Official: 2009-2010 Fantasy Basketball Thread

12 team/ h2h

A trade was offered to me:

I Get:
mo williams/ david lee/ john salmons

I Give:
Amar'e/ Chauncey

My team:
B Lopez
Larry Hughes
Ryan Gomez
Aaron Brooks
Al Horford

His Team:
Ray Allen
Caron Butler
Kenyon Martin
Anthony Morrow
David Lee
Joel Przybilla
D Harris
Chris Douglas-Roberts
Rip Hamilton

Im actually kinda liking this trade...
So far chauncy and mo are pretty evenly matched... in all categories
Amare hasnt been as good as i thought he would be and right when he starts gettin better he comes bak down.
I would prob drop ryan gomez since i was gonna do that anyway

but i kinda want to get rid of a rocket... i got too many of em and when tmac comes bak all their numbers will go down...

can i propose something else? maybe involving scola or ariza? Kinda want to trade arize cuz his numbers will drop and so will brooks but brooks tears it up

Plz help me out... if you got something u want me to look at let me know...

thanks in advance... sorry for all the writing
Okay so I was offered Kaman for JRich, and what I'm thinking is I accept the trade and pick up Barbosa off waivers to make up for the loss of 3s when hegets back. Thoughts?
Originally Posted by RFX45

Oh how big oa difference losing Granger and Calderon.
I'm buried in pts, 3s, stls, ast and blks and down 8-1 this week with two days left.
I really need to decide whether to drop Calderon or not, if I keep losing 8-1 until Granger comes back in 4-6 weeks or longer, i'd be buried and might not be able to comeback.
Imagine if in 6 weeks Granger decides to just shut it down for the season because the injury isn't healed yet, that'll be icing on the top of the cake.
im in the same situation bro

+ Kevin Martin being out too
Something happened to Ryan Gomes? He only played about 8 minutes and has only 2 fouls so foul trouble isn't the issue. Is he hurt or something?

Nevermind. His notes say that he had a leg and ankle injury. X-Rays pending.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Something happened to Ryan Gomes? He only played about 8 minutes and has only 2 fouls so foul trouble isn't the issue. Is he hurt or something?

Nevermind. His notes say that he had a leg and ankle injury. X-Rays pending.
Plus lets shots for him now that K. Love is back, I'd drop him but that's just me.
Haywood or Landry? J Howard or Dunleavy? I'm thinking about grabbing Landry cuz I'm struggling in ft% and pts but at the same time Haywood is such abeast with blks. 5 blks last nite!! so I duno wut to do. My other big men are Love, J Tom, Horford, M. Gasol, and Rashard so you already know the deal. Dunleavy dropped buckets last night but I think JH will have a better season. should I stick with JH?
Originally Posted by BangDak

i dont understand why everyone wants to drop jose. i mean, i drafted him in the 3rd round (8man league team, yeah what a waste of time, i know) but hes not worth dropping.
he has SOME trade value. wait till he plays well, package him for someone who can somewhat produce.

My league isn't the most active when it comes to trades, there has been one offer overall this whole season.
Calderon has just been a big disappointment averaging 11pts, 2reb and 6 ast and his highest point, ft% is way down at 78%.
And now the coach seem convinced he may miss an extended time and honestly, if he will miss 2-4 weeks, I will have to drop him.
He won't travel with the team against their next two games against the Magic and Heat.
I'd rather pick up Kevin Martin or Biedrins or Nelson and wait 2-3 weeks or even pick up Redd right now, all available in the FA list at the moment.
Patent, that is a hard choice. I have both Dunleavy and JHoward, so far, both have been inconsistent but I think Dunleavy might have more upside.
The Mavs does Dirk, Jet and Marion in the line up and they are slowing him down a bit while Dunleavy will get more pt with Granger and possible Jones out.
As for Haywood and Landry, that is another touch choice. Haywwod didn't give much in his last game but the 5 blocks pretty much solidfied that point for methis week.
So...everyone still hanging onto Iverson?

I have him and been thinking of ridding him for either Dunleavy or Dampier or Griffin. Thoughts?

