Blair is 6'8'', and what team is really going to really going to make San Antonio pay for their lack of size OTHER than Orlando, maybe Chicago, and the Lakers? Did the Spurs ever have any problems with anyone back when they didn't have Admiral and they had dudes like Oberto?

The Spurs guards would give LA fits just as the Lakers bigs would give San Antonio fits.

It's all about match-ups. I'm not saying that Spurs would be favorites, but there are mismatches.

Did you really say Jason Terry can go and beat any team cause I stopped reading right there?

IF he's on, sure, just like Russell can IF he's on.
Did you really say Jason Terry can go and beat any team cause I stopped reading right there?

Did you really say Jason Terry can go and beat any team cause I stopped reading right there?

IF he's on, sure, just like Russell can IF he's on.

No, Russell Westbrook is an All-NBA player, Jason Terry is a good bench player.  They are not the same.  Russell Westbrook right now at the tender age of 22 is already much better than Jason Terry ever was.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

 (and normally speaking, teams /w leading scorer almost NEVER wins the title).
I'm only going to do the past 20 years:

91- bulls
92 - bulls
93 - bulls

96 - bulls
97 - bulls
98 - bulls
00 - lakers

*95 - magic made the finals
*01 - 76ers made the finals
Yall crazy. There is NO way LA loses to NO tonight again. LA is not about that life.
I would love for it to happen, but I do not see it happening.


Kevin Durant isn't Jordan, nor do they have that kind of team, and Durant isn't ever going to be as dominant as Shaq was back then.

Allen Iverson had no shot at winning a ring in Philly.

So, once again, why OKC but not SA/DAL when they both had better seasons when you look back @ things? Dirk missed 9 games, Caron missed 50, Tyson missed 8, Beaubois missed 50, Kidd missed a few, as did Marion, what kind of injuries did OKC have to deal with?


And why not post all the other league leaders in scoring?

Wade's Heat a contender back in 09? Nope.
LBJ's Cavs a contender in 08? Okay sure.
07 Kobe's? Nope.
06 Kobe's? Nope.
05 Iverson and Sixers? He wishes.
Tracy and Orlando in either 03 or 04? No.
Ivesron in 02, or 01? Nope.

There's a reason why there's only been 3 guys who've ever been the scoring leader and won rings with that team in the same year. Jordan, Shaq, and Kareem.
This back and forth again?


Damn the Grizzlies are giving the Spurs everything they can handle.
I just want to hear a legitimate reason why OKC are considered contenders when San Antonio nor Dallas are.

And not just because they are old, or because they have lost recently.

That makes no goddamn sense.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21


Kevin Durant isn't Jordan, nor do they have that kind of team, and Durant isn't ever going to be as dominant as Shaq was back then.

Allen Iverson had no shot at winning a ring in Philly.

So, once again, why OKC but not SA/DAL when they both had better seasons when you look back @ things? Dirk missed 9 games, Caron missed 50, Tyson missed 8, Beaubois missed 50, Kidd missed a few, as did Marion, what kind of injuries did OKC have to deal with?


And why not post all the other league leaders in scoring?

Wade's Heat a contender back in 09? Nope.
LBJ's Cavs a contender in 08? Okay sure.
07 Kobe's? Nope.
06 Kobe's? Nope.
05 Iverson and Sixers? He wishes.
Tracy and Orlando in either 03 or 04? No.
Ivesron in 02, or 01? Nope.

There's a reason why there's only been 3 guys who've ever been the scoring leader and won rings with that team in the same year. Jordan, Shaq, and Kareem.

why OKC but not SA/DAL when they both had better seasons when you look back @ things?

find 1 time when I ever said dallas or SA were not contenders

and you make a sweeping statement AND now want to conveniently exclude recent examples.. why not say teams that wear green almost never win the title, then exclude the celtics
Because no one else considers Dallas, San Antonio contenders.

If you do, that's fine, and I have no problem with anything you want to bring up.

I'm not ready to call them contenders and leave out those kind of teams, that's all I was saying.
 going back home for Game 3.
I just wanted to steal 1 in San Antonio, preferably the first one. Got that prediction right, now its time to win 2 at home. Shooting 38% isn't going to cut it though. Teams that pound the ball inside usually dominate at home during the playoffs. I'm ready.

I'm just happy the Grizz are finally introducing themselves to the NBA. 
I cannot stand Sean Elliott. You would have sworn Ginobili was on his death bed & funeral arrangements were being made prior to the game with how he was talking of Manu's performance.
Originally Posted by Blazers21NTNP

I cannot stand Sean Elliott. You would have sworn Ginobili was on his death bed & funeral arrangements were being made prior to the game with how he was talking of Manu's performance.

He was comparing Ginobili's performance to Willis Reed 
 . I felt like Memphis didn't do anything right and listening to him made it seem like a blow out game.
JA, it stands for the neighborhood I live in. I made this s/n when I was 14, which is why the 14 is there. 
 Mafia stood for Three Six Mafia since I grew up listening to them. It just stuck with me I guess.

And how was Zbo fouled 0 times? 
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