OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

Manroid is right, its funny how you guys taunted the giants fans for years, and it turns out there is a cheater on your own team. Ive been to two stadiums whenthe giants play the dodgers, and SBC park is one of the friendliest to the dodgers, when a giant fan visits Chavez he is harassed constantly. Your organizationand fans are hypocrites plain and simple. Enjoy your 2nd place finish.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Again, enjoy your season.

You too, no hate against you however, just some of your fans actions are ridicoulous. But really enjoy your season.
Trust me, i'm more than aware of that

you should read through the thread, I hate it myself. It takes away from my time spent @ the games, but that's just how it is I suppose.

I think i'll be @ Chase in August.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Trust me, i'm more than aware of that

you should read through the thread, I hate it myself.
Specifically towards Jordan04or whatever. You seem pretty knowledgeble so I can stand that, but brightnikes seems alittle over the top sometimes.But hey its happens to the best of us.
Originally Posted by John Ohh

Did he not read the previous articles on various websites that stated why he does this. You guys certainly have a class act organization, Eric Gagne going after Micheal Tucker,Eric Karros riding the whole dodger organization on TV every time he announces a game. The list goes on,and you certainly must not forget that when your little freakshow in Manroid comes back that he and Blake will be taking 100 mph fastballs to the heads. And it certainly might not be from Wilson, look for Cain, Lincecum,and Johnson to stick up for the Giants.
From your comments, your two cents don't mean squat, since you add very little insight. Karros is opinionated and there is nothing wrong withthat, the Dodgers know what he does for Fox. They also know what he says, and that is fine. He is entitled to his opinion, and the Dodgers respect that. I've talked to EK, and he says that he tries to be unbiased despite the fact that he is still getting paid by the Dodgers (He is on the Legends Bureau),and he may ride them harder than other teams because he cares about the Dodgers, more than any other team.

Kind of like a father who coaches his son, but rides his son more than the other players on the team.

Still, people within the Dodger organization respect Eric Karros for what he has done and what he continues to do.

The threat of getting beaned is
. You make it seem as if the Dodgersdon't have any arms in their arsenal. Second, you talk about "class". The threat of retaliation is very "classy". Don't talkabout it, be about it.

Brian Wilson should be disgusted. As an Arizona fan it adds on to my hate. When someone makes it clear in articles and in words that it is for their father, you DO NOT mock him. Jordan04, you should learn the game of respect because certainly you and your "Fans" have none what so ever. Just my 2 cents worth.

Why should Brian Wilson be disgusted? There are many ways to pay tribute, yet he decides to do one that pisses opponents off. He can point to the sky,like most batters do when they slug a HR, but pitchers think they can do their little song and dances and get away with it. Like that blog entry states, whenyou do an outlandish celebration or "tribute", you need to be prepared to be mocked. I can't find that clip of that Dodger/Giants game from lastseason at AT&T park, but there was a heated exchange. I was at that game.

You have a lot of nerve, being a no name or probably a dude who logged on to a secondary account and mouthing off about "game of respect". Stayclassy.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Did he not read the previous articles on various websites that stated why he does this. You guys certainly have a class act organization, Eric Gagne going after Micheal Tucker,Eric Karros riding the whole dodger organization on TV every time he announces a game. The list goes on,and you certainly must not forget that when your little freakshow in Manroid comes back that he and Blake will be taking 100 mph fastballs to the heads. And it certainly might not be from Wilson, look for Cain, Lincecum,and Johnson to stick up for the Giants.
From your comments, your two cents don't mean squat, since you add very little insight. Karros is opinionated and there is nothing wrong with that, the Dodgers know what he does for Fox. They also know what he says, and that is fine. He is entitled to his opinion, and the Dodgers respect that. I've talked to EK, and he says that he tries to be unbiased despite the fact that he is still getting paid by the Dodgers (He is on the Legends Bureau), and he may ride them harder than other teams because he cares about the Dodgers, more than any other team.

Kind of like a father who coaches his son, but rides his son more than the other players on the team.

Still, people within the Dodger organization respect Eric Karros for what he has done and what he continues to do.

The threat of getting beaned is
. You make it seem as if the Dodgers don't have any arms in their arsenal. Second, you talk about "class". The threat of retaliation is very "classy". Don't talk about it, be about it.

