OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by bright nikes

I'm cool with my tshirt mart plain tees and white ts
dont front, i know your inner hypebeast already pre-ordered the shirts. probably setting up your tent outside the store right now.

I think my inner hypebeast left me back in 04'. go argue with nt23 about the raiders.

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I'm just going to accept the fact that Russell is now a defensive catcher,

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Serious question.

How many seasons of baseball does it take for people to realize that teams go through slumps and that acting like the world is going to end when those slumps happen isn't really helping anything?

I feel like every Dodger fan I've talked to or seen online is sure that this team is going to collapse of some %+@*.

Me, I knew a slump was coming, and I'm glad its now and not in two months.
Here's your serious answer.

What do you expect? The baseball fans out here in Los Angeles are pretty tense waiting for a championship to come home.

It's been over 20 years since we won, some of us weren't even born yet to enjoy it - and ever since that year after year it hasn't been the same.

We've been dissapointed and let down too many times, and now we have a contending team on our hands and extra motivation by getting our !#$ whooped by the#*!%@+% Phillies.

I think every fan has a right to feel like something is wrong with the team, if you don't you gotta pull down them Dodger sunglasses because you'rebeing blinded.

Like bigmike said, we all expected a slump - but some of the ways we are losing these games are pretty ridiculous. An honorable mention goes to the fatboycosting us 5 games and counting ...

Hope that makes sense.
Furcal SS
Hudson 2B
Ethier RF
Manny LF
Blake 3B
Kemp CF
Loney 1B
Ausmus C
Haeger P

More Ausmus, less Martin ... interesting
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by Mr Jordan04

what's the possibility of matty getting a gold glove this year?
Very strong possibility.

Who votes for these things anyway? If it's the media, then the award is a wrap for any of the East Coast teams.

East Coast bias FTL. Kemp better not get snubbed.

Yea I fell you on that. But what other OF'ers are gonna be in contention for it?
What do you expect? The baseball fans out here in Los Angeles are pretty tense waiting for a championship to come home.
So freaking out over a slump makes sense. Dodger fans have it GREAT compared to the fans of pretty much every other franchise except for theYankees and Cardinals.

The way this team came out of the gate and played so damn well, you had to know a stretch like this was coming. I understand people having concerns, but damnstop acting like the season is over or some @+%!.

It's been over 20 years since we won, some of us weren't even born yet to enjoy it - and ever since that year after year it hasn't been the same.
Born 3 days before Gibby's HR

As far as that goes, you have to prettymuch write off the Fox years. We got screwed. McCourt took over and screwed up in the beginning then realized thatdeveloping youngsters is the way to go. Since he realized that and tied Ned's hands behind his back and didn't let him trade away prospects we havedeveloped what everyone around baseball knows as the best core of young players in the NL. The window for this group is just opening, it's not likewe've been waiting 100 years or something.

I think every fan has a right to feel like something is wrong with the team, if you don't you gotta pull down them Dodger sunglasses because you're being blinded.

No fan can do jack @+%! about what's going on out there. There is absolutely no point about being constantly negative when something goes wrong. ESPECIALLYsince we all watch enough baseball to know that the way the team has played since the All-Star break isn't likely to continue.
Like bigmike said, we all expected a slump - but some of the ways we are losing these games are pretty ridiculous. An honorable mention goes to the fatboy costing us 5 games and counting ...

And when we won 13 straight at home to start the season some of those games were won in ridiculous ways. That's how baseball goes.

I'm %+%@$%% tired of hearing people complain about Broxton. He's the best option we have. Closers blow saves, we just happened to be INCREDIBLYfortunate to have Gagne and Saito recently who were better than great in their times as Dodgers. Either way though, he's the best option we have,complaining about it isn't going to change @+%!, so why do it?

Hope that makes sense.
Makes perfect sense, slumps will happen, but each fan has a right to be mad about something just because.
How many seasons of baseball does it take for people to realize that teams go through slumps and that acting like the world is going to end when those slumps happen isn't really helping anything?

