Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

This is incredible. Is this actually part of the Heat gameplan or something? Coast/chill for 3 quarters and then just decide to play "for real" in the 4th? I'm serious. This is uncanny.

And did they just throw games in the regular season to make people think they couldn't close? I just don't get it.
Originally Posted by got shoes

I can see Dirk scalping Terry's head agin (PAWS), like a couple years ago
This is incredible. Is this actually part of the Heat gameplan or something? Coast/chill for 3 quarters and then just decide to play "for real" in the 4th? I'm serious. This is uncanny.

And did they just throw games in the regular season to make people think they couldn't close? I just don't get it.
This joke of a team just caught the lakers at the best time. No way they are better than a healthy lakers team. 
This joke of a team just caught the lakers at the best time. No way they are better than a healthy lakers team. 
D E S T I N Y! i guess it is true
airfresh or whatever his name is has been on point with his predictions
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