Offical Nutrition/Fitness Post VOL. weightloss * 2 weeks in *

Nov 26, 2007
Alright NT, i am gonna be honest with you scholars and critics

I am 18, 6'4 245lbs --> what i consider to heavy ,

I've seen post about people that dont drink soda, SO NT, i am going to QUIT drinking SODA!

I need to get in shape, i am shooting for maybe 200? is that too light?

I love jogging, and running... wont be a problem, i want to jog 2 x a day, 2 miles each time.

Is their any dietary supplements that help you lose weight ? Niacin??? or anything else

if you guys know any legal/safe drugs that help you lose weight, let me know...

I've had Thyroid problems in the past, so some drugs i do have to be careful with.

I want to throw off 30lbs by the end of January...

oh and this is who i am doing it for

Think 1-2 lbs a day is safe.....

any diets you guys recomend? specific foods? what drinks besides soda, to stay away from ??

thanks NT crew, i will update you Jan. 10th,
Adderall XR homie...itll inspire and itll make you feel like u wanna do something...ull be working out alot
believe me son, dont take any fat burners. You're going to run into more problems on the long run. You dont want anything messing with your heart, ormetabolism.
All natural is the way to go, change of diet is the only way to go. eat 6x times a day, drinking a lot of water.

One to two pounds a day? I say five pounds in a week at most. Plus, how in shape are you? Four miles a day off the bat seems hard for somebody heavy looking tolose weight so quickly. As for other things to drink, unsweetened tea and water are the only things I would drink. Most other drinks have a lot of sugar. Stepyour nutrition game up as well, make sure you eat healthy and often (smaller portions). Exercise is nothing without a proper diet, especially for those lookingto lose weight.
Originally Posted by Japs24

Pics are more important than losing weight, to be honest.. lol
Cats on NT are just going overboard with the"pics?" thing.
i started jogging last week, as a warm up, i did 2 miles while watching football, it wasnt bad.

I can do 2 miles easy, as long as i speed walk, or its a light jog... i dont plan on going hardcore intense, 7mph jogging yet....

most of the weight is right in my gut(beerbelly) except i dont drink anymore....

I quit smoking,

so i am good to go, its a matter of laziness and discipline.

more pics when i get more info
HITT (High Intensity Interval Training)

the more instense the more you lose.
involve the whole body to burn fat all over.
dont stop eating. 2200 calories a day sounds about right for you with the -500 calories daily included.
strength training will obviously help burn fat and build muscle.
drink about 80-100oz of water daily!!!
eat 5-6 healthy medium sized meals daily to help speed up metabolism.
obviously stay away from sugar/salty foods and anything white.. (rice, bread, tortillas etc...)
switch up routines.. dont let plateau set in. Mix things up and make it fun.. (sports)
as far as dietary supplements i dont recommend any. (having tried some in the past)
most are just caffeine and give you an extreme jittery feeling.

Best of luck to you and hopefully you can reach your goal..
I wouldnt go as far as saying you could lose 45lbs in about 1 1/2 months but who knows...?
more so around feb/march to be on the safe side.

enough information for you?

pics ??

its my lucky post.. 777
1. nutrition (eating healthy, small meals every 2-3 hours)
2. cardio
3. weight lifting
4. motivation

4 things necessary to shed off those extra pounds.
Originally Posted by atljunkie

HITT (High Intensity Interval Training)

the more instense the more you lose.
involve the whole body to burn fat all over.
dont stop eating. 2200 calories a day sounds about right for you with the -500 calories daily included.
strength training will obviously help burn fat and build muscle.
drink about 80-100oz of water daily!!!
eat 5-6 healthy medium sized meals daily to help speed up metabolism.
obviously stay away from sugar/salty foods and anything white.. (rice, bread, tortillas etc...)
switch up routines.. dont let plateau set in. Mix things up and make it fun.. (sports)
as far as dietary supplements i dont recommend any. (having tried some in the past)
most are just caffeine and give you an extreme jittery feeling.

Best of luck to you and hopefully you can reach your goal..
I wouldnt go as far as saying you could lose 45lbs in about 1 1/2 months but who knows...?
more so around feb/march to be on the safe side.

enough information for you?

pics ??

its my lucky post.. 777


this guy noes what he is talking about
Ok to keep it 100% serious with you, you need to check out one of the best books I ever read, its called:

The miracle of fasting by Paul Bragg

I started doing the 3 day distilled water fast ever week 3 weeks ago, and I lost 12 pounds and never crash in the afternoon like I did before, and my face isas clear as a new born. Also, with drinking soda, the weight gain in the least of your problems, if you actually knew some things about what it does to yourbody you'd never drink it again. One deterring fact is that they clean the blood at crime scenes with coke syrup which is what all the fastfood+restaurants buy coke etc as before they dilute it with water to make it drinkable. Also if you fast, its EXTREMELY important to eat nothing but fruits andvegetables for the same period you fasted, after you finish fasting. Not doing so can land you in the hospital.

Steer clear of ALL weight loss pills, they're literally poison for your kidneys, and there have been people who got kidney stones from them.

