**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Don't think that deal goes through, Detroit giving away their 8th pick is a lot just to unload Rip Hamilton

Especially if there's an amnesty clause and/or a lockout, a year without basketball then Rip becomes an expiring.
Aren't the contracts frozen if there's a strike? If so, that would be an extra 2 years of Rip and Idk if I'd wanna do that. I could see the trade being pulled off since it's a such a weak draft if Cleveland gives them a first rounder next year and like Sessions.
If we didn't resign Chauncey we probably could've signed J.R Smith and Tyson Chandler . That kinda pisses me off but not so much cause I know he's gonna be a great trade piece at the deadline.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I shoulda tap tap pulled to TrueBlues that time I thought I saw him.

This fool
... hook me up with some SJU HyperElite shorts bruh bruh!
You all know full well I was talking about the knicks.
I didnt start throwing shots til you guys did either. I made pointed statements sure but that was about potiental FA signings, and the trade for Dwight Howard.
I even stated that every knicks fan knows that the price for Deron Williams was better than the price for Melo. That wasnt disputed.
The only 2 people that commented on the Howard trade situation were Penny ( who made a great point about Noah) and Cake ( a Bulls fan)
Stated that Deandre Jordan was the only big man guaranteed that you could potientally have a shot at that would make sense.
That's not harmful nor disrespectful.
Billups at 14 million is not a trade piece in most potientalsalary cap situations. Your the only guys with a team thread that is assuming you know something about the salary cap situation on a daily basis.
To me you cannot project potiental cap space if where facing a lockout, but your the only fanbase what has done it...
If the hard cap is at 51 million
Amare 18.2
Melo 18.5
Billups 14.2

Thats 50.9 million dollars.

You really think they would use the amesty clause to get rid of Turiaf knowing they are still at 51 million not even including Douglas, Turiaf etc?
They cant void contracts, so they are gone have to let certain guys go. While you might be able to let Amare go the fans dont want that?
You cannot justify letting Melo go, but you can justify Billups.
Even if I were to go based upon the short sighted projections you have made, and make myself a Knicks fan. I would be jumping for joy that the Heat won. That means they are less likely to trade Bosh and someother pieces for Howard.
You know Wade and Bron would have tried to swing it too.
So wait you really think Melo and Amar'e are not two superstars on the Knicks? or was that just a horrible attempt at an insult? If the answer to the first question is yes then everything you say is invalid and not worth reading.

You can call it throwing shots but everybody else sees it as the truth.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I shoulda tap tap pulled to TrueBlues that time I thought I saw him.

This fool
... hook me up with some SJU HyperElite shorts bruh bruh!
Man I made the mistake of quitting before they handed the new gear out so I don't even have a pair of those

I'mma see if I could get my hand on a pair or two, though, this upcoming season. I'll let you know.
Unfortunately if he's on the board I see us taking josh selby . I want klay thompson, marshon brooks, kenny faried, or Darius morris at 17. Also I'm hearing we might take that 7 footer from usc that shoots threes ( definitely a dantoni player
) and then buy a later first round pick and draft iman shumpert or Isaiah thomas
Originally Posted by KING x RIECE

If we didn't resign Chauncey we probably could've signed J.R Smith and Tyson Chandler . That kinda pisses me off but not so much cause I know he's gonna be a great trade piece at the deadline.

you have a point but at the same time there's no guarantee that we would sign chandler or any other good center this summer because their contracts can be matched... i hated the chauncey deal but i see it as a trade-able asset and one of the few we actually have... and also taking the risk of not signing chauncey to get a center this summer we risk out on losing our starting pg...
I just peeped that bum on the Miami bench in 06
Me and my pops couldn't stand dude seems like he ALWAYS did some bonehead $#@!
Son got paid what 49 mil?? As bad as Isiah was Layden was worse IMO. Wasn't it at least +90 mil combined we gave Shandon and Eisley
Originally Posted by RuffRydya08

