Official 10' NFL Offseason Thread: CIN sign T.O. 1yr/2m

Glad he still won it. I think it was stupid to revote anyways. I hope they didnt open up Pandora's Box with this whole thing.
And yeah, Pep was a little bit different, because he was actually suspended for 4 games that year when he won the ROY.
Even though Peppers used PED's he still got voted DROY.

Even though Cushing used PED's he still got voted DROY.

Although Orakpo and Byrd had solid seasons, they didn't touch Cush

He plays an extremely physical game that requires strength, speed and quickness.. MANY players that play that game have been caught taking various substances that they should not have been taking.. USC and its players have been accused of some very unetithical behavior recently (not saying guilty, but accused).. NOW a player that played the same position, at the same time and at the same place as mathews was caught taking something deemed to be illegal by the NFL.. and you think it's "absurd" to think that journalist will not connect the dots and question mathews as well?

If you want to talk ethics and college football, go start another thread....otherwise #@+%%! with that
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

And yeah, Pep was a little bit different, because he was actually suspended for 4 games that year when he won the ROY.
Even though Peppers used PED's he still got voted DROY.

Even though Cushing used PED's he still got voted DROY.

I guess.

I thought that Cush was DROY, and even though he tested positive I still think he should keep his DROY award.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

And yeah, Pep was a little bit different, because he was actually suspended for 4 games that year when he won the ROY.
Even though Peppers used PED's he still got voted DROY.

Even though Cushing used PED's he still got voted DROY.
I guess.

I thought that Cush was DROY, and even though he tested positive I still think he should keep his DROY award.

only 2x DROY winner in NFL that. 
[Will Hunting] How do you like them apples? [/Will Hunting]
what does that mean?

Tim Montgomery would have passed his drug test the yr before he failed his test.

testing and standards change due to technological advances and greater understanding of what users do to cheat the system

Then it's some *@$@%%@+ that his hCG level would've been low enough to compete in the Olympics.

And it's ridiculous to me because I can tell you for certain that he wasn't using roids.

Dude got suspended 4 games for being a supplement head, which is pretty much every guy in the league.

If you're saying that he cheated the sytem by taking supplements then that's ridiculous. Cheating the system, in my opinion, is taking anabolic steroids that other guys can't take and somehow not getting caught or masking them. That clearly wasn't the case with Cush
Why would I lie though.

I have very credible information.

I thought Cush was on roids for the longest time til I met dude.

Dude is a workout freak, it's pretty much all he does. He's had a nutritionist since he's been at SC and dude takes a bunch of supplements like almost every top guy in the league.

Sure, I could be wrong and he could've been coming off of an HGH cycle, but if that was the case then he's been pulling this off behind everyone's back and he's a fraud.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Dude is a workout freak, it's pretty much all he does. He's had a nutritionist since he's been at SC and dude takes a bunch of supplements like almost every top guy in the league.
How does that prove he isn't on something?
pmac, dude was on the juice. no big deal bro.

And it's ridiculous to me because I can tell you for certain that he wasn't using roids.

cmon man be for real

unless u'r administering blood tests to him, u dont know for certain what he's doing.

yea dude is a work out freak, most dudes I know who take roids, are work out freaks too.

ooo and if he's innoncent, where's his lawsuit? where's his court injuction like those vikings and saints players who took the tainted supplements? He's known since september he had a "false positive" where's the investigation on his part. this guy is losing out on 4 game checks and will have a sullied reputation, woulkdnt u fight your +*@ off to get them both back?
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Dude is a workout freak, it's pretty much all he does. He's had a nutritionist since he's been at SC and dude takes a bunch of supplements like almost every top guy in the league.
How does that prove he isn't on something?

It doesn't, that's more of an explanation for why he's so yoked.

The thing that's funny is that Cush has heard people say he's on steroids for like 4 years now, and the only thing that's ever come from that is a very slightly elevated hCG level. A level that is permitted by the Olympics and was permitted by the NFL up until this year.

