Offical Nutrition/Fitness Post VOL. weightloss * 2 weeks in *

Originally Posted by belle155

man I posted wquestions the other day too and didnt get this many responses. threadstarter, can you change the title to Official Exercise/Nutrition post or something like that? this could be helpful for all of us.

I'm not in bad shape, I'm 6'2 around 205-210. I just have about 5-8 lbs around my gut thats gotta go. I work out a lot but the problem is the food. I DONT eat bad, I just dont eat good if that makes sense. I dont come home and drink pop, havent in years actually, dont eat fast food...I just dont pile on the chickens and steaks. I eat pasta, cereal, some meats...

I need a good resource for nutrition and what to eat as well as what to avoid. this can be a huge benefit to other NTers too thats why I suggested the title change. This should be stickied too........

possibly genetics... how old are you btw?
man no soup! thats rough

First meal today :

chips N salsa
1 Chicen breast
1 mircrowable buritto
1 can of soup

But if we can get people to donate info on anything from different wokrouts to nutrition facts, that would be cool

Can someone or some people List some thigns your not suppose to eat/drink while dieting or period...

obivious foods/drinks:

Fast food
No soup, or microwavable burritos, that's for sure.
No: Processed foods (nothing you can dump out of a can/box/package, and heat up and eat), juice, alcohol, cheese, creamy sauces, soda, junk food, fast food,simple carbs, fried foods, etc etc.
chips N salsa

not a good look. tons of salt and if they are white corn chips. (dating back to my examples, nothing white)

1 Chicen breast/ peanuts

good. but peanuts might contain a little too much salt.

Can someone or some people List some thigns your not suppose to eat/drink while dieting or period...

Bad drinks:
-artificial fruit juices (sugars)

Good Drinks:
-green tea



-Eat slowly and thoroughly chew your food.
-Never skip breakfast!
-Stop frying food.
- If you must snack, stock the fridge with low calorie snacks like raw vegetables and low fat yogurt.
-all carbs are not bad. Learn to seperate good from bad!
man I posted wquestions the other day too and didnt get this many responses. threadstarter, can you change the title to Official Exercise/Nutrition post or something like that? this could be helpful for all of us.

I'm not in bad shape, I'm 6'2 around 205-210. I just have about 5-8 lbs around my gut thats gotta go. I work out a lot but the problem is the food. I DONT eat bad, I just dont eat good if that makes sense. I dont come home and drink pop, havent in years actually, dont eat fast food...I just dont pile on the chickens and steaks. I eat pasta, cereal, some meats...

I need a good resource for nutrition and what to eat as well as what to avoid. this can be a huge benefit to other NTers too thats why I suggested the title change. This should be stickied too........

You got loads of info in your thread man

As many have said on here numerous times, avoiding or decreasing the basic bad things is a huge start. Soda, booze, fried foods, candy, sugar, etc.

Also getting a good handle on portion control helps as well depending on what you are looking to get out of it.
For many of us on here (normal guys notinterested in being pro bodybuilders, want to put on lean muscle and decrease body fat, maybe get some abs, etc) a GREAT website to spend time on is I suggest signing up for their daily and weekly emails as well, you can do that on thehome page. There are tips on dieting, lifting, cardio, everything on their site and they keep up with a lot of the new studies and theories.
thanks fellas, Atljunkie, thanks for the specific info

also, anyone can share any success stories they have
coffee is not a bad drink.. it only turns bad when you pack it with sugar and cream

coffee for the most part is bad. it has a lot of caffeine and with the addition of sugar and cream only makes it worse.
it's so hard to get fit while in college..which i'm trying to do

the last two weeks i thought my belly got a little smaller since i was sick and drank nothing but water and avoided dairy products (they cause more mucus ibelieve)...but now that i'm healthy and it's finals week i have to sip on energy drinks that are basically like soda...

at the very least, i think i'm finally learning that i can live without soda/juice...will that alone help me lose a little weight, if i drink only water,and i basically eat the same way i did before?
my cousin stopped drinking soda and ate more vegtables... he lost 30 lbs !!! I was pretty suprised

fellas, how bad is popcorn, i understnad theirs un-needed salt on it, should it be avoided ? or should it be more of a treat like once a week or twice a weektype thing?
This post is what nt is all about .....ima start using alot of this stuff....thankx dude
fellas, how bad is popcorn, i understnad theirs un-needed salt on it, should it be avoided ? or should it be more of a treat like once a week or twice a week type thing?

you have to control these types of cravings.. dont get sucked in.

stay away from this.

if you have any doubt about food, chances are its probalby not good for you. (most cases)
cool man... Its day 1 of 139.... I am trying to score a 6 pack in 20 weeks....

i am gonna be jogging or working out 5-6 days outta the week, light to moderate, nothing in intense yet...

my legs are sore as a mother....

do you guys encourage the use of nutrients/health powders... like whey protein powder... or glutamine(helps recover muscle soreness, from a day of lifting)

I am really serious about this weight thing, this time

Focus and Discipline
ike whey protein powder.

if you are going to use this, you must be consistant!
you are supossed to take 1g for every lb.

dunkNforce: do you have aim? if so what is it?
Originally Posted by atljunkie

ike whey protein powder.

if you are going to use this, you must be consistant!
you are supossed to take 1g for every lb.

dunkNforce: do you have aim? if so what is it?

Do not take Whey Powder if you are trying to lose weight. It only adds mass.

Burn, if you could put together a meal routine for a week can you list soem thigns that would be good for weight loss ?

anyone else can put their healthy food habbits also....

thanks for the informative post guys

would vitamin water be a good drink? gatorade?
yea, today i did pretty good,

woke up


2 peices of toasted wheat bread w/peanut butter

Then for lunch

1 chicken breast on wheat bread with some Jalapenos(heard they speed up metabolism)
small bowl of vegtables

10 min jogging
45 min shoveling snow outside (heard its as good as swimming)

after workout/ dinner

Vitamin water
1 quesidilla

later tonight, vegtables and yogurt

Today i scooped up some oatmeal, yogurt, and vegtables at the store...

anyone else wanna lay down their diet menu?
i just started lifting a few months back im having trouble progressing.
it seems as if i just plateau at a certain weight for each excercise (bench, dumbells, etc.).
any tips on how to progress to a higher weight level?
only time you guys should be eating carbs is after a workout or at breakfast or lunch.
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