Official 10' NFL Offseason Thread: CIN sign T.O. 1yr/2m


Unfortunately, while you were entering the Fusion ProGlide Challenge[emoji]8482[/emoji], our last FREE Gillette[emoji]174[/emoji] Fusion[emoji]174[/emoji] ProGlide was given away. Sorry about that. Everybody must really want one! You can still purchase your Fusion[emoji]174[/emoji] ProGlide in most stores on June 6.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

U gotta back away from your friendship with buddy and look at things realistically...

its not a diff. situation ...
both are claiming they didnt use steroids, correct? if Cush is innocent, where is this lawsuit to get an injuction similar to the one the Saints and Vikes got.

I'm not exactly sure what you're expecting him to sue,

Vikes & saints players sued and got an injunction, if he's innocent, he will do the same right... til then *Kat Williams* I'll wait ...

we're acting as tho this positive test was just yesterday. this dude has had 9 months to piece something together. instead we get silence... and he's just now considering a suit ...

Kevin and Pat Williams sued because the banned element in the diuretic they took wasn't listed on the bottle.

Cush isn't disputing that his hGC was 6iu. What I'm telling you is that from everything I know he wasn't taking steroids.

I could be wrong, but I've gotten this information multiple times from credible sources.

You don't have to believe me, it really doesn't matter since before this everyone though he was juicing anyways.
Question, what would Cush be suing for and who would he be suing?

(That was a serious question by the way. Not trying to be a smart @$% or anything like that)
Originally Posted by USA Pride4Life


Unfortunately, while you were entering the Fusion ProGlide Challenge[emoji]8482[/emoji], our last FREE Gillette[emoji]174[/emoji] Fusion[emoji]174[/emoji] ProGlide was given away. Sorry about that. Everybody must really want one! You can still purchase your Fusion[emoji]174[/emoji] ProGlide in most stores on June 6.

...I must have been the last one.  I was JUST about to cop a new shaver too.
Originally Posted by h3at23

Question, what would Cush be suing for and who would he be suing?

(That was a serious question by the way. Not trying to be a smart @$% or anything like that)

Exactly this is a natural hormone produced by the body. He has no choice in this matter even if he was clean.
All he can do is lose these 4 games salary, take the increased testing, and go be a HOF'er or maximize his potential.
yes, he does have a choice. he took other tests thru out the yr and his levels werent raised, go back with his nutritionist, chemists and his team and find out why that one particular test came back with raised levels...
there's got to be a reason right? Why cant he prove it? why has it been 9 months since and he cant even win an appeal? wheres the NFLPA to dispute this test result? where's his complaints? guy has been completely silent about it,

there's a reason only the one test was positive tho ...

question, how many incorrect positive test results have happened in the nfl? how many guys have we heard about claiming they didnt use such and such, and then nothing ever comes of their claims?
One NFL general manager, requesting anonymity, offered this scorching view: "We did our research on him before the draft last year and we concluded he was a chronic steroid user dating back to high school. More than a few people were surprised when he passed the steroid tests at the combine. I think the guy became a pro at masking it, until he was caught. I definitely would have taken my vote back on that award if I had one."


Originally Posted by Dade B0Y

One NFL general manager, requesting anonymity, offered this scorching view: "We did our research on him before the draft last year and we concluded he was a chronic steroid user dating back to high school. More than a few people were surprised when he passed the steroid tests at the combine. I think the guy became a pro at masking it, until he was caught. I definitely would have taken my vote back on that award if I had one."



Well, damn....

and not for nothing, but this whole Vicodin mess w. the Saints is gonna really blow up.  This is just the tip of the iceberg...u got dudes wearing wires, coaches supposedly stealing and being addicted to painkillers, coverups, etc....Sean Payton got some [ricky ricardo] Splanin' [/ricky ricardo] to do...
I was thinking about that this morning while reading the paper. Why hasn't this been blown up as much as other stuff has? I mean, it's a pretty serious offense. Got people stealing Vicodin and then coaches and upper management covering it up...
Originally Posted by Dade B0Y

One NFL general manager, requesting anonymity, offered this scorching view: "We did our research on him before the draft last year and we concluded he was a chronic steroid user dating back to high school. More than a few people were surprised when he passed the steroid tests at the combine. I think the guy became a pro at masking it, until he was caught. I definitely would have taken my vote back on that award if I had one."