I don't have proof, but that info + numerous very credible sources very close to the situation make me believe that he wasn't doing some hardcore steroid cycle behind everyone's back and that the NFL's testing & policy is buns (which has been proven time and time again).

+$+!, my boy lived in Houston with Cush the first few weeks of the season, so if he was roiding then he had to have been doing it at the team facility.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

ooo and if he's innoncent, where's his lawsuit? where's his court injuction like those vikings and saints players who took the tainted supplements? He's known since september he had a "false positive" where's the investigation on his part. this guy is losing out on 4 game checks and will have a sullied reputation, woulkdnt u fight your +*@ off to get them both back?

From what I've been told it's coming.

Dude didn't even take the test serious and thought he was going to wrap everything up in the appeal. Was stunned when they upheld the suspension.

And the dude took a lie detector test ... there's not a lawyer around that would ever let a client take something like that if he wasn't 200% sure he was innocent, so that should tell you something.

But like I said before, I have a pretty credible source. (if anybody wants to stalk FBs they could probably figure it out and ask yourself) I suppose I could be wrong, but if I was then I'd call him a fraud just like everyone else would. I just don't think he did anything that anybody else doesn't do, and that's an opinion I've formed with credible information and facts -- it's not a hunch.
Yea, I'll keep waiting on that lawsuit just like We're all still waiting on Shawn Merriman's suit against the company who made him have a "false positive"
C'mon now, claiming a false positive or a "tainted supplement" and saying you're going to sue is completely different than this situation.

In this situation, with the facts of the test and what he tested for, Cush was either just cycling off and was extremely unlucky to not have been random tested a week later, or like everyone is saying, he tested very slightly over the level which could be due to almost anything.

I'm not exactly sure what you're expecting him to sue, and I'm not sure what I'm expecting him to sue over but two days ago I was told he was planning to get the law involved and that's the last I've heard of it.
Why ya'll dudes trying to defend something so blantant?

Supplement head? C'mon man.

This dude was putting the finishing touches on a cycle. HcG IS a known MASKING AGENT. There is a reason it's on the banned substance list. 

It's the same stuff Manny Ramirez took last year.

He's not a bad person because of it or anything. Jesus, you don't have to go to bat for him.

[h1]Shawne Merriman was and is available for trade[/h1]
Posted by Mike Florio on May 12, 2010 9:22 PM ET

When word surfaced that Chargers linebacker Shawne Merriman left CAA to be represented by David Dunn's Athletes First, we assumed that the move was a product of circumstance.  Stuck with the status of restricted free agent due to the niceties of the uncapped year, which blocked Merriman from a shot at the open market, Merriman is understandably frustrated.  Since he has no control over the situation, the one thing he can control is the identity of his agent.

Apparently, there's more to the story than that.  Kevin Acee of the San Diego Union-Tribune reports that Merriman's decision resulted from three failed draft-weekend trades that collapsed due to the demands that agent Tom Condon made on a long-term deal for Merriman. 

Per Acee, the Saints were one of the teams pursuing a possible trade.

That said, it's unclear whether a deal would have been finalized even if Condon's demands had been met.  Acee reports that the Chargers were firm in their request for a first-round pick in exchange for Merriman.

Acee also writes that the Chargers have made it known that Merriman remains available.  So if Merriman fired Condon and CAA because Condon wanted too much money, the question becomes whether Dunn will be willing to reduce the number to a level that another team would be willing to meet.  Then the question will become whether Merriman's prospective team will be willing to give up enough to the Chargers to make the trade happen.
U gotta back away from your friendship with buddy and look at things realistically...

its not a diff. situation ...
both are claiming they didnt use steroids, correct? if Cush is innocent, where is this lawsuit to get an injuction similar to the one the Saints and Vikes got.

I'm not exactly sure what you're expecting him to sue,

Vikes & saints players sued and got an injunction, if he's innocent, he will do the same right... til then *Kat Williams* I'll wait ...

we're acting as tho this positive test was just yesterday. this dude has had 9 months to piece something together. instead we get silence... and he's just now considering a suit ...
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