Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Wade def blew the game. But LeBron had too bad of a game for people not to put this on him. If he had 18 8 7 this would be all on Wade. But 8 pts makes Bron an easy target.
THIS. The loss is mostly on Bron but Wade forgot who he was the last 5 minutes. But Bron forgot who he was for 48 minutes
This is hilarious, they're coming at him

Rachel Nichols
This is one of the weirdest series ever .
Dallas could be 3-1 right now , or the 305 could have swept the mavs .

I think we are in for a classic game 7 .  Id love to see the mavs take the next game.
This is one of the weirdest series ever .
Dallas could be 3-1 right now , or the 305 could have swept the mavs .

I think we are in for a classic game 7 .  Id love to see the mavs take the next game.
Originally Posted by polorico

This is one of the weirdest series ever .
Dallas could be 3-1 right now , or the 305 could have swept the mavs .

I think we are in for a classic game 7 .  Id love to see the mavs take the next game.
Nah man, Miami is dominating a series that has been decided by the narrowest margin thus far in like 50 years...

Originally Posted by polorico

This is one of the weirdest series ever .
Dallas could be 3-1 right now , or the 305 could have swept the mavs .

I think we are in for a classic game 7 .  Id love to see the mavs take the next game.
Nah man, Miami is dominating a series that has been decided by the narrowest margin thus far in like 50 years...

"....not much time to get into the gym"
Damn son, you get paid to play basketball.  You just scored 8 points with that broke J.  Get your %%! in the gym and work on your J
Originally Posted by aepps20

Originally Posted by durantula

LeBron had a terrible game, no doubt and most of the loss goes on him, BUT these kobe fans are ignoring wades missed 3, turnover, missed FT, and buffed pass in the last 3 minutes of the game, wade had a chance and he blew it.
I understand what you're saying but isn't that essentially asking Wade to play a perfect basketball game?  In most situations if Lebron just gives you 2 less turnovers and better effort on the defensive win they win the game.  Without Wade this game is a Dallas blowout win because Lebron looked like he wanted no parts of this game tonight.
And as i said most of the loss goes on Bron, but what good is a 32 point game if you only had 2 in the last 7 minutes. Not like the heat were ghost, bosh dropped 24. ( more than the dirk)
"....not much time to get into the gym"
Damn son, you get paid to play basketball.  You just scored 8 points with that broke J.  Get your %%! in the gym and work on your J
Originally Posted by aepps20

Originally Posted by durantula

LeBron had a terrible game, no doubt and most of the loss goes on him, BUT these kobe fans are ignoring wades missed 3, turnover, missed FT, and buffed pass in the last 3 minutes of the game, wade had a chance and he blew it.
I understand what you're saying but isn't that essentially asking Wade to play a perfect basketball game?  In most situations if Lebron just gives you 2 less turnovers and better effort on the defensive win they win the game.  Without Wade this game is a Dallas blowout win because Lebron looked like he wanted no parts of this game tonight.
And as i said most of the loss goes on Bron, but what good is a 32 point game if you only had 2 in the last 7 minutes. Not like the heat were ghost, bosh dropped 24. ( more than the dirk)
skip all these batman/robin/commissioner gordon comparisons to lebron, at least they'd handle business at certain points. Bron Bron looking like Rachel out there. Ol Maggie Gyllenhaal *!! !+%$@
skip all these batman/robin/commissioner gordon comparisons to lebron, at least they'd handle business at certain points. Bron Bron looking like Rachel out there. Ol Maggie Gyllenhaal *!! !+%$@
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