OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

Imagine if this happened around July-August
How am I jumping to conclusions?
, because you are.

I think we all pretty much knew it - with that said.

No power slugging baseball player is CLEAN.

That's news to me. As of now, you and Jose Canseco are the only ones that "pretty much knew it".

Like I said, NO one is clean.

I'm floored by this, but everything was going way too good. You knew something was around the bend, never thought it would be this. That being said,sources say he did not test positive for a Steroid.

It just seems like everyone is on a witch hunt right now with their comments. It is truly sad. No benefit of the doubt or anything. No guilty until proveninnocent or at least waiting until more information leaks out.

Just taking what they think they know and running with it.

It is crazy, sad that his legacy and whatever he does in the future will be tainted by this.
bill plaschke is pissed

Dude is on ESPN saying he dont want manny back with the dodgers, that he dont believe his excuse, and that he is sick of him.
How am I jumping to conclusions?
, because you are.

I think we all pretty much knew it - with that said.

No power slugging baseball player is CLEAN.

That's news to me. As of now, you and Jose Canseco are the only ones that "pretty much knew it".
I'm referring to the conversation some of us had about Manny when Jose decided to open his mouth.

Although, its a stretch saying every power slugging baseball player is juiced - it's probably not that far off.

Probably got players waiting to see their name called next.

Regardless of what happens, Manny's statement of "the doctor gave it to me" has been used before.

I'm not mad though, a little dissapointed - because this steroid / drug / ped talk will never escape baseball.

bill plaschke is pissed

Dude is on ESPN saying he dont want manny back with the dodgers, that he dont believe his excuse, and that he is sick of him.
man, I wonder how many Monster's he drinks before he talks - this dude has to be on meth.
I'm referring to the conversation some of us had about Manny when Jose decided to open his mouth.

Although, its a stretch saying every power slugging baseball player is juiced - it's probably not that far off.

Probably got players waiting to see their name called next.

Regardless of what happens, Manny's statement of "the doctor gave it to me" has been used before.

I'm not mad though, a little dissapointed - because this steroid / drug / ped talk will never escape baseball.
I try not to be cynical, and judge, well let's be real, I try not to stereotype. If someone doesn't have a positive steroid test then I won't associate them with steroids.

People are trying to compare him to ARod, when ARod admitted to using steroids while with the Rangers.

All we know is that he failed a drug test, and it wasn't a positive steroid test. It was positive based on illegal PED's, which could be anything.
I think he's gonna come back and go crazy after the break, similar to how it was when he came from boston. Now lets see how the team holds up until then
Not every PED banned by the MLB is a steriod. People are quick to jump on the roid talk (because of the media) but forget about the stimulants and hard drugsthat are banned as well.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Bill Plaschke,
, talk about making yourself sound like an idiot on national tv.

i was actually laughing. his blood pressure must have been like 200/100
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Bill Plaschke,
, talk about making yourself sound like an idiot on national tv.

i was actually laughing. his blood pressure must have been like 200/100
I've always said that "Smokin Gun's" Bill is too damn emotional. Even in his columns. He is worse than a girl on herperiod.....or menopause. He's been doing it ever since he started as a columnist with the LA Times.
...."I want Manny out of LA" $!+! out ofhere. I'm in a state of disbelief, shock, name it. It sucks right now. Just got a text and the mood in the office is like the dayafter we lost the NLCS. It is quiet, dead, eerie. This is a big blow in many ways, throughout the organization.

Despite the emotions, I refuse to jump to conclusions. I will wait for more information to come out.

thing is that I was planning a weekend trip to see the Dodgers playthe Padres in San Diego on July 4th weekend. Who knew that would be the second game back for Manny.
at the same time.

All I can say is Manny made a big mistake, and it will tarnish his legacy. Luckily, our division is garbage and we beat up on it early on. Now it is time forother people to step up and produce without Manny in the lineup.
@Pierre starting, maybe Xavier Paul will win the job. I like what I saw in ST from Paul.

I have a feeling that Pierre put something in Manny's urine on the way to the lab,
manny tested positive for: HCG

which is a women's fertility drug of some sort, used to take after a steroid cycle.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

manny tested positive for: HCG

which is a women's fertility drug of some sort, used to take after a steroid cycle.

100% sure?? smh at manny
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