**Official '11 NYK LOCKOUT thread*** lockout over

Amaré is 5/21
Wth.. he better have brighter days in his future lol
Amar'e had an off night but he has done lots of *!+! that hasn't showed up in the box score.  Amar'e is a 3rd option on a championship contender he is being asked to do things that aren't in his game right now and cause of that he is looking worse than he is.  But he is busting his #*! 110% out there something that he didn't always do in Phoneix.  This is a transition year for him as well, 1st being the man give him some time.  Either way, BIG BIG win tonight.  These type of wins builds the type of confidence that goes a long way.
what is with the hate? Stat makes us better by leaps and bounds. Replace Lee with Stat and we're the same garbage team from last year. Stat will fustrate from time to time, but to say Lee is better? come on now...
Amare needs to pick it up offensively, obviously. He can't keep turning it over like this...But I think he gets a pass so far due to the change of scenery and the fact that he's actually hustling and playing the best D he probably ever has.

At least we're 2-2 with Gallo being garbage 3/4 games, AR being out and Amare playing sub-par. Plus 3 games were on the road. Make this one count and protect the home court this weekend.
Fleton/Douglas combo


Felton and Douglas should and will play together. Turiaf will be key to a lot of wins this season. Gallo was finally able to step up and show what he's capable of. Defense was weak at times, Stat needs more time to adjust but other than that, I couldn't be happier.

Proud night for Knicks fans.
damn I know yall bout to lay it on thick...so in the words of Stringer Bell "bring it on @!!!+$@#+#%@*"

How in the hell TD got us for a CH 30? I was about to watch the recording but by accident left the tv on nbatv and saw the score b4 i could hit dvr

will see yall in rematch
And I like Mozgod, but he is the odd guy out in the rotation to me along with Bill Walker when AR gets healthy.
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