Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Don't worry Heat 'fans' it's still in the bag. NBA has to milk this series, this will setup a 'spectacular' performance just watch, I won't.

Except I'm still watching. I'm watching it less to see who's going to win the title, and more to see how the Heat win it.

Also, I'm shocked at how well Stevenson has played this series.

DeShawn almost doesn't look expendable in the off-season, I hope we don't make the mistake of trying to give him a crapload of money.

2-3 Million? Fine. Anything more? Hell no.

Him, Marion, and Tyson have really been a huge help this Playoff run to compliment Dirk's amazing performances.

deshawn played so well that marion wasnt in during the 4th. i think jj starts again, dont think carlisle wants marion and deshawn out at the same time when they rest. one of them has to be on the floor to guard wade/bron.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Don't worry Heat 'fans' it's still in the bag. NBA has to milk this series, this will setup a 'spectacular' performance just watch, I won't.

Except I'm still watching. I'm watching it less to see who's going to win the title, and more to see how the Heat win it.

Also, I'm shocked at how well Stevenson has played this series.

DeShawn almost doesn't look expendable in the off-season, I hope we don't make the mistake of trying to give him a crapload of money.

2-3 Million? Fine. Anything more? Hell no.

Him, Marion, and Tyson have really been a huge help this Playoff run to compliment Dirk's amazing performances.

deshawn played so well that marion wasnt in during the 4th. i think jj starts again, dont think carlisle wants marion and deshawn out at the same time when they rest. one of them has to be on the floor to guard wade/bron.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

DeShawn almost doesn't look expendable in the off-season,
Disagree. DeShawn has been big for the Mavs the entire post season. Especially with his defense.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Don't worry Heat 'fans' it's still in the bag. NBA has to milk this series, this will setup a 'spectacular' performance just watch, I won't.

Except I'm still watching. I'm watching it less to see who's going to win the title, and more to see how the Heat win it. I'm watching it like I would watch any movie where I know the ending going in, and I'm just wanting to be entertained by how it happens.

It's a show. Tune in for the next two episodes to see which one has LeBron going off... and I mean OFF.
Im sorry cant agree, the NBA could have been gave this guy LBJ a ring with Cleavland twice, but they didn't. Dont play it short, more people watch the Finals to see Lebron loose than they do to see this guy win, they did a poll recently..... as Lebron's popularity goes down, the NBA goes up. With that being said the Mavs will win this and honestly I want that to happen, lebron is an overrated actor, and his fans threw him a crown he never earned. Oh yea pay attention Heat fans, they better hope they win this year or its over, the lakers will come back hungry, OKC will only get better, the Mavs will have Caron Butler back, my team the Bulls will add a better SG, the Grizzlies will have Rudy Gay back, and lets be real you know Chris Paul will be in a Knick uniform. The NBA next year will be better than ever
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Don't worry Heat 'fans' it's still in the bag. NBA has to milk this series, this will setup a 'spectacular' performance just watch, I won't.

Except I'm still watching. I'm watching it less to see who's going to win the title, and more to see how the Heat win it. I'm watching it like I would watch any movie where I know the ending going in, and I'm just wanting to be entertained by how it happens.

It's a show. Tune in for the next two episodes to see which one has LeBron going off... and I mean OFF.
Im sorry cant agree, the NBA could have been gave this guy LBJ a ring with Cleavland twice, but they didn't. Dont play it short, more people watch the Finals to see Lebron loose than they do to see this guy win, they did a poll recently..... as Lebron's popularity goes down, the NBA goes up. With that being said the Mavs will win this and honestly I want that to happen, lebron is an overrated actor, and his fans threw him a crown he never earned. Oh yea pay attention Heat fans, they better hope they win this year or its over, the lakers will come back hungry, OKC will only get better, the Mavs will have Caron Butler back, my team the Bulls will add a better SG, the Grizzlies will have Rudy Gay back, and lets be real you know Chris Paul will be in a Knick uniform. The NBA next year will be better than ever
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Don't worry Heat 'fans' it's still in the bag. NBA has to milk this series, this will setup a 'spectacular' performance just watch, I won't.

Except I'm still watching. I'm watching it less to see who's going to win the title, and more to see how the Heat win it. I'm watching it like I would watch any movie where I know the ending going in, and I'm just wanting to be entertained by how it happens.

It's a show. Tune in for the next two episodes to see which one has LeBron going off... and I mean OFF.

Just like last year and the year before that...right?

A lot of masochists on NT.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Don't worry Heat 'fans' it's still in the bag. NBA has to milk this series, this will setup a 'spectacular' performance just watch, I won't.

Except I'm still watching. I'm watching it less to see who's going to win the title, and more to see how the Heat win it. I'm watching it like I would watch any movie where I know the ending going in, and I'm just wanting to be entertained by how it happens.

It's a show. Tune in for the next two episodes to see which one has LeBron going off... and I mean OFF.

Just like last year and the year before that...right?

A lot of masochists on NT.
Originally Posted by welcome2jungle

Deshawn Stevenson told Jim Rome "Lebron James just checked out at the end of the game."

what happened the first three quarters?
Originally Posted by welcome2jungle

Deshawn Stevenson told Jim Rome "Lebron James just checked out at the end of the game."

what happened the first three quarters?
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

@ Stevenson, I hate that dude with the passion of a thousand Christs. Even though his comments weren't really disrespectful, by bringing up how he was attacking in his Cleveland days and whatnot, you KNOW Lebron is going to remember how much he hates Stevenson and how badly he used to roast him and he'll get it going in game 5.

