Offical 2009-10 NBA Season Thread

I'm starting to question whether Westbrook is a difference maker on the Thunder when they play other teams. It seems like they win even when he has thosereally terrible nights. He had another horrible night shooting 4-17 from the field, 4 turnovers and only had 2 assists. I like the guy, but for everyintangible play he makes, he makes another flat out boneheaded, costly play.

Yes, that comes along of trying to work with a young PG, but what has he learned after being in the league a year? The only reason I'm saying this becausehe suppose to have lots of potential to be a high level PG in the league, but how quickly will he actually catch on? I do think he will always be turnoverprone and a below average shooter in the league though.
this is something dealing with the iverson issue from memphis that i thought was interesting. it came from an interview with the owner from

3SOB: The Allen Iverson situation obviously didn't work out the way you planned. There's been a lot of discussion here in Memphis about why his role wasn't more clearly defined at the meeting in Atlanta.

MH: Well at the meeting in Atlanta it was pursued and it was pretty clear. I don't know why you're assuming it wasn't clear.

3SOB: Well the comment was ...

MH: You think the problem was it wasn't clear?

3SOB: No sir. It was the comments made at the press conference that whether or not he would start or not never came up in the conversation and Iverson was obviously upset that he wasn't the starter right away.

MH: Believe me I have made comments with people talking to me now and where I have said I thought Allen would be a very positive influence on their team and I would love to see him back in the NBA. I'm sorry he's not back with me.

What happened was that Allen was told he would have the ability to compete for the starting role. That's what he was told. Lionel said I am very concerned that you won't let me coach you. He was very blunt to Allen. He [Iverson] said no it won't be a problem. And Lionel said, and I remember very clearly what he said, if it's close to the end of the game, maybe a minute left, and I take you out and put somebody else in are you willing to accept that? Allen was a little disturbed but he said yes.

That's the way the meeting ended. Allen said he wanted the opportunity to compete for it. What happened? Well, #1 Allen will tell you that he didn't work out until he signed a contract because he didn't want to hurt himself. So he was not coming into the camp in the greatest of shape but Allen's body is one that is almost always in shape. Well they came to camp and he was out of shape, not like an overweight guy but not in NBA shape. So he's coming along and then Allen tears his hamstring and he had to sit down.

I told Allen at that time "Allen, I'm going to be the guy that makes the final decision: when you come back to play, when you get back on the court, and how much time you get. And I'm going to get my recommendations from the trainer." Allen said fine and went on. Allen didn't complain. He didn't play in any of the exhibition games except the first one when he got hurt and sat out after the first quarter. So he got no exhibition games. He didn't get any conditioning either because he couldn't run.

So when the season started Allen was still injured and not in the best of condition. We were going to have to bring him along slowly. The trainer said I don't want him playing in the first two or three games but when he starts to play we should play him about 15 minutes. We're going to watch him very closely and bring him along slowly otherwise he's going to injure this leg again. So that's the directions Lionel got. He played him 18 minutes in the first game when we told him 15 minutes. Which was fine and Allen did well. He scored 11 points in 18 minutes I think.

So in the 2nd game, if I remember correctly, he played 25 minutes and he scored 17 points. Now he went to the press and started @$%@($@* about not being the starter. I think he was being a little ridiculous to think he could be put out there after he's coming off that leg injury and be the starter and that he had earned it like he said he wanted to do.

Lionel then had a meeting with him and the team; with all of the stuff that was going on around the team and Allen was very upset. I was in the Middle East when this took place and I flew for 29 hours and when I got home I heard there was a problem and I flew out to the West Coast. Lionel and I met with Allen and I thought things were going to be straightened out.

He came to me that night and said he had a problem at home that he had to take care of, which I believed to be true and I still do believe, and I told him to take as much time as he needed to take care of his personal problem and so he left.

