*** Official 2010 WWE Royal Rumble Thread - 8pm et Jan 31 PPV (pg 13) ***

Oct 15, 2000


So tonight's guest hosts are the guys from Psych.  I'm sure they're way over with the WWE Universe.  Only one problem.

Psych's James Roday will not be appearing on RAW tonight.

On Saturday he had to undergo an appendectomy, and will not be able to work tonight's show. His co-host Dule Hill will still appear and host the show solo.
I don't know which one is James, but apparently only Dule will be on Raw tonight.  Looks like a major blow.  It will likely crush the ratings tonight.

In other shocking news, John Cena, The Big Show, Shawn Michaels, and believe it or not... HHH entered their names in The Royal Rumble.  This was apparently the most earth shattering news of Michael Cole's life.  28 of the 30 spots have now been announced:

Big Show
Cody Rhodes
Evan Bourne
Jack Swagger
John Cena
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
Santino Marella
Shawn Michaels
Ted Dibiase
The Miz
Triple H

Chris Jericho
CM Punk
Dolph Zigler
Drew McNtyre
John Morrison
Matt Hardy

Shelton Benjamin
Vladimir Kozlov
Yoshi Tatsu
Zack Ryder
That leaves two spots.  Edge seems to be one of the stronger rumors, especially after recent reports that he is heeling ahead of schedule.  RVD is also another name that is always thrown around.  Or it could always be someone like Doink the Clown or Brooklyn Brawler.

Sheamus defends his WWE Championship at The Rumble against Randy Orton.  I'm not sure fans are buying into the match all that much which could be expected since both are heels.  However, I think the bigger problem is Sheamus.  He needs to have a breakthrough before fans take him seriously.  Since right now the plan is for Sheamus vs HHH at WrestleMania, Sheamus needs to go over very strongly at The Royal Rumble.  It can't be a fluky finish, or fans will never him as a serious champion.

We can expect something else with the Divas Championship tournament as well.
Edge To Return Earlier Than Expected?
The latest on Edge is that he could be returning at the Royal RumblePPV (big surprise) or even shortly afterwards (possibly on RAW eventhough he is still part of the SmackDown! roster). Just months agothere was hope he would just be ready in time for WrestleMania, but itappears right now that his Achilles injury is healing up well. He isexpected to begin a feud with Chris Jericho to play off the angle that went in place where Jericho replaced him with Big Show as his tag team partner/WWE Unified Tag Team Champion.

Shawn Michaels: DX Likely To Split Up After The Royal Rumble
It would appear that the latest D-Generation X run is coming to an end as Shawn Michaelssaid during an interview with the KISS-FM radio station out of SanAntonio this past week that DX will "probably disband" following the Royal Rumble so they can focus on their respective matches at WrestleMania.
When asked if he had any plans on retiring, Michaels said: "Well,that's always the million dollar question. I'd like to go on record assaying I have been trying to retire for the last three years... [WWE]makes it very difficult, you know, Vince McMahonis nuts. I try to walk away then WrestleMania comes up, they put me ina match, I do well, and [Vince] doesn't make it very easy."

Also it would appear that he had zero input in selecting matches for WWE's upcoming DVD release on him, Shawn Michaels: My Journey. He responded with the following: "They found my 25 greatest matches?"

It had been rumored that Michaels would handpick his favorite twenty-five matches of his career for the DVD release.

The Undertaker In Rough Shape Backstage
The Undertaker was hurting badly at WWEhouse show events last weekend. The hip surgery Undertaker had lastyear was considered the last hope before getting a full hipreplacement. The belief at this point is that his appearances willbecome more and more limited after WrestleMania 26this year. Keep in mind that this kind of belief or discussion has beentaking place in WWE for the last 10 years meaning he has been workingthat long in pain.

The Rock: "I've Never Been Interested In Wrestling John Cena"
During an interview with Live Audio Wrestling last night, Dwayne "The Rock Johnson said he would return to WWEfor a guest-hosting role or to wrestle a match on the sole conditionthat he can "rip up" the writing for the current television product andtap into the "Attitude Era" with an edgier product.

"I want to use the platform as a host to literally rip things open.There's so much stuff we can do," Johnson told John Pollock. "We'regoing to create an incredible show, an incredible Raw. I'm doinganother movie, but after that, we're going to create something special,unique, something badass for the fans. Talking to Vince (McMahon),whenever that's going to be, we're going to have a great time."

Johnson echoed what he said last week during an interview with ESPN inthat he wouldn't rule out actually wrestling, but only if he can turnthe product upside down and create a compelling storyline leading to amatch.

