Originally Posted by Bigmike23

God damn the NBA is soft. What a bad call

co-sign, not a flagrant at all. only reason they called it because of the way he landed
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Blazers21NTNP

Kids a little thug. You watch him all the way through you know dude had bad intentions. Tyson got ragged around there.

Well damn.�

That sleeve completely hinders Manu's follow through .... He's going to have to stay aggressive at the Basket to make a difference offensively
"Where is this vaunted Thunder D at...Just not impressed. NeNe is just dunking on everybody on that frontline, thought it was the best in the league. Russell Westbrook stop throwing up horrible shots. This team needs to win a series before I hand them anything."
nene can be so nasty sometimes. like the way his play has been getting exposure this season since carmelo got traded

al harrington's still a scrub
Man, there is no way Denver comes back & win after this large deficit. Even though I want them too...

Originally Posted by koolbarbone

New rule:

If you are a Knicks fan and you cheered for Clarence Weatherspoon in 2000, you can't give Melo props.

There's a reason why bad players should not get to take the last shot in big games. They miss.
Originally Posted by PO2345

Man, there is no way Denver comes back & win after this large deficit. Even though I want them too...


they're only down by 12/14 pt. they can do this.

they just started off super sloppy

harrington sucks
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

"Where is this vaunted Thunder D at...Just not impressed. NeNe is just dunking on everybody on that frontline, thought it was the best in the league. Russell Westbrook stop throwing up horrible shots. This team needs to win a series before I hand them anything."
Damn, you're a wizard! I didn't know games were decided at halftime!

They put the clamps on their front-court, good stuff.

And Russ UNDENIABLY has poor shot selection. This isn't even debatable.

OKC Thunder, your 2011-2030 NBA Champs.

Why do they even play, knowing OKC going to win it all.

And just as I was trying to point out, THE ONLY THING I WAS TRYING TO POINT OUT, that if guys like Serge and Harden step up and do better, that will have an effect on Russ and KD.

Russ- 3/10.
KD- 3/7.

Exactly like I said..

All I said was don't expect another 72 point outburst and expect Harden and Serge to show up.

Look at that, they only have a combined 19 at halftime, and the other guys are stepping up. WHODATHUNKIT.
It's a fair enough point that OKC needs to win a playoff road game still, but that stuff will happen. I would love to see Ibaka grow a little inside game, that would be a huge help to them. Still, no one matches their future right now.
Originally Posted by CP1708

It's a fair enough point that OKC needs to win a playoff road game still, but that stuff will happen. I would love to see Ibaka grow a little inside game, that would be a huge help to them. Still, no one matches their future right now.
You won't ever see me denying that they have a helluva future, but let the kids win a playoff series before we call them contenders, or at least show something in the regular season to show that they may have the potential (like the Bulls did).

That's all I ever said. I never doubted their talent and their depth, all I've ever said was... Wait till they win SOMETHING before we call them contenders. Why not call Dallas contenders then? (Which, I haven't). Because they're younger? They're more multi-faceted? But they have no experience in their two big stars.

Like I've said, I have two teams as legit contenders out West, San Antonio, and LA. You can criticize me all you want about picking SA as contenders too.
Why the @#$% do I have to listen to Sean Elliot during a God damn playoff game? @#$% outta here with this clown.
Nobody says Dallas cuz they'be failed so many times. OKC being picked is more a look towards their progression we expect to see. We all expect Dallas to fail at some point. Not being flippant, just answering your example.
They won a playoff series two years ago. OKC hasn't won a series since, ever.

They lost three times in the first-round in the past four-years, sure.

But because you jump from a 8 seed to a 3 seed means you can be a legitimate contender NOW?

I just don't see it, not yet, not now.

Progression you expect to see? Like we saw from Portland? Who with Roy and Aldridge lost two straight years in the first round as well.

We don't see people still talking about Portland as being an up-and-comer do we?

I'm not saying these cats don't have the potential; they do. I'm just saying, can we let the games play out before we don them as a contender?

You talk about all the time that regular season doesn't matter, than what the hell are you basing the Thunder off of? They haven't done diddly-squat to prove themselves as anything more than Playoff fodder. Each time has to outgrow that stigma. Orlando did it. Denver has done it. Dallas is trying to do it again, and the same with OKC, in my eyes.
Man, this is really confusing you ain't it?
Mind showing me any time I ever said Portland was on the come up? Like, ever?
Reg season don't matter in terms of be all end all indicators. But it will show players that put in work and/or grow. OKC showed they improved this year, yes? There ya go. Don't mean they win it all, but they are improved, and next year they will REALLY have some expectations.
I'm not saying you, specifically.

But the way I see it, people are talking about OKC on the come-up just like they did with Portland.

Next year, fine, no problem calling them contenders, but jumping from 8 to 3 and suddenly being contenders this year? Without ever winning a playoff series?

Am I just crazy or does anyone else think it's just a little naive to say these cats are contenders yet. None of their superstars have legitimate playoff experience. Of course Perkins does, and that's valuable, but KD nor Russ don't.
Sorry if you couldn't see it in the regular season but it was clear as day. If reg. season W-L record actually meant #*%! well then the Mavs would not be the Mavs.
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