OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

Hey fellas, if any of you guys get an extra bh and willing to sell it. hit me up. I'm willing to make a trade with an $Andrew

Happy B-Day 562.

I'm with you man. I partied all of hs. I didn't know how I graduated.
Yeah after the 5th-6th the wheels usually come off, I really think it has to do with that surgery he got in the off-season and his conditioning.

I think he's still struggling with that hammy / leg injury he got a couple days ago, Honeycutt was quick to the mound when he saw bills come off of itwrong.

Nice dp.
Did this chick mess up the words to God Bless America? You can see some of the players laughing. She's cute though.
Are we suppose to look if the dude is wearing a cup?

(For those listening to vin on kcal)
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