***Official 2009 N.L. Central Thread*** Congrats to the Cardinals***

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

All of this Cardinals winning the division talk in August is going to come back to bite us in the !$%

There is still more than a month left in the season, it's not over!
Yeah it is dude...kills me to say it, but crown 'em.
Are you in the stltoday posts or something??? Somebody posted that same video not too long ago.

We are playing like crap tonight......IMPOSSIBLE for them to score runs with runners in position.

Ok FB, i think you were right. The 9 game lead has gotten them too comfortable with themselves and need a gut check forreal.

Albert is 0-3 again............This isnt looking good AT ALL!!!!!!!!!
Ya know.......Well......Nvm, its Albert Pujols. I guess i cant expect him to go 0-4 all the time, even though thats how its been looking lately.
That bomb that Pujols hit was sick. Overall it was an ugly game offensively. Smoltz looked real good again. I want to see this guy redeem himself and remainlights out for us.
Good offensive night tonight.......Should have been allot more runs scored. holliday had bases loaded with only 2 outs-----he and ludwick both struck outswinging.

21 games over .500........i think our magic number is down to 25....and counting :O)
Boggs with the win and the offense looked better today. I still can't believe August is pretty much over. This season has flown by.
The Cubs season is so over, and it's been over. People at work get on me for not caring anymore. It's not that I don't care, but honestly, the Cubshave no shot whatsoever, and you Cardinals fans aren't Cubs fans, so you're team is not going to flop the rest of the season. The fat lady sang abouttwo weeks ago. She's now at a buffet with the fat guy from that one tv show that i cant remember at this time, but she's definately going like 8 platesdeep, so that fat lady is pretty settled in, if ya'll get my drift. And Milton.....shut the !@%@ up dude. I saw you on CTL when we signed you, and you weretalkin suck a good game man. Well guess what Milton? Not only have you sucked terribly this year, you're a little !%%%* who cries wolf, and then blames iton the media. Get real dude, you hope the game is 9 innnings so you can go home and hide. There are people who work 15 hour days and barely make enough tosupport their family, but you're gonna complain about making 10 mil because the fans is a wittle bittle meany to you....??!??!?!? Get the !@%@ overyourself dude. But you what Milton ?? it's not entirely your fault. Jim Hendry brought you in to be our every day left fielder.....even though you'renot a very good left fielder. He also brought you in to be a power bat.....even though you don't hit many homreuns. Oh, and we needed a lefty hitter...eventhough you're a better hitter from the right side. And Hendry also thought you'd be durable and have a team first attitude......Let me ask you , JimHendry............are you a moron. You're shaking "yes." Admitting your mistake is the first step.
Damn....Dude is PISSED!!!!!!!!!!

I mean....The cubs have been winning lately....everytime we win, they win, everytime they loose, we loose.

He does have a right to be mad because it doesnt seem like their movies have helped much.............But i didnt see any mention of Soriano hitting under .250for the year and he hasnt been hurt.

With the cubs issue, its the entire team that made this a lost season....not like when Izzy was pitching for us and all the games he blew that year, if theywere saved woulda put us in the playoffs.
Pujols bails out the offense, Wainright with his 16th win and we expand our lead in the division. Great day, next up the team I hate the most in our division.
I never really thought the Bradley pickup was a great move for the Cubs, I flat out just don't like the guy. I really thought that the Cubs would bewinning this division this year, I still thought the Cards pitching, especially the pen, was going to keep them from the playoffs but that hasn't been thecase. I really do think a lot of it is possibly due to the fan base wanting a championship so bad that management feels it necessary to bring in guys likeBradley, but who knows? I'm probably wrong.
We have a sauna sighting....lol

Yeah, i could've ranted on for another few paragraphs, but enough was enough.
Why is Milton getting so much hate when Carlos Zambrano the supposed ace of the Cubs won't do a couple sit ups in the offseason to stay in shape?


Rickett's better clean house with Crane Kenny, Lou Pinella, and Jim Hendry to show the fans that the loser mentality culture is changing
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