He should have just said no comment, instead he probably put the nail in the coffin for the Mavs

Not even close to what Jet said after Game 3...  And in Game 4 LeBron ends up with 8 points..

If Mavs play like they did in Game 4 it is their series... They missed a ton of open shots in Game 4... Not always going to be the case..
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

@ Stevenson, I hate that dude with the passion of a thousand Christs. Even though his comments weren't really disrespectful, by bringing up how he was attacking in his Cleveland days and whatnot, you KNOW Lebron is going to remember how much he hates Stevenson and how badly he used to roast him and he'll get it going in game 5.

He should have just said no comment, instead he probably put the nail in the coffin for the Mavs

Not even close to what Jet said after Game 3...  And in Game 4 LeBron ends up with 8 points..

If Mavs play like they did in Game 4 it is their series... They missed a ton of open shots in Game 4... Not always going to be the case..
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Don't worry Heat 'fans' it's still in the bag. NBA has to milk this series, this will setup a 'spectacular' performance just watch, I won't.

Except I'm still watching. I'm watching it less to see who's going to win the title, and more to see how the Heat win it.
How do people claim to enjoy the sport and support their own teams with this mindset?

It is what it is. Anyone who's watched the Heat at all this year has seen this scenario play out over and over and over. All season: The Heat can NOT beat the Celtics/Bulls, they're not clicking, they need more time, it's still their first year together, they're 0/[font=arial, sans-serif]∞ in the clutch, this is Dwayne Wades team, LeBron/the Heat are over rated, the Heat can't beat top teams...Playoffs: What had happened was.... At this point it's downright comical the way people are criticizing these individual Heat losses like they haven't dismantled every team that was supposed to stop them. Like I've said in this very thread, the Heat were capable of sweeping but I BELIEVE that "they" (LeBron James in particular) wants to win it at home. And if 8 points and a lackluster effort is not evidence of that then I don't know what to tell you guys. Miami has controlled the flow of every game and it's no coincidence that in their 2 losses LeBron in particular was to blame.The "hero ball" as you guys call it, then what happened last night? Come on guys, I know you're seeing what's being done there. [/font]
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Don't worry Heat 'fans' it's still in the bag. NBA has to milk this series, this will setup a 'spectacular' performance just watch, I won't.

Except I'm still watching. I'm watching it less to see who's going to win the title, and more to see how the Heat win it.
How do people claim to enjoy the sport and support their own teams with this mindset?

It is what it is. Anyone who's watched the Heat at all this year has seen this scenario play out over and over and over. All season: The Heat can NOT beat the Celtics/Bulls, they're not clicking, they need more time, it's still their first year together, they're 0/[font=arial, sans-serif]∞ in the clutch, this is Dwayne Wades team, LeBron/the Heat are over rated, the Heat can't beat top teams...Playoffs: What had happened was.... At this point it's downright comical the way people are criticizing these individual Heat losses like they haven't dismantled every team that was supposed to stop them. Like I've said in this very thread, the Heat were capable of sweeping but I BELIEVE that "they" (LeBron James in particular) wants to win it at home. And if 8 points and a lackluster effort is not evidence of that then I don't know what to tell you guys. Miami has controlled the flow of every game and it's no coincidence that in their 2 losses LeBron in particular was to blame.The "hero ball" as you guys call it, then what happened last night? Come on guys, I know you're seeing what's being done there. [/font]
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

@ Stevenson, I hate that dude with the passion of a thousand Christs. Even though his comments weren't really disrespectful, by bringing up how he was attacking in his Cleveland days and whatnot, you KNOW Lebron is going to remember how much he hates Stevenson and how badly he used to roast him and he'll get it going in game 5.

He should have just said no comment, instead he probably put the nail in the coffin for the Mavs

Not even close to what Jet said after Game 3...  And in Game 4 LeBron ends up with 8 points..

If Mavs play like they did in Game 4 it is their series... They missed a ton of open shots in Game 4... Not always going to be the case..

Everything that you said is true, but I'll stand by what I said.
I dunno how closely you followed the Cavs-Wiz series a few years back, but Stevenson did a good job defending Bron at times back then too. And he also made some disparaging comments about Lebron in between games and then Lebron came out and torched his #$%
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

@ Stevenson, I hate that dude with the passion of a thousand Christs. Even though his comments weren't really disrespectful, by bringing up how he was attacking in his Cleveland days and whatnot, you KNOW Lebron is going to remember how much he hates Stevenson and how badly he used to roast him and he'll get it going in game 5.

He should have just said no comment, instead he probably put the nail in the coffin for the Mavs

Not even close to what Jet said after Game 3...  And in Game 4 LeBron ends up with 8 points..

If Mavs play like they did in Game 4 it is their series... They missed a ton of open shots in Game 4... Not always going to be the case..

Everything that you said is true, but I'll stand by what I said.
I dunno how closely you followed the Cavs-Wiz series a few years back, but Stevenson did a good job defending Bron at times back then too. And he also made some disparaging comments about Lebron in between games and then Lebron came out and torched his #$%
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