I didn't hear from him for a couple of days. Then I heard he was thinking of retiring. I talked to his agent and his agent told me that he was thinking of retiring, and that he didn't think it was a good idea. I said I didn't think it was either, and I hoped he would come back. Then we heard that he is going to come back. Then at the last minute Allen announced he was retiring. I told his agent, Leon Rose, I don't want Allen to retire. I think that what we ought to do is have what is called a divorce, because this will allow Allen to play with anybody he wants and he won't have to clear waivers. So he said that that was very nice Mr. Heisley.

I wanted Allen back in the league. I wanted Allen to play in this league. If he can't play for us I want him to play for somebody else.

MH: So that's what happened with Allen. Now I don't know why people are having a problem with all of this. That's the reality but it's too matter of fact.

It's very tough to be one of the greatest players to ever play the game and get towards the end of your career, get traded, get injured, go through this process and keep an equilibrium. I'm not sure how Kobe or anybody else would handle that. But Allen's going to have to come to grips with his game and where he's going to play and how much he's going to play and how all of this is going to work out.

Now I hope he gets to go with Philadelphia 76ers. I talked to the General Manager. I hope he gets there. I think it would be spectacular for the 76ers. It would be great for the league to have him close out where he made his name. It would be a great story. Their PG is injured. He's going to be out for 8 weeks. They'll have a lot of time for Allen to show what he can do. That's the Allen Iverson story. I'm sorry I can't give you anything else.

I often wonder where all of this BS comes from. Not just Memphis but everywhere. Everyone is speculating. Nobody wants to get the real story. Where do they get that information. They watch those soap operas. They think this [stuff] up and believe that it's fact. So they print it. Then some other person prints another story and references it, saying according to sources and the source is that nutcase who made it up to begin with. It's unbelievable.

So anyway I really do hope that Iverson has a real good opportunity to have a good run in this league and nothing would make me happier. The most unhappy person is my wife right now. That's her favorite player and always has been since I got involved in basketball. She was a little upset with me that I couldn't work it out. I did everything I could.

So what else?

@ him saying AI was #%*(@$.
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Newest Bobcat's got your back - always

They still talk at Golden State about the night Stephen Jackson called out Kevin Garnett.

Garnett, the Boston Celtics star, is a bully. Andris Biedrins, a callow Eastern European center, fit the role of victim. A petulant sort, Garnett wouldn't shut up.

Jackson wasn't in uniform that night. He was too injured to play, a rarity. But he wasn't too injured to confront Garnett. Jackson took a step or two onto the court and told Garnett he could either stop talking or start fighting.

No one seemed surprised Jackson would intervene. The shocker was Garnett's acquiescence; he shut his yap.

"I knew Biedrins wasn't the type of guy to mouth off to Kevin Garnett," Jackson said. "And I wasn't going to let him punk a young teammate."



I would go to battle with Stephen Jackson.......Literally
Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Newest Bobcat's got your back - always

They still talk at Golden State about the night Stephen Jackson called out Kevin Garnett.

Garnett, the Boston Celtics star, is a bully. Andris Biedrins, a callow Eastern European center, fit the role of victim. A petulant sort, Garnett wouldn't shut up.

Jackson wasn't in uniform that night. He was too injured to play, a rarity. But he wasn't too injured to confront Garnett. Jackson took a step or two onto the court and told Garnett he could either stop talking or start fighting.

No one seemed surprised Jackson would intervene. The shocker was Garnett's acquiescence; he shut his yap.

"I knew Biedrins wasn't the type of guy to mouth off to Kevin Garnett," Jackson said. "And I wasn't going to let him punk a young teammate."


I would go to battle with Stephen Jackson.......Literally

at KG being punked
good read on Jackson
Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

I'm starting to question whether Westbrook is a difference maker on the Thunder when they play other teams. It seems like they win even when he has those really terrible nights. He had another horrible night shooting 4-17 from the field, 4 turnovers and only had 2 assists. I like the guy, but for every intangible play he makes, he makes another flat out boneheaded, costly play.