I got Lou Williams and Kevin Martin just rotting.
lou williams? i dropped him the sec i knew he got hurt

im holding into AI for now. i also was deciding between landry and dunleavy. ended up dropping diaw for dunleavy. dunleavy is going to pour in 3s and pointsalthough landry contributes more all around. depends what you need.
Lou is coming back in January though. I got RIP and he just came back but I don't know about him. I need another SG mostly since Lou and Martin is out. AllI have is RIP and Iverson for those positions. Not necessarily more points or assists or whatever. I'm not in that kind of league. It's just based offwho produces numbers.

My team is...

Raymond Felton, Cha PG
Hedo Turkoglu, Tor SF
Pau Gasol, LAL PF, C
Kendrick Perkins, Bos C
Tony Parker, SA PG
Antawn Jamison, Was PF
Kevin Martin*, Sac SG O
Richard Hamilton, Det SG
Dwight Howard, Orl C
David West, Nor PF
Al Harrington, NY PF
Lou Williams*, Phi PG, SG O
Allen Iverson, Phi SG, PG DTD

Who else to really drop? I wanted to fit Dampier, Griffin, or Dunleavy in somewhere but I don't know if I can.
Definitely a hell no with Charlie V. That dude is inconsistent and with RIP coming back, his scoring will go down. That's all he really does.

Bogut is solid but I can't stand injury prone players.
^^ Stick with Scola. P, drop Lou. I think I'm gonna hold onto J Howard for now. I'll give him 3-4 games to show me what he's got but if dunleavydrops like 40pts thn I will be canceling JH immediately. I may just hold onto Haywood cuz altho he dsnt score much, I dnt know many players that can get 5blksand 10+boards in one game. I may have to drop Calderon for Dunleavy now that I think about it if he keeps struggling so much. If he ends up injured for 2+ wks,he's getting cut.
Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

Haywood or Landry? J Howard or Dunleavy? I'm thinking about grabbing Landry cuz I'm struggling in ft% and pts but at the same time Haywood is such a beast with blks. 5 blks last nite!! so I duno wut to do. My other big men are Love, J Tom, Horford, M. Gasol, and Rashard so you already know the deal. Dunleavy dropped buckets last night but I think JH will have a better season. should I stick with JH?
With Haywood and Landry, it all depends on what your team needs. Sounds like you need what Landry offers but Haywood doesn't which is morepoints and a better FT%. Can your team take the hit in the blocks and rebounds categories if you drop Haywood for Landry? I don't know the strength of theother teams in your league so in the end it's your call.

Tough call, but I'd go with Dunleavy over Howard. With Howard, you don't know when he's going to play or when he isn't going to play. It justkills me to have that kind of inconsistency from game to game. The thing that gets me about Dunleavy is that he still is coming off the bench despite theinjury to Granger. Maybe it's because he's still isn't in basketball shape or anything, but it's discouraging to still see him come off thebench. But when you're debating between the two, I'd take Dunleavy over Josh Howard.

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Drop Lou?

He was killing. He'll be back in January though.
Yeah, I'd drop Lou Williams. Personally, I don't think he'll get picked up either. When he does come back, I expect his production totake a hit because of Iverson.
Sooo...drop Lou and Iverson and pickup saaaay...Griffin and Dunleavy? or Dampier and Griffin? or Dampier and Dunleavy?
^^ If you don't want to drop Lou, then you're going to have to drop Iverson who I wouldn't drop or Felton who has been heating up lately. WithoutFelton, ure relying on Parker to carry your assts.
depends how active your league is in injuries? how many people are in your league?
right now, dampier is the most consistent out of the 3, although you cant really go wrong picking either of the 3.
@%!* it. I dropped Lou and Iverson for Dunleavy and Damp. I'll keep Griffin on my radar.

I need to make the playoffs at least. I lost the last match-up to the top team in the league by 3 points and he played 3 more games than my team did...atleast. The same may happen this week. I'm keeping up with dudes and not even filling my roster.
I am down 6-3 in my league right now and my opponent has no more players playing tonight and I have Kaman and Eric Gordon playing.
I need 59 pts and 9 ast, whata re the chances of that happening especially against the Spurs?

Also, one of the point I have on my favor is the fg%, I am at .500 and he is at .497, what are the chances of both of them keeping that percentage?

The 3 games Calderon missed really hurt me, if I would have gotten Jarrett Jack or someone who scored and passed a bit, I would have had the ast won for sure,probably along with the pts too.
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