Offical Nutrition/Fitness Post VOL. weightloss * 2 weeks in *

Good luck with that man im tryin to loose these pounds too and its gonna be hard but u just gotta stay focused...( im 6'0 265 not good:smh:)...Ill be goodwith the use of these tips and dedication though..
also, work out certain muscle areas w/ more fat, and lift weights, do more light weight, more reps and if your trying to build muscle do heavy weights, lessreps
Just eat right and do alot of cardio and stuff like that . Not too many fatty foods a and try to cut back on sugar where u can. Also losing 3 or 4lbs a week isa safe way to goo you don't wanna loose too much weight too fast because it's not healthy.
fasting is not a "good look."

How so? People who PROPERLY fast and eat good diets can live a lot longer than a lot professional athletes who destroy their body with the intensive workoutsthey do and other reasons. That high interval cardio actually is bad for your heart and you won't feel it till you're older. All you hear about isathletes that are getting joint re-construction, arthritis, or w/e. Genes have a lot to say about it but few, few people are truly blessed.

I know few people have the discipline to live like Paul Bragg did, they can't stand life without steaks, wine, cigars, or whatever pleasure you like.Fasting for 3 days then going on to eat regular foods is extremely unhealthy and pointless.

Having an ultra fit body does not always equal being healthy, but a very strict diet meeting Paul Bragg's standards and the right amount of physicalactivity will get you both health and a great body. PROPER fasting is the BEST look there is. I've tried such a small dose of it, and its crazy how muchgood it does. Paul Bragg showed and proved, and if you read his works or what people wrote about him, its all one sided. All I'm saying is I'vepersonally gone through a numbers of diets, excersizing routines,etc etc, and Paul Bragg style fasting as well as jogging/basketball (its funner than joggingand takes a lot of energy), weightlifting and yoga have worked better than anything for ME. Also people in nutrition don't take any of this personal,I'm basing this off what I read, personal experience, and experiences I heard from others, so this isn't a "disprove a life/excersizing/dietingmethod", I'm just giving my own POV on this. In dieting, excersize etc theres no black or white, theres a lot of grey area dependent of a variety ofthings like personal factors that are differnt for everyone. DunkNsole should read up as much as he can about everything and make HIS decision, _______ type ofdieting/excersize doesn't work for everyone .
didn't read everythin...
my input for u is to do some weight training also(so u don't look sloppy and floppy).

don't crash diet. u'll loose weight but not healthy weight.

watch what u eat. don't front on urself and say u generally eat good when u know u binge on snacks and stuff when ur alone.

my last piece of advice is...BE PATIENT!! don't expect to see drastic changes in a week. this is one of the reasons why a lot of people don't stick wittheir diet.
straight from my biochem lecture last quarter:

"The healthiest way to loose weight is to limit your caloric intake (eat less),
include carbohydrates to prevent excessive gluconeogenesis and exercise
to burn fatty acids and to prevent muscle loss."

but obviously, it's easier said than done.

good luck, you'll need it (that or your inspirations)!
also, work out certain muscle areas w/ more fat
you can't spot reduce.

Also a trick for you is to drink black coffee when you get up in the morning before you do cardio (DO NOT ADD SUGAR AND/OR MILK). The caffeine actually putsfat cells into the blood stream and allows you to burn fat faster (the basics behind fat burners with caffeine). Morning workouts are also better than workingout in the evening, you jumpstart your metabolism. You won't lift as much in the morning but you will produce more testosterone than you would withevening workouts. Just my .02
Ok I keep seeing people say 2-4 pounds a week is the safest way.What if somebody lost 10 pounds a week legitimately as in no diet pills but just hard work andgood eating?
Ok I keep seeing people say 2-4 pounds a week is the safest way.What if somebody lost 10 pounds a week legitimately as in no diet pills but just hard work and good eating?
There's a difference between losing pounds of fat and losing water weight.
thanks DunkNForce for big/fat/overweight too brah and i'll take all information i can get nawimean?!?!..good luck DunkNForce...

There's a difference between losing pounds of fat and losing water weight.

Oh. Thanks.

thanks DunkNForce for big/fat/overweight too brah and i'll take all information i can get nawimean?!?!..good luck DunkNForce...

Same here.I have a looooooonnnnnng way to go
The hardest task isgetting started.
Hey guys, I dont know if any of you have ran into this site but its very informative and helpful in this category. This guy Arnel Ricafranca decided to losesome fat and gain some muscle, covering the progress on this website. He has everything he did, breaking down the workouts and giving cardio ideas. He even hasa eating guide to check out or go by if you would like.

I have been on the "fight club" workout and tomorrow I start my third week. I have lost 12 pounds so far (including one extra week before I startedmaking it a month total) and I can see so much more definition. I have been throwing in my own diet ideas and a few extra workouts (including bowflex training)so you can take what you need and discard what you dont. Definitely check it out.

You can sign up through the website but here is the link to bypass is (if you do enjoy or use the site please sign up! I dont have any affiliation with thesite but it has been very helpful so I definitely support it)

Jogging doesnt help you lose weight, it does help you build up your oxygen-intake rate though.
Instead of pics of the girl can we get some pics of you? 245 doesn't seem like to much weight to me.

I think losing 1-2 pounds a day is unhealthy. In my health book they said a pound a week is great and anymore cane be dangerous.

