Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Im a huge heat fan but we cant forget its only gonna be 2 0 and weve just held home court.

Its how we won it in 06. Games 3 and 4 will be HUGE in this series. If we take game 3, its done. if not, game 4 is a must win.
Im a huge heat fan but we cant forget its only gonna be 2 0 and weve just held home court.

Its how we won it in 06. Games 3 and 4 will be HUGE in this series. If we take game 3, its done. if not, game 4 is a must win.
Originally Posted by jordansmakeyoupoor

Lol if the Mavs are down 0-2, why cant they come back and win the series like the Heat did to them in 06? 

Nice joke.
Originally Posted by jordansmakeyoupoor

Lol if the Mavs are down 0-2, why cant they come back and win the series like the Heat did to them in 06? 

Nice joke.
Originally Posted by miamib30514



I hope everybody agreeing with JKidd being the Kobe stopper stands by this.


Originally Posted by miamib30514



I hope everybody agreeing with JKidd being the Kobe stopper stands by this.


Lol the game is not even over yet and people here saying the heat have already won the championship. The mavs can easily tie this series up at 2-2 (assuming they lose this game).
The birth of the super teams is in full effect. Kobe on the phone right now with Dr. Bus to put the call through for D. Howard.

"Give them anything they want. Even my wife."
Lol the game is not even over yet and people here saying the heat have already won the championship. The mavs can easily tie this series up at 2-2 (assuming they lose this game).
The birth of the super teams is in full effect. Kobe on the phone right now with Dr. Bus to put the call through for D. Howard.

"Give them anything they want. Even my wife."
Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Its not even fair anymore 
    And to think, this is the first year of the big 3

I know right, this is the worse we'll be. We'll EASILY WIN THE NEXT 3 CHIPS, maybe even 6 straight. Teams shouldn't evem try to be contenders in the coming years, cause we got the NBA ON LOCK.
Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Its not even fair anymore 
    And to think, this is the first year of the big 3

I know right, this is the worse we'll be. We'll EASILY WIN THE NEXT 3 CHIPS, maybe even 6 straight. Teams shouldn't evem try to be contenders in the coming years, cause we got the NBA ON LOCK.
Originally Posted by jordansmakeyoupoor

Lol if the Mavs are down 0-2, why cant they come back and win the series like the Heat did to them in 06? 

do you really think the Heat are going to lose 4 out of the next 5 if they go up 2-0?
If so PM so we can set up a bet
Originally Posted by jordansmakeyoupoor

Lol if the Mavs are down 0-2, why cant they come back and win the series like the Heat did to them in 06? 

do you really think the Heat are going to lose 4 out of the next 5 if they go up 2-0?
If so PM so we can set up a bet
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