[| -- Official 2008 "Glow In The Dark" Tour: KanYe, Lupe, N.E.R.D. & Rihanna Post -- |]

tonight is going to be
Originally Posted by AirAnt23


Hide it in your crotch, or what I did for the Hov show (they did allow cameras) was my Blackberry is usually on my right side with belt clip. So I put my
camera in my undershorts on my right side so in a way the blackberry was covering it, so if they were to check they would only feel the Blackberry while the
camera was in my undershorts but positioned right behind the phone so it seemed like all one item.
That was what I was thinking I'd do (the crotch move). I couldn't remember if they did a metal check though. The only show I got my camera
into was Wu and they let me roll in with the joint in my hand.

And on note as far as when "Spaceship" drop... I'm gonna be lifted out my skull anyway
, probably have another in my sock to boot. May 9th. Tap tap pull if you see

I might be there don't know if I'm going to this one or Charlotte.Burn One Wit ya boy
YO! Get at me. I didn't even know about the Charlotte show when I bought my ticket. But it works out better this way since the 9th is a Friday. I canparlay afterwards. DF!!!
SAC HEADS AND SJ heads...what was the outcome with bringing cameras in? SJ heads, are you guys gonna try and sneak yours in?
For my LA Nokia Live peeps


No commercial or flash photography of any kind is permitted. Camcorders or any other audio/visual equipment is prohibited unless authorized by the promoter or performer. Specifically, the use of the following equipment is not permitted:
  • Lenses greater than three-and-one-half inches in length
  • Telephoto or zoom lenses of any kind
  • Interchangeable lenses of any kind
  • Monopods or tripods
  • Flash equipment of any kind
So I'm guess that regular digital cameras are allowed, just as long as they aren't like the ones mentioned above. They say no camcorders,and that's why I upgraded to 2 gigs of memory.
Originally Posted by Mag1c12783

SAC HEADS AND SJ heads...what was the outcome with bringing cameras in? SJ heads, are you guys gonna try and sneak yours in?
Im going to have my girl sneak it in.
Originally Posted by JP310

What songs did NERD do

Let's see - off the top of my head, they started with a song I never heard before, maybe one off their new album but it was sick. They went into"Brain", then "Rock Star", "Lapdance", a new song called "Spazz" that was freakin nuts and had the crowd going wild,"Everybody Nose", and "She Wants to Move." I think that's it, there might be some songs I forgot, I'm sure someone will correctme.
Overall I enjoyed the show. Lupe started slow, but once he got going he was pretty good. N.E.R.D. I have to admit might have been my favorite part ofthe show, them dudes were hyped and Pharrell's dancing had me rolling, that dude is a fool. Rihanna was decent, wasn't looking forward to her so shewas bathroom break time. Kanye was dope; he's a super weird dude, but a great performer. I might be the only one, but towards the end I got tired andwanted him to end it already, I thought it was perfect after "Stronger" but he kept prolonging the "let me see your hands" and thenperformed 2-3 more songs; my legs were hurting for standing for so long. I thought we would see something different from Seattle, but other than MatthewSantos it doesn't look like we did. I was also disappointed a bit that there were no collaborations between artists, like no Us Placers or Lupe in Touchthe Sky or Pharrell with Number One. Oh well. I have a feeling the rest of you guys are gonna get a better show when they work out kinks, but thatdoesn't mean I didn't have a great time last night. I did.

I was with 5 people and we had no problems getting cameras in; it looks like they got more strict later on. We got there about 30 mins early when there was noline to get in, so maybe that was it.
Originally Posted by welcometothetonezone

For my LA Nokia Live peeps


No commercial or flash photography of any kind is permitted. Camcorders or any other audio/visual equipment is prohibited unless authorized by the promoter or performer. Specifically, the use of the following equipment is not permitted:
  • Lenses greater than three-and-one-half inches in length
  • Telephoto or zoom lenses of any kind
  • Interchangeable lenses of any kind
  • Monopods or tripods
  • Flash equipment of any kind
So I'm guess that regular digital cameras are allowed, just as long as they aren't like the ones mentioned above. They say no camcorders, and that's why I upgraded to 2 gigs of memory.