Yes, that comes along of trying to work with a young PG, but what has he learned after being in the league a year? The only reason I'm saying this because he suppose to have lots of potential to be a high level PG in the league, but how quickly will he actually catch on? I do think he will always be turnover prone and a below average shooter in the league though.

what the hell are you talking about?

and do you know last year was RW 1st year playing PG fulltime?
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Mike, why do you still get riled up by his ******ed comments?

definitely not as ******ed as some of the stuff you say.

its nothing to get riled up about in the first place. there's no need to get butt hurt because i'm talking about a player from one of your favoriteteams. you act like i said he's never going to amount to anything.

like i said, i still see him being a high turnover, low percentage shooter in the league. sometimes you just have to learn to accept the fact. and yes, i knowlast year was his first year playing PG full-time. watching him play and looking at his production just doesn't seem right. some people get caught up inthe stats his average rather than his actually play. that doesn't mean he hasn't looked great in some games though.
Tell me I didn't see the Spurs run a final possesion for Matt Bonner driving from the top of the 3 point line to the bucket. Please tell me that isn'twhat I saw.
Yeah, the Spurs will be fine alright. Duncan, Parker,Manu, RJ, Dyess, and Bonner.

Spurs keep losing and they will need to fight tooth and nail for all 82 games to get the best seeding they can, which means they can't rest any of thesevets they have. That is not a good formula.

Knicks appear to be playing ball a little no?

Suffer Blazers, suffer.

I'm tellin ya, the Jazz make me nervous. If they stay healthy all year, and Boozer keeps playin for that money, ugh.

Dallas vs Phoenix should be good tonight.
Said it in the season thread I'll say it in here, as long as we're winning and playing this kind of inspired ball they could send Nate to the D-Leaguefor all I care.

I kept waiting to see Roy take over the game, never happened.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Tell me I didn't see the Spurs run a final possesion for Matt Bonner driving from the top of the 3 point line to the bucket. Please tell me that isn't what I saw.
Yeah, the Spurs will be fine alright. Duncan, Parker, Manu, RJ, Dyess, and Bonner.

Spurs keep losing and they will need to fight tooth and nail for all 82 games to get the best seeding they can, which means they can't rest any of these vets they have. That is not a good formula.

1.Only saw the last 5 mins of the game...Matt was balling that night....only missed 3 shots before that last one...

2.worst case scenario Spurs end up with the 4th seed...


"It's a marathon, not a sprint"
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

I blame your painfully-uncreative nicknames for the Spurs' woes.

I was thinking the same thing....

plus I been wearing this new spurs hat that might be bringing bad luck...

Sig check...
What uncreative nicknames do I use for the Spurs?

I'll try to step my game up or something.

I could go Duncan, Frenchie, Splinter, Fruity, Dyess, and Bonner. That work? Little better for everybody?
Westbrook is already showing signs of being a great point guard i'm sure he will be just fine. How about that Brandon Jennings???
Well, we will get to see if Rudy can live up to the hype since he should start getting some extended minutes.
From what I saw tonight, Rondo had BJ left in the dust.

His play has been concerning, i do not wana see a poor mans AI/Marbury/Francis....I don't know how you become an instinctive pass first PG, but he'sgota try to shade himself more towards that side...taking 20 shots a night isn't going to end well more times than not.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

From what I saw tonight, Rondo had BJ left in the dust.

His play has been concerning, i do not wana see a poor mans AI/Marbury/Francis....I don't know how you become an instinctive pass first PG, but he's gota try to shade himself more towards that side...taking 20 shots a night isn't going to end well more times than not.
Agreed, but it's not like there are a lot of people he can be passing to out there. Delfino and Mbah Moute ain't exactly scoring threats. I would like to see him and Bogut really work on a pick and roll cause with his speed and Bogut's jumper/passing ability that would be a problem
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