right there til that 4th quarter, I say they skunk us Sat night in their gym, second of a back to back.

Rockets. Tough @#$ mothers........

The Hornets ran the EXACT same play two times in a row to win the game, Wolves gotta adjust better then that, all the Hornets did was switch Paul to theimbounder, come on.

Minny's court sucks. Hate that @#$%

Raptors confuse me to no end. I see them play decent, then they play like girls. Play good again, play femalish again. What the hell?

Said it months ago, say it now, gonna say it again all year, Cavs are third in the East, which means they have ZERO shot at winning anything. Last year wasperfect for them, they were auto for the conference finals, then all they had to do was take on the winner of the Bos/Orld slugfest. And they choked. Well,this year the Cavs will be the one that has to play BOTH series, either Boston or Orld in the second round, and if they lucky enough to get thru that, theother one will be well rested and waiting for them in the conference finals. Bye bye Bron, I see plenty of time for dancing on your schedule around mid May.

Martell Webster really shooting 39 percent for the season?
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

As of now, this is how I see it shaking out:
Wade, Carter, LeBron, KG and D12 starting.
Jennings or Mo or Rondo, Johnson, Pierce, Wallace, JSmoove, Bosh, Bogut or Horford off the bench.

Snubs: Lopez, Jamison, Granger.

Kobe, CP3, Melo, Duncan, Amare starting.
DWill, Nash, Billups, Durant, Dirk, Boozer, Bynum or Pau (or both
) off the bench.

Snubs: BRoy, Monta, Gay.
Mo Williams DOES NOT deserve to go to the allstar game
Dirk is starting for the West this year.

It would be a straight MOCKERY if Dirk didn't start when his town is hosting it.

Not only that, but he's playing the best ball since his MVP season, and maybe even BETTER.
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