[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]

Double play

Umps eyes

Instant replay
Heads up play, I've seen people try it all the time but haven't seen it work in a while.
How are ya'll saying that call is easy? In game speed, it's very difficult to see if Rollins got glove under the ball ... When it was obvious he wastrying to short-hop it.
This is why it wouldn't hurt the sport if they had a crew chief in the booth (the entire game) with access to video replay.....at least only for theOBVIOUS missed calls that can be over-turned (in this case it wasn't even close, no dispute was needed).
Good call.

But Rollins was not trying to catch it. If he was he wouldn't have wasted time stepping on second.

And some of these stonefaces are unwarranted. It's a tough play for the refs to huddle about w/o instant replay.
Originally Posted by What up

How are ya'll saying that call is easy? In game speed, it's very difficult to see if Rollins got glove under the ball ... When it was obvious he was trying to short-hop it.
Ump was right in front of that play, that was a soft liner.

I see little league umps (who obviously do a lot more work then these "professionals") get those kinds of calls right.
Originally Posted by What up

How are ya'll saying that call is easy? In game speed, it's very difficult to see if Rollins got glove under the ball ... When it was obvious he was trying to short-hop it.
Your right it wasnt an easy call. But I think Rollins was trying to do that. He wanted Matsui to think he was gonna short hop it, so he would movetoo far up the line. He honestly should have just gone back to first. Cuz even if he does short hop it hes not making it to second in time anyways.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

This is why it wouldn't hurt the sport if they had a crew chief in the booth (the entire game) with access to video replay.....at least only for the OBVIOUS missed calls that can be over-turned (in this case it wasn't even close, no dispute was needed).
Exactly. Those against replay say that it would slow the game down even more, which wouldn't be the case at all. That play was clear onceyou saw the replay, a crew in the booth could have sent down the right call in less time than the umps talking about it, and we know they would get it right.
that is a bush league play ... point blank ... IF rollins did what he was trying to do (and what he thought he did as evident by his tagging 2nd and thenthrowing) he would have intentionally dropped a liner to turn two ... yeah quick thinking, great athletic play ... still BUSH LEAGUE ...
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by What up

How are ya'll saying that call is easy? In game speed, it's very difficult to see if Rollins got glove under the ball ... When it was obvious he was trying to short-hop it.
Ump was right in front of that play, that was a soft liner.

I see little league umps (who obviously do a lot more work then these "professionals") get those kinds of calls right.

I think the ump was on the side of Rollins.

But either way it's still a tough call because he could have trapped it.

And onewearz, you already know
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