Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

This series over?
The law of averages has finally struck Jason Terry. 

Dude was playing out of his mind for entirely too long, the JET we all know and love is back. 

I wonder if Dirk has nightmares of Wade... I know JA does.
We really got lulled into the same trap.

We ran, we got up as much as nine.

We slowed the game down, we turned it over, and they killed us in the second half..
Only thing i'm mad about is the fact that I knew they couldnt duplicate how they played against my Lakers

Mavs look lost and soft out there SMH
Only thing i'm mad about is the fact that I knew they couldnt duplicate how they played against my Lakers

Mavs look lost and soft out there SMH
now thats a Haslem blocking foul? Niiiiice.. When the game is out of hand, make the right calls...

nm.. shouldve been a shooting foul.
now thats a Haslem blocking foul? Niiiiice.. When the game is out of hand, make the right calls...

nm.. shouldve been a shooting foul.
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