"I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish in wrestling, so Iwouldn't rule out going back," Johnson said. "If the match was rightand we could create something really unique and cool for the fans andfor my opponent and for the company, I would do it in a second."

Johnson once again said he has no interest in wrestling John Cena, but talked about what it would take for him to work a program with one of WWE's premiere stars.

"I've never been interested in wrestling John Cena. The guys I wrestled in the past - from Goldbergto Hogan to Austin - were guys who I've really wanted to wrestle. If itcan be done creatively but not only that, it's very important if I doback is that the writing has to be ripped open and really be pushed,"Johnson said. "I came from a time in the Attitude era where wetrail-blazed a lot and were fearless in the things we said and did."

Johnson added: "There are a lot of restrictions now on the product,which by the way, I understand, and I enjoy some of the stuff I see andI know some of the writers and they're challenged every week, but if infact I do go back, it would be an interesting collision of an Attitudetime that I loved and the time now, but I'm sure we can always infusethings to make it work." 

Rock gets it.
Is "poontang pie" PG for the current WWE Universe?
if HBK wins the Rumble and loses to Undertaker at Wrestlemania i would be very disappointed
So this weekend I was able to catch up on some wrestling and just so happened to get hooked up with every single RAW from March 30 to the present. I'm right at the beginning of the real attitude era. I've made it all the way to Survivor Series 98. WOW no wonder I can't really get into WWE anymore. I'm so spoiled from what I was watching when I was a kid. Now that I understand what was really going on i'm
at the fact that I watched this as a kid. My highlights include.

D-X PPV 97
WWF Light Heavyweight Title tournament final: Taka Michinoku beat Brian Christopher to become the first champ. This match was great. I wonder what happened to Brian Christopher. Jerry was
during the match because everyone was chating that's your kid!

Unforgiven: In Your House
Evening Gown Match: Luna beat Sable

King of The Ring
Hell in a Cell for obvious reasons. I can't believe this was my first PPV. I was a lucky kid.

Breakdown: In Your House
Owen Hart beat Edge Match was tooo good. Owen was the best. Technically this match was flawless.

Judgment Day: In Your House
Light Heavyweight Title: Christian beat Taka Michinoku to win the title. Christian really sucked in this match. He is a million times better now.

Other notes.
Terri Runnels was probably anorexic but still looked pretty good.

Val Venis was WAY over.
Goldust still ruled.
D-Lo Brown is waaaaay under rated. OH YOU BETTA RECOGNIZE!
X-Pac was waaaaay OVER rated. But his mic work on the night he joined DX after WM14 was pretty
dude took shots at WCW
The Rock was the most electrifying wrestler of the Era VERY closely followed by Austin. They both made everyone look good.
Gangrel was a horrible wrestler.
Chyna was definitely on the juice

Road Dogg was GREAT on the mic. Him and Billy Gunn were over rated though.
LOD 2000 sucked.
G-TV was Goldust TV but we didn't get to find out because he was released before we found out.
I want to get built like Ken Shamrock. Dude was strong as hell.
Mankind getting the Hardcore title was
when he called Vince Dad.
Vince was gold.

I still can't believe most of the angles they used were allowed on TV. Austin hunting McMahon? Crazy.

Man, the PG era sucks.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

The Rock: "I've Never Been Interested In Wrestling John Cena"
During an interview with Live Audio Wrestling last night, Dwayne "The Rock Johnson said he would return to WWEfor a guest-hosting role or to wrestle a match on the sole conditionthat he can "rip up" the writing for the current television product andtap into the "Attitude Era" with an edgier product.

"I want to use the platform as a host to literally rip things open.There's so much stuff we can do," Johnson told John Pollock. "We'regoing to create an incredible show, an incredible Raw. I'm doinganother movie, but after that, we're going to create something special,unique, something badass for the fans. Talking to Vince (McMahon),whenever that's going to be, we're going to have a great time."

Johnson echoed what he said last week during an interview with ESPN inthat he wouldn't rule out actually wrestling, but only if he can turnthe product upside down and create a compelling storyline leading to amatch.

"I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish in wrestling, so Iwouldn't rule out going back," Johnson said. "If the match was rightand we could create something really unique and cool for the fans andfor my opponent and for the company, I would do it in a second."

Johnson once again said he has no interest in wrestling John Cena, but talked about what it would take for him to work a program with one of WWE's premiere stars.

"I've never been interested in wrestling John Cena. The guys I wrestled in the past - from Goldbergto Hogan to Austin - were guys who I've really wanted to wrestle. If itcan be done creatively but not only that, it's very important if I doback is that the writing has to be ripped open and really be pushed,"Johnson said. "I came from a time in the Attitude era where wetrail-blazed a lot and were fearless in the things we said and did."

