OFFICIAL: 2010-2011 Snowboard Season!!!

Heading up to Mammoth Mtn. next month.

First time going snowboarding.  TIPS?  I need direction as far as gear, boots, the essentials... thanks NT.
Heading up to Mammoth Mtn. next month.

First time going snowboarding.  TIPS?  I need direction as far as gear, boots, the essentials... thanks NT.
Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

Heading up to Mammoth Mtn. next month.

First time going snowboarding.  TIPS?  I need direction as far as gear, boots, the essentials... thanks NT.
you riding with anyone who knows what they're doing? just rent your equipment the first time or two.  don't want to drop all that money and not like snowboarding.

#1 tip learn to strap up standing.  you wanna stay dry and if you sit every time your @!* will be soaked and the day will suck.
Originally Posted by jrdnkiks213

Heading up to Mammoth Mtn. next month.

First time going snowboarding.  TIPS?  I need direction as far as gear, boots, the essentials... thanks NT.
you riding with anyone who knows what they're doing? just rent your equipment the first time or two.  don't want to drop all that money and not like snowboarding.

#1 tip learn to strap up standing.  you wanna stay dry and if you sit every time your @!* will be soaked and the day will suck.
^ Thanks.  I'm heading up there with a couple of friends who go up every year or so.  I just wanted to get things (gear) going and order online rather than pay retail.  What's the deal with pants/shoes/gear in general.. recommendations?
^ Thanks.  I'm heading up there with a couple of friends who go up every year or so.  I just wanted to get things (gear) going and order online rather than pay retail.  What's the deal with pants/shoes/gear in general.. recommendations?
if you don't want to rent maybe ride a few of your friends different boards while you're there to see what you like.  for boots they need to be comfortable. that's the most important part.  i love 32's. but i got a good deal on some forum recons so i have been riding those since last year with no complaints. 

i live 20 minutes away from the-house.
so i can just go check stuff out in person.  but you can go on and look at everything.  i'd recommend just getting their brand pants.  they'll work fine and you'll save tons of money.  you can order all the outerwear online but i'd say you should get your boots in person.  even if you pay more.  it's worth it.

since i saw this thread i went and grabbed my stuff out of storage and got it ready to go for monday.

m3 discord, flux bindings.  my bindings have been on life support.  notice the random toe strap.
  i'll cave one day and get new ones.

if you don't want to rent maybe ride a few of your friends different boards while you're there to see what you like.  for boots they need to be comfortable. that's the most important part.  i love 32's. but i got a good deal on some forum recons so i have been riding those since last year with no complaints. 

i live 20 minutes away from the-house.
so i can just go check stuff out in person.  but you can go on and look at everything.  i'd recommend just getting their brand pants.  they'll work fine and you'll save tons of money.  you can order all the outerwear online but i'd say you should get your boots in person.  even if you pay more.  it's worth it.

since i saw this thread i went and grabbed my stuff out of storage and got it ready to go for monday.

m3 discord, flux bindings.  my bindings have been on life support.  notice the random toe strap.
  i'll cave one day and get new ones.

looking to do work this year, i was sore for days at a time, each time i came back from the mountains

no more falling, more carving

looking to do work this year, i was sore for days at a time, each time i came back from the mountains

no more falling, more carving

Heading up to Whiteface mountain in Lake Placid this weekend. This will be my first time skiing, I'm pretty excited. Anyone been there before?
Heading up to Whiteface mountain in Lake Placid this weekend. This will be my first time skiing, I'm pretty excited. Anyone been there before?
Imma go to tahoe on sunday. Aw yeah. Last time I went I got hella hurt tho lol. All I can do is go down slowly side to side, but this time i'm gonna try to carve.
Imma go to tahoe on sunday. Aw yeah. Last time I went I got hella hurt tho lol. All I can do is go down slowly side to side, but this time i'm gonna try to carve.
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