OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

makin the last out @ third word to vin.

thanks for the pitch count pmac, i still think wolf had an inning in him - he looked strong in the sixth.
now i remember his name, Mitch Jones - what happened to him?

he played outfielder during ST.

nice play by loretta.
damn nyquil knocked me the %@*! out.

glad i didnt get to finish the game.

bottom line is dodgers couldnt score with RISP, so many wasted opportunities.

when zito has his curve ball going, hes pretty much unhittable - bills pitched solid, but not good enough in certain situations.

he let too many on base with 0 out and such, bla bla bla.

48 games
Furcal too mannnnnn

I didn't see any errors in the box score but he F'd up more than twice

i'm headed out at 1130 to the game
couldnt score when we had to, i will put some pics up from my iphone after i get my haircut this morning

ironman if a fine girl is throwing out the 1st pitch can u give ur boys a heads up in here?


didnt raffy have a couple strikeouts?

he looked clueless at the plate, didn't know what to do, didnt know what to expect and as the leadoff man he's been absolutely ghost so far this seasonas far as seeing pitches and getting on base.

lookin at bills numbers he had 4 walks with 5 strikeouts

too many mistakes by the dodgers gettin caught stealing or trying to advance, poor decisions - and they need to execute better.

lets goooo early game today.
Cain and Stults going today...

Supposedly Joe's resting some of the starters... Raffy, Casey and or Martin..
at the game last night, almost everybody that goes up to bat just tries to hit a HR instead of just trying to put the ball in play.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

*he's also resting manny.

if they continue playing like this, its gonna be a snowball effect and get mental to where theyre gonna think they cant do things offensively w/o manny
Originally Posted by sinser13

at the game last night, almost everybody that goes up to bat just tries to hit a HR instead of just trying to put the ball in play.

thats what had me pissed off about blake dude went up there just swinging for the fences
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