It says, no flash photography in the beginning.
And at the Sac show they were being douchebags about Cameras. One security guard said just use your phone then another one tells us, nothing at all.
SAC concert was
sneak your cam in your pants. Lupe was hot fire but mad short, he should have been on for much longer... NERD was off the chain!! I wasjumping and going crazy their whole set. Rihannia was ehh. and of course Kanye was kanye....put on a great show flashing lights was insane! and you get a hisbook or free
I'm also guessing that one of the technical difficulties during the concert was when Lupe was on, and the screens on the sides were not working. I wassitting WAY up in Arco Arena, and I had to believe it was him on stage. I had no screen to view to confirm or anything unlike the other artists.

Haven't read anything about it so i have no clue what to expect

Cannot +$%%@%# wait, hope they drop Us Placers...
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Originally Posted by you big dummy

Originally Posted by its Labrev

Sacramento show,
. I'm mad because they sold out of Lupe hoodies
, those were piff.

Anyone have a pic of those hoodies

Somebody PM me about this hoody!

Theres no pics yet, but it's a black/white Zip up hoody which says Lupe Fiasco in white and the letters form a skull w/ some Japanese characters underit or something.
And on the front left it says The Cool I think and some other stuff.
Originally Posted by its Labrev

Sacramento show,
. I'm mad because they sold out of Lupe hoodies
, those were piff.
I seen you up there Darren, but I was too far to say sup. I was right infront of stage. (Row B, ticketmaster hook up let us trade our lower level tickets for floor seats.)
I got hit w/ a big blast of smoke when he went up.
I have a few pics (will upload later) but the Security guards was on my $+%.

Lupe - 300 Intro was the +*$, I wish he did 'The Coolest' the original way though.
NERD - Got everyone hyped as hell. Killed it.
Rihanna - Eh, didn't really care but it was good I guess. I swear we locked eyes a few times though

Kanye - That Seattle slip up,
. Killed it though, Grammy Version of Hey Mama > Concert.

Hhaha. I saw that smoke come out and felt sorry for whoever got blasted with the smoke.
The thing that killed me was that my cousins friend who was withus missed out on front row tickets that she won from the KSFM booth that let everybody she's with go to the front row with her. They gave the tickets tosomebody else because she didn't claim it
Originally Posted by its Labrev

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Originally Posted by you big dummy

Originally Posted by its Labrev

Sacramento show,
. I'm mad because they sold out of Lupe hoodies
, those were piff.

Anyone have a pic of those hoodies

Somebody PM me about this hoody!

Theres no pics yet, but it's a black/white Zip up hoody which says Lupe Fiasco in white and the letters form a skull w/ some Japanese characters under it or something.
And on the front left it says The Cool I think and some other stuff.

how much are these?
The Sacramento show was great. Kanye alone was well worth the price.

With bringing in camera and other things its a hit or miss depending on what section you are in.
While I was roaming the arena with my cup of henn & coke there was many blunts being blown and pics being taken, especially in sec 121, 122, and 206

I was in section 121 for the Lupe part. Then met up with friends at 110 then stayed there.
ah man cant wait for this event tomorow... san daygo.
pj and bompton, plannin on blazin preshow?
should be sick and hopefully they'll bust out some collabs since it is a kinda special day. lol

stoked to check out the lupe sweater since i heard only kanye n rihanna had gear for sale.
Originally Posted by ArmenExchange

ah man cant wait for this event tomorow... san daygo.
pj and bompton, plannin on blazin preshow?
should be sick and hopefully they'll bust out some collabs since it is a kinda special day. lol

stoked to check out the lupe sweater since i heard only kanye n rihanna had gear for sale.

I wish but i'm getting a new job and the drug test is in the next couple days

But It's Labrev...how much were the Lupe hoodies i'm for sure coppin one if they are under $50...
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by ArmenExchange

ah man cant wait for this event tomorow... san daygo.
pj and bompton, plannin on blazin preshow?
should be sick and hopefully they'll bust out some collabs since it is a kinda special day. lol

stoked to check out the lupe sweater since i heard only kanye n rihanna had gear for sale.

I wish but i'm getting a new job and the drug test is in the next couple days

But It's Labrev...how much were the Lupe hoodies i'm for sure coppin one if they are under $50...

They're 50.
then i guess there was no difference between seattle and sacramento show cuz matthew santons was in seattle too. performed streets on fire and superstar
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