Brian Wilson should be disgusted. As an Arizona fan it adds on to my hate. When someone makes it clear in articles and in words that it is for their father, you DO NOT mock him. Jordan04, you should learn the game of respect because certainly you and your "Fans" have none what so ever. Just my 2 cents worth.
Why should Brian Wilson be disgusted? There are many ways to pay tribute, yet he decides to do one that pisses opponents off. He can point to the sky, like most batters do when they slug a HR, but pitchers think they can do their little song and dances and get away with it. Like that blog entry states, when you do an outlandish celebration or "tribute", you need to be prepared to be mocked. I can't find that clip of that Dodger/Giants game from last season at AT&T park, but there was a heated exchange. I was at that game.

You have a lot of nerve, being a no name or probably a dude who logged on to a secondary account and mouthing off about "game of respect". Stay classy.

Like Cinco said to me, good luck on your season, no need to argue with a fan who doesn't know what he is talking about.
Originally Posted by John Ohh

Manroid is right, its funny how you guys taunted the giants fans for years, and it turns out there is a cheater on your own team. Ive been to two stadiums when the giants play the dodgers, and SBC park is one of the friendliest to the dodgers, when a giant fan visits Chavez he is harassed constantly. Your organization and fans are hypocrites plain and simple. Enjoy your 2nd place finish.

I completely love this argument, since it is based on fallacies. First of all, we don't know how the fan reaction to Manny is going to be, he hasn'tcame back at this point. There is a wide mix or reactions out there. Some fans will still support him, others don't know, some say they won't. Noone knows.

Furthermore, we don't know how long or when Manny started taking anything. At this point we are still waiting for Manny to address his team, organizationand the fans. It will come, let him gather himself up. We all forget that these guys are human beings, and although Manny brought this on to himself. I amsure it will take some time to gather his thoughts. Imagine making an epic mistake, one that sullies your reputation, tainted everything you haveaccomplished. On top of that, you have dissapointed people that you really cared about and trusted you, think you would be ready to address them immediately. Give him time.

Second of all, let's not forget that Manny is the first superstar to ever be punished. ARod admitted to using between 2001-2003 (I may be off by acouple), he wasn't suspended and he wasn't fined. Sure, it was unfair that his name was the only one that was put out and the others were neverreleased. Still, he didn't get suspended by MLB or lose any money in the process. On top of that no one questions whether he is taking Steroids orPED's now. It has been accepted that he took them within the time frame he was exposed in the random testing.

Now on to Bonds. Manny landed on our laps last season and the city fell in love with this guy, so did I. It is not as if he arrived as a future HOF (Bondswould've been enshrined if he would've stayed clean IMO) in a certain type of body and then transformed into something else. Bonds hit puberty in hismid 30's, unlike any other baseball player. He grew in size and his power numbers improved dramatically. Bond's cheated for years, and he accumulatedmany awards for that. Now tell me how many MVP awards Manny has? How many does Bonds have? Bonds went from averaging 30 hr's to hitting 50+ in his midto late 30's. Look at Manny's numbers, 45 is his career high. Look at Manny and Bonds numbers and compare them. Manny was taking something, but wedon't know when it started. It could have started when he started aging or before the season, we don't know.

Furthermore, Manny has been publicly humiliated and his name has been dragged through the mud. An admission of wrongdoing will come shortly. Bonds has NEVERadmitted to taken anything, as far as he is concerned he has never taken anything illegal. This is despite being involved in the BALCO scandal. Some fans arestill in denial, that he took anything,
. When it comes to Bonds,everyone is going on very obvious speculation. He has never been caught either, sadly.

Please do not compare the Manny situation to Bonds.

It is easier to forgive and cheer for a person who has admitted his guilt than the guy who blatantly denies any wrongdoing.

As far as Casey Blake is concerned, I know which jersey to buy next.....
Originally Posted by John Ohh

Like Cinco said to me, good luck on your season, no need to argue with a fan who doesn't know what he is talking about.
I'm assuming you didn't bother to read anything, stay classy dude.

In this thread we have discussions. Obviously, when a discussion does not go the way you want or when someone counters your weak argument, you resort tolobbing insults.

Good thing you are a D'Backs fan, because we don't need people like you cluttering this thread.

If you want to lob insults go somewhere else, if you want to discuss something, this is the place to be.
I read everything in the past 5 pages, you attack everyone that enters the thread. You need a reality check my dude,I said good luck on your season and youcome up with this BS on how I insulted you.
good enough?
Originally Posted by John Ohh

I read everything in the past 5 pages, you attack everyone that enters the thread. You need a reality check my dude,I said good luck on your season and you come up with this BS on how I insulted you.
good enough?
Go back those 5 pages bruh, and re-read, and tell me who I am attacking.

