Official 2008 NBA Finals Game 2 Thread: Lakers @ Boston 6/8 6PM PST Game On ABC HD

Originally Posted by 3PLEDOUBLE

Tom Thibodeau know practically the blueprint of Kobe's game, since after all, he taught him half of his moves.Kobe going off on the Celtics is not a option in this series. He wont reach over 30 in my opinion, unless he shots over 30 times to get it.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

If Pierce didn't come back, KG was NOT getting them a win..

Dude was nowhere to be found in the 2nd half, he doesn't want the ball.

Yes, I meant on offense he is soft.

That jumper is the best move it might appear that he has, cause it all he ever does..he could absolutely abuse Gasol on drop steps and jump hooks in the paint. But again, he won't do it.

He's been there most consistent and best player....but Pierce is their go to guy, and it's obvious that he wants the big shots, and KG wants no part of contact, or the big shot.

Very true. I've been saying the samething since the Cavaliers series. If he wanted to, he can abuse Pau in the inside, but he seems to fall in lovewith the jump shot late in games.
Mike, Thibedau worked for the 76ers when Kobe's dad was playing...i don't know about "taught him" but there was an article in the NY posttoday sayin they'd always shoot around and what not
i gotta think dat if Boston wins tonight, then the series is theirs. I dont see the Lakers winning 3 home games in a row...that being said, Boston PLEASE winthis game
Lakers -1.5
Celtics +1.5

Apparently, Vegas believes the C's are the dogs in this game. If only by 1.5 points. Should be a great great game.
I see ESPN is not going to let this Paul Pierce injury thing go huh


He's NOT #*#@*% injured. Stop it, he came out bopping around after 5 mins. in the locker room

If the Lakers win, and ANYBODY tries to downplay it by saying Pierce is injured
I see what you're saying SoHi, but what if he comes out limping and scores like 6 points. It would seem pretty legitimate at that point.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I see what you're saying SoHi, but what if he comes out limping and scores like 6 points. It would seem pretty legitimate at that point.
Very true, but I don't really think it's that serious.

If Pierce misses his first 3 or 4 shots, I gaurantee ESPN is going to start showing him grabbing his knee and whatnot

And I may be hating, but I would feel like a $@!*+ if Bill Russel felt so sorry for me that he wants to GIVE me one of his chips
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

I feel geniunely uncomfortable during every second that Bill Russell is on tv. He's just awkward.
Word, he takes an awkward pause after every 3 words he sayslol
PLEASE get BIll Russel off the TV. His laugh is really annoying and its like he cant finish his sentences. ABC sucks. At least we get JVG and Mark Jackson..."HOLD THE HYPERBOLE"

And EsPN is really annoying with this whole PP being injured crap. Seriously he came right back out and has said he was fine, everyone knew he was gonna playgame 2. I think its safe to say he might be playing hurt, but at this point in the season who isnt? Ira Newble?
what they injecting in perkins???steroids??? hapy juice to make him smile??

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

I see ESPN is not going to let this Paul Pierce injury thing go huh


He's NOT #*#@*% injured. Stop it, he came out bopping around after 5 mins. in the locker room

If the Lakers win, and ANYBODY tries to downplay it by saying Pierce is injured
You must not be very familiar with ESPN
@ them calling that "Kobe walking the streets of Boston".

What a crock of %%!#.
bill russell needs to wrap it up b. geeze

i like paul pierce a lot, but they're really playing the willis reed hero role as much as they can
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