Son got paid what 49 mil?? As bad as Isiah was Layden was worse IMO. Wasn't it at least +90 mil combined we gave Shandon and Eisley

cot damn.  Isn't he the gm that gave Allan Houston that diesel contract? it's a shame son had jesus money but Spree out the league broke.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

You all know full well I was talking about the knicks.
I didnt start throwing shots til you guys did either. I made pointed statements sure but that was about potiental FA signings, and the trade for Dwight Howard.
I even stated that every knicks fan knows that the price for Deron Williams was better than the price for Melo. That wasnt disputed.
The only 2 people that commented on the Howard trade situation were Penny ( who made a great point about Noah) and Cake ( a Bulls fan)
Stated that Deandre Jordan was the only big man guaranteed that you could potientally have a shot at that would make sense.
That's not harmful nor disrespectful.
Billups at 14 million is not a trade piece in most potientalsalary cap situations. Your the only guys with a team thread that is assuming you know something about the salary cap situation on a daily basis.
To me you cannot project potiental cap space if where facing a lockout, but your the only fanbase what has done it...
If the hard cap is at 51 million
Amare 18.2
Melo 18.5
Billups 14.2

Thats 50.9 million dollars.

You really think they would use the amesty clause to get rid of Turiaf knowing they are still at 51 million not even including Douglas, Turiaf etc?
They cant void contracts, so they are gone have to let certain guys go. While you might be able to let Amare go the fans dont want that?
You cannot justify letting Melo go, but you can justify Billups.
Even if I were to go based upon the short sighted projections you have made, and make myself a Knicks fan. I would be jumping for joy that the Heat won. That means they are less likely to trade Bosh and someother pieces for Howard.
You know Wade and Bron would have tried to swing it too.
with a hard cap set, salaries will have to be reduced. There is no way a cap is set and the contracts remain as they are. The Lakers have almost $93 million on the books for next year ($4.3 in player options and a little less then $800k in a team option), $67.6 million in 12/13 (4 guaranteed contracts, 2 team options, and 2 player options), and $61.5 million in 13/14 (4 guaranteed contracts going to Kobe, Pau, Ron, and Blake). Are you telling me the team is just going to start letting players go or trade them? please.

At the end of the day we don't know what the CBA will look like, but i think it is stupid to assume that the a cap will be set and the salaries remain the same. Owners want the cap and salaries restructured.
How far do you guys think can we go IF we sign RIP, Grant Hill, Pryzbilla to the Vet min..And sign Dalembert?
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

How far do you guys think can we go IF we sign RIP, Grant Hill, Pryzbilla to the Vet min..And sign Dalembert?

If you guys sign all of them I like the Knicks chances against anybody in the east. Those are all strong defenders with a bunch of playoff experience. All those guys plus Billups would make sure Amare and Melo play defense. But I don't know if you're going to get any of those guys for the vet minimum...
That's a really good balance of offense / defense. Gentry was mad G. Hill didn't even get considered for DPOY. idk about that tho

Teams can offer Vet min only when they are over the cap correct ?
Originally Posted by DubA169

where do u see this story about Walsh signing

[h3]Walsh, Knicks Still Talking Extension[/h3]
May 31, 2011 10:08 AM EDT


As Donnie Walsh continues to work on the future of the Knicks , his own future remains uncertain.

Both Walsh and Garden executive chairman James Dolan have pointed to June 30 -- when Walsh's contract officially expires -- as the important date. The deadline now is a month away.

"We're still talking about it," Walsh told Newsday Monday.

He wouldn't elaborate, nor would he comment on a report that said an extension will be completed this week.

Via Alan Hahn/Newsday

Read more: [url=http://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/213922/Walsh_Knicks_Still_Talking_Extension#ixzz1NxQF3Nri]http://basketball.realgm...._Extension#ixzz1NxQF3Nri[/url]

this is the only thing i see
From RealGM, Apparently Melo's barber cuts one of the posters over there and he told him that melo and cp3 have a verbal agreement , knicks are looking to sign Gasol, and the Knicks also want chandler back but will not overpay. Dude is a respected poster definitely not a troll but take it for what it's worth
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