Like I said, when you are ready to grow up and discuss something that has occured baseball wise, let me know.

You're insults are getting foolish.

Feel free to cut and paste, please try to prove me wrong.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by John Ohh

I read everything in the past 5 pages, you attack everyone that enters the thread. You need a reality check my dude,I said good luck on your season and you come up with this BS on how I insulted you.
good enough?
Go back those 5 pages bruh, and re-read, and tell me who I am attacking.

Like I said, when you are ready to grow up and discuss something that has occured baseball wise, let me know.

You're insults are getting foolish.

Feel free to cut and paste, please try to prove me wrong.

Good luck with your season man. Good luck...
Why should Brian Wilson be disgusted? There are many ways to pay tribute, yet he decides to do one that pisses opponents off. He can point to the sky, like most batters do when they slug a HR, but pitchers think they can do their little song and dances and get away with it. Like that blog entry states, when you do an outlandish celebration or "tribute", you need to be prepared to be mocked.

Saw this and just wanted to say that Blake is the ONLY person i have seen or heard about that has had an issue with Wilsons tribute. What Wilson is doing isnot outlandish like jumping up and down like a little school girl pumping his fist. It's not that much. And most of the time he does it with his backtowards the hitter. So i don't know why Blake takes offense to it.

with that said.....

Spoiler [+]

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Why should Brian Wilson be disgusted? There are many ways to pay tribute, yet he decides to do one that pisses opponents off. He can point to the sky, like most batters do when they slug a HR, but pitchers think they can do their little song and dances and get away with it. Like that blog entry states, when you do an outlandish celebration or "tribute", you need to be prepared to be mocked.

Saw this and just wanted to say that Blake is the ONLY person i have seen or heard about that has had an issue with Wilsons tribute. What Wilson is doing is not outlandish like jumping up and down like a little school girl pumping his fist. It's not that much. And most of the time he does it with his back towards the hitter. So i don't know why Blake takes offense to it.

with that said.....

Spoiler [+]


Like, I said, I believe it dates back to last season. The last series of the season at AT&T Park. It got heated between Blake and Wilson. Iwish I could find a clip of it, but I believe it has been brewing since then.

BTW, how do you do the spoiler thinamajig.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Why should Brian Wilson be disgusted? There are many ways to pay tribute, yet he decides to do one that pisses opponents off. He can point to the sky, like most batters do when they slug a HR, but pitchers think they can do their little song and dances and get away with it. Like that blog entry states, when you do an outlandish celebration or "tribute", you need to be prepared to be mocked.

Saw this and just wanted to say that Blake is the ONLY person i have seen or heard about that has had an issue with Wilsons tribute. What Wilson is doing is not outlandish like jumping up and down like a little school girl pumping his fist. It's not that much. And most of the time he does it with his back towards the hitter. So i don't know why Blake takes offense to it.

with that said.....

Spoiler [+]

Like, I said, I believe it dates back to last season. The last series of the season at AT&T Park. It got heated between Blake and Wilson. I wish I could find a clip of it, but I believe it has been brewing since then.

BTW, how do you do the spoiler thinamajig.

well if they have a little history going on then i can see why Blake would do it, thats understandable.

For spoilers, if using quick reply just press "ctrl + s". I'm not sure if that works for all browsers but I know for sure it does in FF.
The regular code for spoilers is just [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ](without the spaces).
2009 Season


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Dudes legit
This could be a very bad roadtrip for the dodgers. They've lost 3 out of 4, and it could be a snowball effect if their offense doesn't show up
Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

This could be a very bad roadtrip for the dodgers. They've lost 3 out of 4, and it could be a snowball effect if their offense doesn't show up
As we have seen the offense has been showing up. Even Juan Pierre has stepped up. Only one loss can be attributed to the offense having a badnight, other than that we are still getting timely hitting.

The issue right now is a struggling bullpen, the reason we lost to the Nationals despite a 6 run lead, and the reason we lost to the Giants after the offensespotted a 2 run lead against Tim Lincecum.

I think the Phillies series is going to be high scoring, since their pitching staff is struggling as well. Chan Ho Park as a long reliever,
, worked for us last year. CHP as a fifth starter,
, that should tell you something. I'm looking forward to Thursdays game,Bills vs. Hamels. I think Bills has something to prove in Philly.
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