Originally Posted by Dade B0Y

One NFL general manager, requesting anonymity, offered this scorching view: "We did our research on him before the draft last year and we concluded he was a chronic steroid user dating back to high school. More than a few people were surprised when he passed the steroid tests at the combine. I think the guy became a pro at masking it, until he was caught. I definitely would have taken my vote back on that award if I had one."

This dude was undetectable
. How you make it this far and not get busted?
can somebody school me on how long the cycle works and when you need to get off?
i remember during the draft, steroid questions were everywhere with cush.
It wouldnt be the smartest decision to take something knowing they test randomly at the draft workouts.
If he did it then hes guilty, he cant be that dumb/naive to take something with all those whispers about him.
Originally Posted by Proshares

I was thinking about that this morning while reading the paper. Why hasn't this been blown up as much as other stuff has? I mean, it's a pretty serious offense. Got people stealing Vicodin and then coaches and upper management covering it up...

I feel like this should be a bigger story than what it is already....but like I said before, I really think this is the tip of the iceberg.  You may see a lot of prominent folks associated w. the Saints being fired.....and if Payton is involved...
  Goodell has to sit his $@# down for a couple of games, right? 
This was posted yesterday by Adam on his twitter but no one posted it here so...

Sounds like Denver is serious on RB Brian Westbrook, who suddenly has options with the Broncos, ********, Rams and who knows who else.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

yes, he does have a choice. he took other tests thru out the yr and his levels werent raised, go back with his nutritionist, chemists and his team and find out why that one particular test came back with raised levels...
there's got to be a reason right? Why cant he prove it? why has it been 9 months since and he cant even win an appeal? wheres the NFLPA to dispute this test result? where's his complaints? guy has been completely silent about it,

there's a reason only the one test was positive tho ...

question, how many incorrect positive test results have happened in the nfl? how many guys have we heard about claiming they didnt use such and such, and then nothing ever comes of their claims?
I never said the test came back incorrect, that's why I don't know what he would sue for. What I'm saying is that calling his hCG level "raised" is not really that accurate. He tested such a small amount over the level that is banned, and there are numerous things that can raise someone's hCG level.

And, you're smart enough to know the difference between having a claim and being able to prove that claim.

I'm not a lawyer, but it seems to me that he would have to prove that he took a supplement that had hCG. To make an analogy, if he had tested positive because he busted a nut right before the test, he would have to prove to the NFL that he actually beat off before the test. With the burden of proof being  all on him because of the NFL's complete autonomy he's pretty much @++%%@.

Just read that entire article. The whole time he's making a commentary on the DROY award/voting process, and then drops that anonymous quote. I just finished my finals, and one essay I had to write was about source credibility. Thomas George doesn't have any, and his unidentified source definitely doesn't have any. I mean, if anything, we can be pretty damn sure that he wasn't on roids his freshman year at SC

But like I said, if he used roids then he's a fraud simply for telling everyone otherwise. I just don't really consider a very slighly elevated hCG level enough to prove to me beyond a reasonable doubt that he was using roids. The NFLs policy doesn't need the same burden of proof of steroid use in it's policy and that's why he's suspended. Based on everything I know about Cush, he was either juicing behind everyone's back or he didn't do anything. Considering the fact that in todays age what he got caught for is not really that big of a black eye (and not nearly as big a black eye as lying to the press about it when he could just say "no comment") and he just had a press conference flat out saying that he didn't do anything strengthens my belief in everything I've posted here the past couple days.

That said, how do I stop Yuku from sending me emails? %%*@*$@ woke up to 79 emails in my inbox
Originally Posted by Dade B0Y

Why ya'll dudes trying to defend something so blantant?

Supplement head? C'mon man. 
Please explain to me how anything that's occured is blatant?

