Office Bathroom Etiquette- WHY?


Aug 15, 2014
Let's get right to the point.  I hold office bathrooms to a higher standard than I do a restaurant, gas station, mall bathroom etc.  That said, I've been in different corporate environments, in different jobs, in different states for almost a decade now.  The one consistent thing, regardless of the company size or atmosphere is that grown men are foul AF.  

Dudes don't flush, leave paper on the seat, bowel movements on the seat and floor, urine everywhere
sick.gif's simply not civil.  It's like these dudes who are 40+ think that the stalls are their own personal domain.  I simply do NOT understand this phenomenon.  I've NEVER once in the history of my life made it to the toilet and missed while dropping a deuce.  It's like these old dudes are purposely trying to be as foul as possible.  Why? What does this accomplish?  There is no way these same dudes are pulling these stunts in their own homes is there? Can't be.  What am I missing?

Let's keep this as civil as possible...discuss 
they don't have to clean it up so it's no skin off their *****. It's disgusting quite frankly and a phenomena that must be curbed. toilets should be one's sanctuary, treated with love and honor.
It's always piss EVERYWHERE.

I need more toilet paper to clean the seat and the floor than my ***. :smh:
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I've never seen anything that bad at work but I've heard some stories about women bathrooms :lol:
In addition to not caring much about anyone but themselves, a feeling of superiority to the people that have to clean behind them is why **** like this happens. Not only is it disgusting, it's disrespectful.

I never understood why a grown man would wipe boogers or **** on the wall either. :smh:
Every time I interview for a place, when the receptionist asks me if i need anything in the beginning, i ask to go to the bathroom. I like to check it out since if i'm going to work there, it has to be a nice bathroom. That said, current workplace and previous one were F500s and bathrooms had everything automated and had toilet seat covers so i didnt even have to cover the seat with tissue paper 

Now the one thing i have a problem with is that there are dudes who will not wash hands after peeing/pooping. There are times when im at the urinal and i hear the guy taking a dump finish and then just walk out without washing. Or i can be the one taking a dump and there would be dudes who walk in, take a piss and then just leave. The sad thing is everything is automated so they're not really doing any extra work. I've been trying to see who are the ones not washing so i can distance myself from these animals but no luck so far. Building im in takes up a whole city block in midtown and i think the dudes who dont wash are from the madison ave side of the floor. 
In addition to not caring much about anyone but themselves, a feeling of superiority to the people that have to clean behind them is why **** like this happens. Not only is it disgusting, it's disrespectful.

I never understood why a grown man would wipe boogers or **** on the wall either.
Bro...this never crossed my mind and sadly you are probably right.
  Anyone who gets a 'thrill' or gets 'off' or even goes into the bathroom with that mentality needs to be castrated and then taken out back and shot.  

Now I'm even more heated about this. 
Every time I interview for a place, when the receptionist asks me if i need anything in the beginning, i ask to go to the bathroom. I like to check it out since if i'm going to work there, it has to be a nice bathroom. That said, current workplace and previous one were F500s and bathrooms had everything automated and had toilet seat covers so i didnt even have to cover the seat with tissue paper 
Nah...I've been in the same F500 buildings and it's the same story, dudes are savages regardless where you work or how automated the bathroom is.  I don't care if the toilet flushes itself or self dispenses a paper seat...if a lame wants to drop a bomb on the seat or floor, automation isn't going to stop him. 
Some bathrooms can be too sophisticated though.

If it only has a hand dryer with no paper towels and the door has a handle :x :x :x

Gotta go to a stall and get toliet paper to get out :lol:
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In addition to not caring much about anyone but themselves, a feeling of superiority to the people that have to clean behind them is why **** like this happens. Not only is it disgusting, it's disrespectful.

I never understood why a grown man would wipe boogers or **** on the wall either. :smh:
Sadly, this is what it's about. :lol:
Not to derail this thread, but my high school had the same problem with dudes peeing on the floor, pooping in the sinks, and breaking the paper towel dispensers. :smh: It got so bad that we had to have a assembly to address the problem.
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I've seen people go straight from the urinal to the bathroom door in my office..numerous times.

Some even stop for conversation while i'm washing up...straight Poppy style
i remember taking the SATs back in 05 at Baltimore Poly...i walked into one of the bathrooms and was shocked to see that none of the stalls had doors on them
i remember taking the SATs back in 05 at Baltimore Poly...i walked into one of the bathrooms and was shocked to see that none of the stalls had doors on them
Not trying to be funny, but this may have been more of a safety issue than anything. 
Don't have this problem at my office, with exception to pubes ALL OVER the urinals. How does this happen?

Also, I go to another floor in my building that's all customer care type services, 90% women, so the bathroom is very low traffic and very clean
at my workplace we have a gym on campus, and people like to take showers with the door open, change with the door open. 

i know its a cultural thing, but we have people who squat on the toilet seat, so if you ever wonder why toilet seats get loose, it's because people are standing on them. 
I hate nothing more than using the urinal only to look down and see the urinal covered in pubes.

Like do guys seriously just pull them out and sprinkle them on the basin?

Really pisses me off
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