1. I suggest you lift weights. It burns calories, build muscles, and it raises your basal metabolic rate.
2. Lay off the soda and drink a lot of water. If you must drink something else, make it Gatorade.
Its not hard to stop drinkin soda.
I regret drinkin so much soda as a youth. its really waste to drink it if u thirsty because its unhealthy and doesn't even quench ur thirst.
the only time I drink it now is if its wit liquor and im tired of orange juice.
its sad how we live in such a "health conscious" society, but a bottle of tropical fantasy soda is cheaper than a bottle of water
A girl should like you for you, but not many girls can see beyond the fat guy and double chin. It's a harsh reality. In high-school, I wasn'tnecessarily fat, but I was a bit overweight. I lost that weight in college, and not surprisingly, many more women were interested in me. Here's what I didto help reshape my body:

a) Motivation and consistency.
b) Cardio. It's a must.
c) Lifting weights.
d) Eating right. No soda, late-night grilled-stuffed burritos or double-cheeseburgers, minimized the alcohol intake, etc.

Losing 45 pounds by the end of January (which is almost a pound a day) is going to be REALLY tough. The first 10-15 pounds will be shed pretty quickly (if youstay consistent), but as someone else stated, it is water weight, not fat. Losing 2-2.5 pounds a week is the HEALTHY way to do it. You also get used to the fitlifestyle, which IMO is a huge advantage. I don't have the urge for fatty burgers or fast food, and I love it. The 3-day fasting idea might get more thantedious, because sometimes you just NEED FOOD. Once you go back to eating, i'd imagine the weight will pack on again.

Don't take diet pills. You're forcing your body into an unnatural state, and although you may see the results you were looking for, you're going topay for it in the future.
Thanks for all the great Responses Fellas!

I started today off a lil shaky, i was up till 1 writing a paper for my brother.

i started with a water...

I get home at 2 so i will deffinately be speed walking/jogging for a good 30 - 45 min...

Might hit up the bowflex but space is limited (recently moved into a small apt.)

I got a bag of chicken breast, unbreaded, so the Journey begins..>>>

alot of my belly is water weight, i remeber in highschool i would be like 6'2 220 and i would be able to lose 5-10 lbs a week, and in a unhealthy mannerput it all back on....

I am older and a bit more disciplined

i will cut out fast food, soda, and juices.... strictly water, protein shakes, vegtables, fruits, chicken, fish....

I will refer to mens fitness magazines for my meal preperations if i am not sure what to eat....

THANKS for all the help and inspiration...

lets get this started fellow NT chubs
damn. shes kinda bad.

good luck with this one!

Also, take into account that you will probably lose more pounds the first week than any week because of water weight.
Be sure to be motivated and if you are going to strength train make sure to not become dependent on the scale.!!!!!!
muscle weighs more than fat and it could be misleading if you weigh the same after a week or something. get it?
I also have a great book. its an e book and everything is 100% real and on point. I was pretty surprised because Iwasnt expecting much.
Its called. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.
Dont get burnt out. If you put in a lot of work in the beginning you are more prone to stop because of the fact you're body is tired and becomeslazy. (most cases)
Important to stay motivated. Find something(s) to keep you on track! these girls are a good start...

How old are you?
You shouldn't be trying to get in shape to impress a girl.
She should like you for you.

yea you would think but most girls first impressions are looks. if they are attracted they are more prone to engaging in conversation which in return can leadinto something more serious.
And plus DunkNforce is probably looking for reassurance and self gratification. I dont blame him. which guy doesnt want to look good?

6ft 250lbs is not a bad look.. you say you have some mid section fat?
best way to lose that is to get a total body workout and to obviously include some type of abdominal exercise routine.
although sounding really "feminine", pilates helps to tighten the body up and will show results....
a lot of guys actually do this too but they only show girls in the video for sales reasons. *no mo
thanks for the input,

trust me that girl is
, you aint seen her booty

I am deffinatley not going to over work myself, but will workout moderatly, 6 days out of the week.

abdonminal workouts are a must

i just got the mens fitness or the other one, Muscle & idk i forget the name, but TO is on their, and boy is RIPPED outta his mind.... it takes years, iunderstand, but in all actuality, its attainable!

Originally Posted by DunkNForce

thanks for the input,

trust me that girl is
, you aint seen her booty

I am deffinatley not going to over work myself, but will workout moderatly, 6 days out of the week.

abdonminal workouts are a must

i just got the mens fitness or the other one, Muscle & idk i forget the name, but TO is on their, and boy is RIPPED outta his mind.... it takes years, i understand, but in all actuality, its attainable!

@ booty pics.. but yea, i think hes on mens health mag.
also, body needs time to regroup.
women are one of the many reasons why i am getting in shape....

so if you think i am slaving for a lady... think again

booty pics??? HMMM maybe after I lose the weight

anyone know how good/bad soup is for you... ?
man I posted wquestions the other day too and didnt get this many responses. threadstarter, can you change the title to Official Exercise/Nutrition post orsomething like that? this could be helpful for all of us.

I'm not in bad shape, I'm 6'2 around 205-210. I just have about 5-8 lbs around my gut thats gotta go. I work out a lot but the problem is the food.I DONT eat bad, I just dont eat good if that makes sense. I dont come home and drink pop, havent in years actually, dont eat fast food...I just dont pile onthe chickens and steaks. I eat pasta, cereal, some meats...

I need a good resource for nutrition and what to eat as well as what to avoid. this can be a huge benefit to other NTers too thats why I suggested the titlechange. This should be stickied too........
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

women are one of the many reasons why i am getting in shape....

so if you think i am slaving for a lady... think again

booty pics??? HMMM maybe after I lose the weight

anyone know how good/bad soup is for you... ?

Bad. Sodium = Water retention, not what you want.
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