
I'm watching it on the home channel and I'm pretty sure our announcers are giving the Pacers more props then ESPN.....

What can you say, ESPN always has an agenda to fulfill...
Originally Posted by JaeEvolution

The announcers are such Bulls homers it's not even funny, give the Pacers their props, damn.

Especially with that last traveling call on Collison talking about "it was close" knowing damn well Rose fouled him.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

What trade vaule Bynum really have?

Depends on what he does this postseason. 

But it's not simply here's Bynum for Dwight that I get at when I make that trade proposal.  Looks at us, it's at least 10 months away, but we ALL KNOW it's coming, just like the Melo deal.  Denver came up with every rumor they could think of just to get the Knicks to up their offer, but in the end, where Melo go?  Where we all thought all along. 

We all know Dwight is not gonna be allowed to simply enter free agency.  If he does, Orlando gets NOTHING for him except trade exceptions. 

We all know that Bynum + Odom for Dwight isn't "fair" so to speak, but it's better than any other garbage deals that would get offered.  At worst, they would or they have Odom's option the folowing year, plus the option on Bynum would be up soon.  They either take a roll of the dice and see if the 24 year old second best center in the league (when healthy) can somehow stay healthy for a while, or they can cut the options on both, and start over with any other assets they get.  They can take whatever they want from us, Ebanks, Caracter, multiple draft picks, and use all that up to re-build rather than just letting Dwight walk. 
Short term, maybe Bynum does work hard and stay on the court for 70 games, maybe he takes a smaller deal to give them protection in case he does have injury issues  (not that much smaller, but just a little better than a max deal and all that that ruin players)  I dunno, 3 years 30 mil or something like that.  They use Odom for the rest of the season, and maybe try to move him to another contender for more parts after the season. 

Doesn't Jameer still have some money left on his deal?  We take that off their hands as well, helping them free up cash as well. 

And lastly, just like Melo, Dwight can nix any other deal they try to make.  He simply says, I won't extend in __________ (insert city) I want to play in LA.  If that happens, what choice does Orlando have?  Just like what chance did Denver have? 

You'll notice, I am not in here saying Orlando can't wait to call us and make a deal, clearly they won't want too, but this is a business, they are gonna be left with no choice if this is where Dwight wants to go.  And our assets/money matches us perfectly to make a deal.  We can take Jameer, or we could not take him, we could take Reddick, or Anderson, but I am assuming that they want to keep those 2 in ORLD, but if that's what has to happen, we could do it.  Bynum + Odom contracts match just fine with Dwight + whoever.  Then we give whatever filler is needed. 

Now, if you're Dwight, do you join Deron in New Jersey, with NO other assets, and play in the East, or do you join Pau/Kobe/Ron for 2 more years and try to win a couple titles in LA, and then run the town as they rebuild around you after Kobe and Pau leave?  Answer honestly, what sounds more logical there?  

You may not like it, may think I am dreaming, but we have heard and seen signs of this for months now, just like Melo.  Wait til it's January and the whispers get even louder. 
I've been thinking about this one pretty hard and long, it might be a little bit out there...

BUT, what about Demarcus ###@#!!, Omri Casspi, Francisco Garcia FOR Dwight Howard, Ryan Anderson, Q Rich....
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

I've been thinking about this one pretty hard and long, it might be a little bit out there...

BUT, what about Demarcus ###@#!!, Omri Casspi, Francisco Garcia FOR Dwight Howard, Ryan Anderson, Q Rich....
Dwight will only agree to this if he gets a lifetime Disney contract.

Sorry, couldn't resist. 
Originally Posted by PMatic

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

I've been thinking about this one pretty hard and long, it might be a little bit out there...

BUT, what about Demarcus ###@#!!, Omri Casspi, Francisco Garcia FOR Dwight Howard, Ryan Anderson, Q Rich....
Dwight will only agree to this if he gets a lifetime Disney contract.

Sorry, couldn't resist. 
Its cool homie.... I could actually see him wanting to go to Anaheim
Sidenote, will DMC's value ever go down the drain like Beasley's did? 
For team that has never beat the Spurs in the whole season, i'm sick and tired of everybody expecting to see the Thunder beat the Spurs.
 I really hope Denver beats the Thunder. 
Cfranchise26 wrote:
 I really hope Denver beats the Thunder. 

That's fear talkin to ya. 

I feel like reading that Hollinger "Rose is not elite cuz he don't shoot free throws" article again,  just for fun. 
Rose is turning into Wade
dude is gonna get 25 free throws a game for the playoffs SMH
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