Official 2007 Fantasy Basketball Thread

Originally Posted by jay y kay

somebody on my league offered Barbosa and Okur for Calderon and either Miller or Andre Bynum.

I'm short on points and 3s so it doesn't sound too bad but i'm afraid Calderon might play a lot better now that Ford is possibly out for season. What do u guys think?
I also think Calderon will play better. He's been putting up good numbers for the amount of minutes he was playing behind Ford. But if you needpoints and 3's, you should make the trade for Barbosa and Okur. It won't be a huge increase in points since Okur's points total is about the samewith Bynum and Calderon (they're in the 200 point range), but Barbosa is an upgrade. Plus you're getting 3's with both Barbosa and Okur.
Originally Posted by MonopolyMan630

What do you think about Pierce for Okafor?

I would definitely keep Pierce. We are seeing a nice all-around game from him this year and Okafor's injury concerns are always present.

Should I do this:

I give: Garnett

I receive: Yao and Artest

I would drop Diaw who really hasnt been doing anything this year.
^^^ it might be a good trade because you prettty much get more points and compareable rebounds with Yao and everything else with Artest. Garnett isn't whatI expected of him this year, sure he gets blockks, steals and some assists but his playing time is inconsistent since Boston is beating teams by 20-30 pointsand sits out the 4th most of the time. He also isn't focused on scoring this year and has been lagging on his rebounds lately, I would even go out of thelimb and say Kaman is doing better than him lately.

At this point, I would do the trade.
^ There are alot of leagues out there. Yahoo!, NBA, CBS Sportsline, ESPN, etc. Yahoo! seems to have the best leagues.
I'm glad I come into this thread because I would have never picked up Outlaw. Hes doing great right now. Hopefully he keeps this up.
Tough call; I'd say it depends on your needs. T-Mac gives you those all around numbers, but with lower %ages, higher TO's, and the constant concernsabout injuries (and nowadays effort allegedly). Redd on the other hand won't give you the sexy defensive stats and 25-5-5 numbers, but he's one of thebetter guard sources of efficient offense out there. Great pts, 3's and %ages.

I'm considering making this trade offer to a guy in my league who's looking for a center. Not so sure if he'd accept, but I'd like somethoughts:

Give: Al Jefferson, Nick Collison, Joe Johnson
Get: Pau Gasol, Luol Deng, Mo Williams
who do yall like better McGrady or Redd??
TMac is the better player but he's like Wade, the way he plays exposes him to more situations where he could get injured. Redd is more of ashooter, so he doesn't risk injury every night. So it's really a toss up I think. But honestly if I had the choice I would go with Redd.

I have a question for you guys, is it time to drop JR Smith?

I am considering the following:
Martell Webster
Sam Cassell (should come back at the end of the week)
Mikki Moore
Willie Green
Jannero Pargo
Originally Posted by eaglebball1499

Tough call; I'd say it depends on your needs. T-Mac gives you those all around numbers, but with lower %ages, higher TO's, and the constant concerns about injuries (and nowadays effort allegedly). Redd on the other hand won't give you the sexy defensive stats and 25-5-5 numbers, but he's one of the better guard sources of efficient offense out there. Great pts, 3's and %ages.

I'm considering making this trade offer to a guy in my league who's looking for a center. Not so sure if he'd accept, but I'd like some thoughts:

Give: Al Jefferson, Nick Collison, Joe Johnson
Get: Pau Gasol, Luol Deng, Mo Williams

i like your guys better. I think Jefferson's outplaying gasol so far this year, joe's outplaying mo and has the extra position. deng's a betteroption than collison but i like the way your other 2 guys are playing more than gasol and williams's season so far.
Originally Posted by BubbleGUMxSOLES

who do yall like better McGrady or Redd??
TMac is the better player but he's like Wade, the way he plays exposes him to more situations where he could get injured. Redd is more of a shooter, so he doesn't risk injury every night. So it's really a toss up I think. But honestly if I had the choice I would go with Redd.

I have a question for you guys, is it time to drop JR Smith?