Johnson added: "There are a lot of restrictions now on the product,which by the way, I understand, and I enjoy some of the stuff I see andI know some of the writers and they're challenged every week, but if infact I do go back, it would be an interesting collision of an Attitudetime that I loved and the time now, but I'm sure we can always infusethings to make it work." 
Rock gets it.
Is "poontang pie" PG for the current WWE Universe?

That title is kinda misleading though lol...because what I got from that is that he isn't ruling out facing Cena, he just doesn't want to be limited to all the PG and WWE Universe bs in order to make the feud what it should be: one of those great all time feuds that has you talking about it for years and years.
4w, there's been an updated list by WWE on the Royal Rumble participants:

* John Cena
* Batista
* Triple H
* Shawn Michaels
* Chris Jericho
* CM Punk
* Shelton Benjamin
* Ted DiBiase
* Cody Rhodes
* The Great Khali
* Yoshi Tatsu
* The Miz
* William Regal
* Kofi Kingston
* Kane
* Mark Henry
* Zack Ryder
* Jack Swagger
* Big Show
* The Hurricane
* Evan Bourne
* Carlito
* Santino Marella

4 less than the previous list so a total of 24 confirmed so far. I'm sure a couple of those names left off will end up in the match. Can't be THAT many surprises.

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

The Rock: "I've Never Been Interested In Wrestling John Cena"
During an interview with Live Audio Wrestling last night, Dwayne "The Rock Johnson said he would return to WWEfor a guest-hosting role or to wrestle a match on the sole conditionthat he can "rip up" the writing for the current television product andtap into the "Attitude Era" with an edgier product.

"I want to use the platform as a host to literally rip things open.There's so much stuff we can do," Johnson told John Pollock. "We'regoing to create an incredible show, an incredible Raw. I'm doinganother movie, but after that, we're going to create something special,unique, something badass for the fans. Talking to Vince (McMahon),whenever that's going to be, we're going to have a great time."

Johnson echoed what he said last week during an interview with ESPN inthat he wouldn't rule out actually wrestling, but only if he can turnthe product upside down and create a compelling storyline leading to amatch.

"I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish in wrestling, so Iwouldn't rule out going back," Johnson said. "If the match was rightand we could create something really unique and cool for the fans andfor my opponent and for the company, I would do it in a second."

Johnson once again said he has no interest in wrestling John Cena, buttalked about what it would take for him to work a program with one ofWWE's premiere stars.

"I've never been interested in wrestling John Cena. The guys I wrestled in the past - from Goldbergto Hogan to Austin - were guys who I've really wanted to wrestle. If itcan be done creatively but not only that, it's very important if I doback is that the writing has to be ripped open and really be pushed,"Johnson said. "I came from a time in the Attitude era where wetrail-blazed a lot and were fearless in the things we said and did."

Johnson added: "There are a lot of restrictions now on the product,which by the way, I understand, and I enjoy some of the stuff I see andI know some of the writers and they're challenged every week, but if infact I do go back, it would be an interesting collision of an Attitudetime that I loved and the time now, but I'm sure we can always infusethings to make it work." 
Rock gets it.
Is "poontang pie" PG for the current WWE Universe?
That title is kinda misleading though lol...because what I got from that is that he isn't ruling outfacing Cena, he just doesn't want to be limited to all the PG and WWEUniverse bs in order to make the feud what it should be: one of thosegreat all time feuds that has you talking about it for years and years.

Damn, Rock pretty much said everything I wanted to hear from him.

DFly, I disagree...if he isn't interested in wrestling Cena then it's probably not gonna happen. He said he'd only come back under the right circumstances and the feud would have to be reminiscent of his era. Cena pretty much epitomizes the new PG Era and you know DAMN well the 'E wouldn't let their golden boy Cena get beat cleanly by Rocky. And if I was Rock, I wouldn't wanna job to this fake copy of me. 

I think the better opponent in Rock's case would be Shawn Michaels. Promos would be amazing, the match would definitely be > a Cena vs. Rock match and it's two legends who have never faced each other. Rock also said in the past he always wished he could wrestle HBK. Maaaaan, let me not think about this anymore so I won't get my hopes up...
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

4w, there's been an updated list by WWE on the Royal Rumble participants:

* John Cena
* Batista
* Triple H
* Shawn Michaels
* Chris Jericho
* CM Punk
* Shelton Benjamin
* Ted DiBiase
* Cody Rhodes
* The Great Khali
* Yoshi Tatsu
* The Miz
* William Regal
* Kofi Kingston
* Kane
* Mark Henry
* Zack Ryder
* Jack Swagger
* Big Show
* The Hurricane
* Evan Bourne
* Carlito
* Santino Marella

4 less than the previous list so a total of 24 confirmed so far. I'm sure a couple of those names left off will end up in the match. Can't be THAT many surprises.

Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

The Rock: "I've Never Been Interested In Wrestling John Cena"
During an interview with Live Audio Wrestling last night, Dwayne "The Rock Johnson said he would return to WWEfor a guest-hosting role or to wrestle a match on the sole conditionthat he can "rip up" the writing for the current television product andtap into the "Attitude Era" with an edgier product.

"I want to use the platform as a host to literally rip things open.There's so much stuff we can do," Johnson told John Pollock. "We'regoing to create an incredible show, an incredible Raw. I'm doinganother movie, but after that, we're going to create something special,unique, something badass for the fans. Talking to Vince (McMahon),whenever that's going to be, we're going to have a great time."

Johnson echoed what he said last week during an interview with ESPN inthat he wouldn't rule out actually wrestling, but only if he can turnthe product upside down and create a compelling storyline leading to amatch.

"I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish in wrestling, so Iwouldn't rule out going back," Johnson said. "If the match was rightand we could create something really unique and cool for the fans andfor my opponent and for the company, I would do it in a second."

Johnson once again said he has no interest in wrestling John Cena, buttalked about what it would take for him to work a program with one ofWWE's premiere stars.

"I've never been interested in wrestling John Cena. The guys I wrestled in the past - from Goldbergto Hogan to Austin - were guys who I've really wanted to wrestle. If itcan be done creatively but not only that, it's very important if I doback is that the writing has to be ripped open and really be pushed,"Johnson said. "I came from a time in the Attitude era where wetrail-blazed a lot and were fearless in the things we said and did."

Johnson added: "There are a lot of restrictions now on the product,which by the way, I understand, and I enjoy some of the stuff I see andI know some of the writers and they're challenged every week, but if infact I do go back, it would be an interesting collision of an Attitudetime that I loved and the time now, but I'm sure we can always infusethings to make it work." 
Rock gets it.
Is "poontang pie" PG for the current WWE Universe?
That title is kinda misleading though lol...because what I got from that is that he isn't ruling outfacing Cena, he just doesn't want to be limited to all the PG and WWEUniverse bs in order to make the feud what it should be: one of thosegreat all time feuds that has you talking about it for years and years.

Damn, Rock pretty much said everything I wanted to hear from him.

DFly, I disagree...if he isn't interested in wrestling Cena then it's probably not gonna happen. He said he'd only come back under the right circumstances and the feud would have to be reminiscent of his era. Cena pretty much epitomizes the new PG Era and you know DAMN well the 'E wouldn't let their golden boy Cena get beat cleanly by Rocky. And if I was Rock, I wouldn't wanna job to this fake copy of me. 

I think the better opponent in Rock's case would be Shawn Michaels. Promos would be amazing, the match would definitely be > a Cena vs. Rock match and it's two legends who have never faced each other. Rock also said in the past he always wished he could wrestle HBK. Maaaaan, let me not think about this anymore so I won't get my hopes up...

Probably right.

I probably just read too much into that.

I partially disagree on Rock/HBK. It would be better wrestling wise...but Rock/Cena is pretty much the biggest money maker match they could do at this point IMO.
, just realized our homie DFly is illiterate. Must have been a child left behind.
Adding to the fact that he's greasy and terry cloth...RIP.
Rock vs. Cena definitely nets the most [color= rgb(0, 102, 51)]$$$[/color] for the WWE.

I just wanna see an epic feud and a great match to cap it off and I know HBK would deliver.

Jericho would be great too but they already got history and I think Rock would want to face someone he hasn't before.
I forgot to mention. Anything involving Bret Hart has been pushed until AFTER the Rumble as they don't want it to take away from the PPV.
Here's to hoping the last Raw before the Rumble is halfway decent.

I read that Rock interview earlier today, interesting read.  I'm glad that he said he would want any feud he gets involved in to have that Attitude Era feel, you can't water down Rocky 
Ninong coming for the throne DSK.

Did anyone else notice Edge in the Raw opening credits?
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

, just realized our homie DFly is illiterate. Must have been a child left behind.
Adding to the fact that he's greasy and terry cloth...RIP.

Aye @*+@ you Nino
Cody with the swagged out entrance again.

I'm sure HHH needs another Wrestlemania main event match.
Weren't these 4 headlining PPVs a few months ago? Now they're in a meaningless opening match on Raw.
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