I feel like every Dodger fan I've talked to or seen online is sure that this team is going to collapse of some %+@*.

Me, I knew a slump was coming, and I'm glad its now and not in two months.

I'm tired of defending the Dodgers,
. I just let dudes talk.

A slump was expected. We are not getting blown out. We have blown some games since the All Star Game. At the same time, we have been in pretty much everygame. Surprisingly the pitching has not been terrible and the bullpen has not fallen apart. Troncoso is struggling. Broxton is struggling with that big toe. The pen has been holding up. The offense has been terrible lately. If the offense would hit better with RISP, there wouldn't be heavy pressure on thebullpen to protect a 1-3 run lead almost every game.

This team will be fine, IMO. I don't think they will blow the West.
so wait, you're saying turn the other way when things go wrong and stay absolutely positive?

Nah, things don't work that way. When the Dodgers look across the freeway at the Staples center and see what the Lakers have done, they know damn well theyneed to bring a championship back.

Comon' PMAC, to say fans are suppose to act a specific way because you're not feeling people being negative is straight bananas.

We give credit when credit is due, but why can't you knock a player when they aren't living up to expectations?

I understand people having concerns, but damn stop acting like the season is over or some @+%!.
Who's acting like the season is over?

I'm not one to crown them division champs nor say the season is over - I'll wait till we get there.

No fan can do jack @+%! about what's going on out there. There is absolutely no point about being constantly negative when something goes wrong. ESPECIALLY since we all watch enough baseball to know that the way the team has played since the All-Star break isn't likely to continue.
Being a fan is all about emotion, if we can say it with words - that's the closest we'll ever get to helping the team out.

I don't see what the problem is with a fan showing theirfrustration when things go wrong and yet man up and give the team praise when they do well.

I'm %+%@$%% tired of hearing people complain about Broxton. He's the best option we have. Closers blow saves, we just happened to be INCREDIBLY fortunate to have Gagne and Saito recently who were better than great in their times as Dodgers. Either way though, he's the best option we have, complaining about it isn't going to change @+%!, so why do it?
Yes PMAC, we know the best 1-2 punch with Kuo and Broxton, we know.

Like you said, we've had Gagne and Saito - we've been damn spoiled and I don't see that heart that those 2 had in Broxton.

Sometimes fans call it like they see it, if it bothers you that much just keep it movin'

Makes perfect sense, slumps will happen, but each fan has a right to be mad about something just because.

Yeah bro, just because.

Because most of us have spent our hard earned cash, wasted countless of hours, dedicated ourselves to our team - The Dodgers. IMO, fans can say whatever thehell they want - with success comes high expectations, and the Dodgers have yet to bring that gold home.

It's all good PMAC - we'll just learn we agree to disagree. When you come back to L.A we'll all grab some brewskies.

Btw ain't 562 bout to get his quincinera too?
All you dudes born inaugust
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

More Ausmus, less Martin ... interesting
It might just be that Ausmus has more experience and Haeger is a knuckleballer.

Was the Candy-Man the last knuckleballer we had?

that had to be a homer

Yes he was.

I'm glad it wasn't caught, that thing hung.
Me in early July:

Originally Posted by dland24

Russell Martin isnt that good of a hitter anymore, plus your offense would be fine without him.

IRONMAN in early July:

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Russ is hitting .387 with a .472 OBP to go along with 1 hr and 6 rbi's this month. Seriously, "can no longer hit?"


Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I'm just going to accept the fact that Russell is now a defensive catcher,
Originally Posted by dland24

Me in early July:

Originally Posted by dland24

Russell Martin isnt that good of a hitter anymore, plus your offense would be fine without him.

IRONMAN in early July:

Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Russ is hitting .387 with a .472 OBP to go along with 1 hr and 6 rbi's this month. Seriously, "can no longer hit?"


Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I'm just going to accept the fact that Russell is now a defensive catcher,
, I'm being sarcastic.

Martin has been frustrating, I posted his monthly batting averages. It is like a roller coaster. He can still hit, it's just perplexing that hedoesn't.

It is safe to call this an "off year" for him. It is still there though.
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