I am considering the following:
Martell Webster
Sam Cassell (should come back at the end of the week)
Mikki Moore
Willie Green
Jannero Pargo

what do you need? mikki's the only big guy so if you really need him then i guess i'd go for him. if you need points i'd probably go for greensince it looks like he's on a tear right now. i don't like cassell this year because of his health.

what do you guys think about trading for gilbert right now? the guy who has him in my league is kind of desperate to move him and he's asking me for eitherjason terry or mo williams. besides those 2 i have steve nash and hinrich as pg's so i might be ok till gill gets back. i'm just worried he won'tcome back.

so, should i do it? and who should i trade? terry or mo?
Give: Al Jefferson, Nick Collison, Joe Johnson
Get: Pau Gasol, Luol Deng, Mo Williams

Good trade.

As for Jason Terry or Mo WIlliams, I'd keep Mo Williams. I'm not sure I'd trade for Arenas period though.

Sorry I haven't been around, won't be back until ~ NEXT Thursday, Finals. -_-;
Thanks for both of your inputs, Exile and JapanAir. I'm probably going to end up tanking blocks in my league anyway to improve my steals and percentages,so in that sense I don't really have a problem with losing Jefferson for Gasol (and I do think Gasol will pick it up soon enough). I really look at therest of the deal as Deng+Mo for Johnson, since Collison is probably the guy I'd drop if the trade were a straight 3-for-2. That's a trade I'd makecomfortably, particularly given JJ's terrible efficiency this year.

He's also offered me Deng for Tyson Chandler straight up. Not as excited about that one, but still intrigued.

BTW, there's another manager in the league that wants to do a straight Al Jefferson for Jamison trade. What ya'll think about that one? Again, ifI'm tanking blocks I'm not so sure it's a terrible deal.

Oh yea, and I hear you on that finals bitterness JapanAir...I just finally became a free man for the next month yesterday. I'll tee one off on the golfcourse for you tomorrow morning.
Best of luck with your finals.
Thanks, I only have one to worry about, but I've slacked off for a while, and I'll be done next Wednesday. Thanks for the prayers.

As for Jefferson <-> Jamison, if you really want to tank Blocks, I guess it's not a bad offer, you'll go down a bit in FG%, but you'll getrougly the same points and rebounds with some threes. I've never tanked a stat before though so I don't know how efficient it'd be.
Would you bench one (or two) of these guys for either (or both) Jamario Moon and Larry Hughes?

Lowry, Garnett, Josh Howard, JET, Daniels, Darko, Artest, AK47, Kaman, Bosh, Granger.
The only one I'd do it with is benching Lowry for Hughes, but not unless you need the assists. Darko may be replicating some numbers you're alreadygetting out of Garnett, Kaman, and Bosh, so maybe bench him as well.
who wins out in these trades?
baron davis, grant hill, and carmelo anthony
garnett and d-wade

joe johnson
tony parker

chris paul?
Originally Posted by EZLN1

who wins out in these trades?
baron davis, grant hill, and carmelo anthony
garnett and d-wade

joe johnson
tony parker

chris paul?

1st trade: Garnett and D Wade

2nd trade: Joe Johnson, he is struggling right now but I think he will pick it up and be better in the long run.
3rd trade: Tough one if you needpoints take Kobe but if you want more assists and steals take Chris Paul he is playing amazing ball.

I am kind of mad I didn't trade Garnett for Yao and Artest when I had the chance. The dude doesn't want to do it anymore and Garnett has been verydisappointing. He hasn't even grabbed 10 boards in about 6 games. Very underwhelming stats from him lately.
^^ Yeah Garnette has been disappointing as of late but just wait til they make a road trip to the West, he'll most get more playing time since gameswon't be as blown up as it is in the East. Boston hasn't played much over .500 teams so the rest of the season should give him plenty of playing time.If you can get Marion for him right now though, it's worth a shot. hehe.
dude kobe4mvp, how can you even THINK for a sec about that trade? u pretty much get every category covered with those 2 guys. Kobe is overrated in the fantasygame. Only time i would even hesitate is if it was for Lebron. Besides that, i cant believe you would even hesitate.
Originally Posted by Kobe4MVP12

^ I already got Marion and boy am I happy. He is playing amazing right now.

Wow, you got Garnett and Marion in the same team? How'd you pull that off. Give a Nash for Garnett trade a try, even try Boozer or Howard. Definitelyworth a shot since Garnett has that big of a name.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

For those with Yahoo fantasy games, what's BS, and BA, and which counts for blocks for your player?
Yeah what is that? I'm looking through Yahoo!'s box scores and seeing BS and BA is throwing me off...
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