**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

It seems this team has not woken up yet. Bad passes, no box-out, and lazy defense.
What exactly is the purpose of games this early on the weekend? If they wanna have earlier games so that kids could come with their parents why not just make them at like 4-5pm? I'm gonna assume it's because there's some sort of event/game going on at MSG tonight but if that's the case then just try to schedule the games around it
Love the 3 on 1 break and chucking a 3 pointer.

nothing but jumpshots.


i like TD, but get him out of there....
and will, stop taking shots, drive to the hole!
Walsh, if you're a NT member, do us a favor. Getting a better backup point guard.
Remember when Duhon kept getting playing time last year even though he sucked, and we all sat there wondering what the hell he was doing on the court more than 1 minute a game? Douglass is the 2010 Duhon
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