Oh, and you can actually cure your thyroid problems with fasting and the Bragg way of eating. I'm the biggest skeptic there is but this dude Paul Bragg hassome solid credentials to his name. For one he opened the first health food store in the USA. He lived till the age of 81 and was killed by 30' wave whilesurfing (put him into a coma and he suffocated due to being submerged by the way. He had all his own teeth (that looked as good as veneers but natural) at 81,no health problems, and the blood pressure of a 18 year old. Read up on him and his lifestyle.

I wish you the best with whatever you do and remember moderation is extremely important. Also, I guess you're also going for a muscular and defined body,so you'd definitely want to lift weights ( 40 minutes of weightlifting burns as many calories throughout the day as 50 minutes of cardio) and check outyoga. Yoga defines and strengthens muscles that are very hard to damn near impossible with conventional excersize, and was developed by monks 5000 years agoand it hasn't failed since, just be careful doing certain poses and you can injure yourself without the right preparation that can take months, even years.
atljunkie wrote:
enough information for you?

pics ??

its my lucky post.. 777


thanks man


oh her too, old friends, sister... one of the first things she told me ---> i love sucking %*%+
felt like i could never loose, but wanna be in shape when i get to do thedeed
Originally Posted by MARTIN AND CO

Ok to keep it 100% serious with you, you need to check out one of the best books I ever read, its called:

The miracle of fasting by Paul Bragg

I started doing the 3 day distilled water fast ever week 3 weeks ago, and I lost 12 pounds and never crash in the afternoon like I did before, and my face is as clear as a new born. Also, with drinking soda, the weight gain in the least of your problems, if you actually knew some things about what it does to your body you'd never drink it again. One deterring fact is that they clean the blood at crime scenes with coke syrup which is what all the fast food+restaurants buy coke etc as before they dilute it with water to make it drinkable. Also if you fast, its EXTREMELY important to eat nothing but fruits and vegetables for the same period you fasted, after you finish fasting. Not doing so can land you in the hospital.

Steer clear of ALL weight loss pills, they're literally poison for your kidneys, and there have been people who got kidney stones from them.

Oh, and you can actually cure your thyroid problems with fasting and the Bragg way of eating. I'm the biggest skeptic there is but this dude Paul Bragg has some solid credentials to his name. For one he opened the first health food store in the USA. He lived till the age of 81 and was killed by 30' wave while surfing (put him into a coma and he suffocated due to being submerged by the way. He had all his own teeth (that looked as good as veneers but natural) at 81, no health problems, and the blood pressure of a 18 year old. Read up on him and his lifestyle.

I wish you the best with whatever you do and remember moderation is extremely important. Also, I guess you're also going for a muscular and defined body, so you'd definitely want to lift weights ( 40 minutes of weightlifting burns as many calories throughout the day as 50 minutes of cardio) and check out yoga. Yoga defines and strengthens muscles that are very hard to damn near impossible with conventional excersize, and was developed by monks 5000 years ago and it hasn't failed since, just be careful doing certain poses and you can injure yourself without the right preparation that can take months, even years.
wow, thanks for the input, your of alot of help... deffinate friend request...

I like to read, will deffinately buy the book, after i read it in the library...

always wanted to do Yoga, read a book on it once.... and its relaxing/healthy

I do want to wrightlift, i have a bowflex

thanks !!!
The Coke or Crack diet is magnificent I've seen the fattest and most heavy set people lose dozens of pounds in days. With the coke or crack diet you losethe weight and don't even notice and the best part about is you never get HUNGRY! Only the primal urge for crack or coke. This diet plan has also beenrumored to extend your life as long as you never get off the diet and stick to the correct amount of dosage

Side effect may include: becoming a coke fiend, becoming a crack head, loss of clothing, burnt lips, bloody nose, loss of bodily functions, deterioratedhygiene and mental health, increased aging, performing "jobs" for money, selling of week old greasy cheese burgers, the jitters, uneasiness in thelight of day, paranoia, hallucinations, the ability to walk on fiery hot coals(pending length of time on diet), hyper activity, dead veins, and possibly aheadache.

This diet plan is brought to you by the good folks at Team Wolf Shirt wear its "painful how sexy I look in this"

She should like you for you.

Thats great in theory, but who would you be more attracted to? a fat chick or a fit chick?

I'm not going to get into human psychology but people are sooner attracted to fit people than fat people.

Plus it doesn't matter what the dudes reasons are, he's doing the right thing. Even if it won't work out his body will thank him later down theroad. Also, he'll have an easier time bagging chicks in general.

On the health side, the only time people usually act to break the proverbial chains of bad habits is when they're too heavy to lift/break. Meaning, ifyou're fat and eat badly the only time you will attempt to change if your looks don't compel you to, is when you get something like diabetes.

I won't lie the first time I lost weight was for a girl, and by that time she was with a guy but I got with a girl way better than her because she hadpersonality on top of the looks I was going for.

Also, just to touch on a liiitle human psychology, when someone loses weight for a girl to like them, they subconsciously do it because the way the human racesurvives is by finding a mate and raising a child etc, and the mind knows that to attract that mate, you're going to need to look your best. A lot ofthings in life come down to that.
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