This dude was putting the finishing touches on a cycle. HcG IS a known MASKING AGENT. There is a reason it's on the banned substance list. 
To use hCG as a masking agent you need to inject it. The levels Cush tested for makes that pretty much impossible

It's the same stuff Manny Ramirez took last year.
Right, but the MLB didn't suspend Manny for the test, they suspended him for having a prescription to it after a test with extremely high levels of testosterone. Yeah, Manny had a prescription for the stuff. Why would you get a masking agent prescribed to you

He's not a bad person because of it or anything. Jesus, you don't have to go to bat for him.
I'll say this, an Andy Pettite type response of "I had a knee injury in camp and made a stupid decision, I'm really sorry guys" would get eaten up by the media like it always has. This dude has denied everything. Tom Condon isn't an idiot, he wouldn't be letting Cush go this route if dude was a user.

And I don't know what you want me to do, dudes are spreading misinformation around like it's fact and he's the homie so obviously I'm gonna go to bat for him.
I went to that link and unsubscribed, still keep getting those *%$**%$ emails though.

%@!$ Yuku, %*%! is turrible
Yeah, Manny had a prescription for the stuff. Why would you get a masking agent prescribed to you

not sure if u know this but there are MANY disreputable doctors out there, who for the right price, will get yo u a script to just about anything
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Yeah, Manny had a prescription for the stuff. Why would you get a masking agent prescribed to you

not sure if u know this but there are MANY disreputable doctors out there, who for the right price, will get yo u a script to just about anything
No, I had no clue there are doctors with bad reps. You mean to tell me they're all not perfectly upstanding men of honor

What I meant was, that for Manny, if he was using it as a masking agent why would he incriminate himself by creating a paper trail. Then again, it seems like Manny doesn't think things all the way through at times.
[h1]Roy Williams vows to fend off Dez Bryant[/h1]
Posted by Mike Florio on May 13, 2010 8:39 AM ET

If Cowboys receiver Roy Williams were playing as well as he was expected to play when the team gave up a first-round pick, a third-round pick, and more for him during the 2008 season, the Cowboys wouldn't have felt compelled to draft Dez Bryant with a 2010 first-round selection.

Despite the handwriting that has been sandblasted into the wall, Williams remains resolute regarding his role.

"This ain't my first rodeo," Williams said, according to Charean Williams of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.  "I got recruited [to Texas] with B.J. [Johnson] and Sloan Thomas, so those are two top-notch guys.  I came in and did my thing.  I was the third one on the totem pole in that deal, and I came out No. 1.  I don't really see it as a competition thing.  I see it as us getting better.

"But I know in the back of my mind and the back of his mind, [Bryant] wants to play, the only way he's going to play is to get No. 11 off the field, and that's going to be tough to do.  But it's going to make us better as a football team."

Williams also vows to stop dropping so many passes.  "It won't even be half," Williams said regarding the number of just-ate-popcorn moments from last year.  "Do you want to take that bet?  I won't even come close.  Promise you."

We're not sure what would be worse.  Williams continuing to be a mediocre player, or Williams suddenly getting better because he feels like he's being challenged to stay in the starting lineup.  If it's the latter, it means that Williams relies too much on external motivations to get the most out of his abilities, and that's one of the worst traits an athlete can have.

Meanwhile, when Williams says that this "ain't his [first] rodeo," he's leaving out a certain Megatron calf roping in Detroit, the one that made Williams irrelevant.  Indeed, less than two years after Calvin Johnson joined the team, the Lions opted to ship Williams back to Texas.

Even the Lions wouldn't have been stupid enough to give up on a first-round wideout with talent.  For now, the decision to dump Williams remains one of the wisest moves the Lions have made since the retirement of Barry Sanders.

For the Cowboys, trying too hard to justify a failed trade would be one of the franchise's biggest blunders.
Roy was tight the minute he heard they moved up.  That fool's stance is not going to change throughout the entire season.

And if you want to stop getting subscriptions to every thread you post it, when you're in the add reply screen you have to uncheck the "Subscribe to this post" box that is now automatically checked.
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