OFFICIAL 2010-11 SACRAMENTO KINGS SEASON THREAD - Vol. Too Lazy To Make A New Topic Right Now!

I don't know how this team is winning games, but they sure are fun to watch again.
Yeah, another good win for the Kings tonight. Back to .500 at 8-8. Kings are playing well at home again and hopefully more folks will go out and support them.

Interesting to see Donte still get the starting nod even when Beno and Sergio are healthy and have been playing pretty well as of late. Are they just preparingTyreke Evans to play the PG position full time when Kevin Martin comes back?

K9 starting center! Woof!
This team has surprisingly been competitive...I picked them along with NJ to be the 2 worst teams in the L
[h1]Tyreke's Blog: Winning My First Rookie of the Month Award[/h1]
December 1, 2009 by Tyreke Evans


Since we just celebrated Thanksgiving I want to say I'm thankful for my family and friends and for being able to pursue my dream of playing in the NBAfor the Kings.

Growing up, my Thanksgiving tradition was having all of my brothers and relatives over to my mother's house for a bigdinner. She usually started cooking the day before. Last year at Memphis was my first Thanksgiving away from home. This year I hired a chef to prepare stufflike my mom does. My brother Eric flew in from Chester, Pa., and it was good to have him here to watch me play and see us win.

In a lot of ways my experience last year in Memphis prepared me for this year in Sacramento. From pregame preparation to community involvement, my year inMemphis helped me grow and mature because I was on my own in a new city. The support system last year was good and in Sacramento it's even better.

A lot of people have asked me where I get my toughness. It comes from my family and the city where I grew up. When I was younger my brothers were tough onme and it helped me develop mental discipline. I grew up in one of the roughest cities in the state of Pa., so everyone in Chester is tough.

With the holiday season here, I've started thinking about what I'm going to get my relatives. Now that I'm playing pro ball, it's harder totry to shop because of our schedule, but I'll still make time to buy gifts. I'll check out Arden Fair Mall, but since I just bought a laptop, I'mgoing to try purchasing gifts online. My list consists of my mother, grandmother, brothers, nieces, nephews and cousins. As much as I like to give back to thecommunity, I'm grateful to be able to give nice gifts to my family and relatives this year.

When I got to the practice facility today Coach came in the locker room and told the team I won the Western Conference Rookie of the Month and everyonestarted clapping. It feels good to win it. I'm happy I earned the achievement because I'm working hard and we're playing well. Other teams havedoubted us, but we're showing everybody that we're pretty good.

We're playing well at ARCO right now. On Wednesday we play a tough Indiana team. If we keep playing the way we have been and bring the same energy,we'll take care of home court. Thanks for the support and keep showing it at ARCO!

Go Tyreke!

Pacers vs Kings tomorrow night!

ARCO stand up!? Haha, I really want to go to the free buffet deal if they ever have it again.
Kings at 9-8 now! Who would have thought that the Kings would be above .500 in December. Anyways, good win and for taking care of business at home. 8-2 homerecord is looking good. Can we get a new arena now?

Please refrain from posting "lets trade K-Mart" comments when the Kings are winning, but then not saying anything when they start losing. Just sayingthough, it's a trend I see. Haha.
Dang, I wish I still had my league pass to watch the Kings game.

Do they Kings even have a nationally televisied game this year?
On the real though, when K-Mart and 'Cisco comes back, this team will be STACKED, and some pieces have to go. Udoka, Thomas, and May should never see thefloor once they come back.



Udoka, K9, and Sean May

This team will be stacked it will be interesting to see if K-Mart and 'Cisco can buy into the team game philosophy and not be worried about getting theirs.Also, should they really take Casspi and Donte's minutes, which are crucial for their development, to give to Cisco and K-Mart, players who have alreadyestablished themselves? This will get interesting once everybody comes back that's for sure...

Udoka and May have to go. But I'd keep Thomas around, he seems to play well and play hard for Westphal. He is definitely trade bait around February but ifwe end up not moving him I wouldn't mind keeping him around for the veteran minimum.

I think Garcia has to prove himself capable of taking Donte's and Omri's playing time first. He's no K-Mart for sure.

K9 is actually not that bad. Woof!

And nah, the Kings aren't stacked. Haha. Still going for the John Wall sweepstake secretly... Some how while trying to make the playoffs...
They should televise the Kings vs Bucks Tyreke Evans vs Brandon Jennings. I'm pretty sure everyone would rather see that.....
Tough loss tonight against the Suns. Steve Nash and the 3's came through at the end of the 4th quarter and that was just too much. 1st game of the start of4 games in 5 nights. The Heat are up next.

Wade vs Evans!

I hope Evans can learn some things from Wade.

K9 with 18 rebounds tonight... Woof!
Ouch. First loss in Arco in a long time. As expected, Wade did his thing... But Tyreke was impressive himself.

Thompson has been struggling recently and the Kings really need him to start getting double doubles again. Spencer Hawes... Bleh. Haha.

Donte Greene had a good game himself. Good to see him make use of his starting nod.

2 losses on the current 4 games in 5 nights trip. Hopefully, the Kings can rebound on the road and win 2 back.
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