Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Man, 2-2 in the finals... I still can't believe it.

This series could easily be over in favor of either team, that's how close it's been.

Dirk hits that jumper in G3, we'd have a chance to be up 3-1.
LeBron shows up yesterday, they'd be up 3-1.

Instead, G5 tomorrow.

Anyone else think the winner of G5 wins it all?
Man, 2-2 in the finals... I still can't believe it.

This series could easily be over in favor of either team, that's how close it's been.

Dirk hits that jumper in G3, we'd have a chance to be up 3-1.
LeBron shows up yesterday, they'd be up 3-1.

Instead, G5 tomorrow.

Anyone else think the winner of G5 wins it all?
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Man, 2-2 in the finals... I still can't believe it.

This series could easily be over in favor of either team, that's how close it's been.

Dirk hits that jumper in G3, we'd have a chance to be up 3-1.
LeBron shows up yesterday, they'd be up 3-1.

Instead, G5 tomorrow.

Anyone else think the winner of G5 wins it all?
Game 5 might be the most important game, unless this goes to 7

But foreals, The Mavs must win game 5, I'm rooting for them a lot but winning 2 games IN Miami would be damb tough.. winning 2 games back to back against them in the playoffs has difficult for all teams who faced them.. but trying to win 2 games back to back in MIA would be damb near impossible
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Man, 2-2 in the finals... I still can't believe it.

This series could easily be over in favor of either team, that's how close it's been.

Dirk hits that jumper in G3, we'd have a chance to be up 3-1.
LeBron shows up yesterday, they'd be up 3-1.

Instead, G5 tomorrow.

Anyone else think the winner of G5 wins it all?
Game 5 might be the most important game, unless this goes to 7

But foreals, The Mavs must win game 5, I'm rooting for them a lot but winning 2 games IN Miami would be damb tough.. winning 2 games back to back against them in the playoffs has difficult for all teams who faced them.. but trying to win 2 games back to back in MIA would be damb near impossible
^ Normally. but after my lakers lost game 5 last year, then took 6 and 7, anything is possible. I'm rooting for yall tho. if dallas takes game 5, maaaaaaaan, they'd be out for blood game 6.
^ Normally. but after my lakers lost game 5 last year, then took 6 and 7, anything is possible. I'm rooting for yall tho. if dallas takes game 5, maaaaaaaan, they'd be out for blood game 6.
Winning tomorrow is pivotal for the Mavericks, it's slim-to-none they take two more in Miami. One, sure, but not two straight, that'd be really hard.

It's more likely that the Heat win two in Miami than the Mavericks, but I still think it's unlikely, I think whoever wins tomorrow takes it all, even if it goes 7.
it's funny if Miami won no one is talking about Bron's performance. A shot from Miller, from Wade, and Haslem and the media is talking "well that's what Miami is all about they have Miller/Haslem to make shots when Bosh/Bron not scoring".
it's funny if Miami won no one is talking about Bron's performance. A shot from Miller, from Wade, and Haslem and the media is talking "well that's what Miami is all about they have Miller/Haslem to make shots when Bosh/Bron not scoring".
Winning tomorrow is pivotal for the Mavericks, it's slim-to-none they take two more in Miami. One, sure, but not two straight, that'd be really hard.

It's more likely that the Heat win two in Miami than the Mavericks, but I still think it's unlikely, I think whoever wins tomorrow takes it all, even if it goes 7.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Man, 2-2 in the finals... I still can't believe it.

This series could easily be over in favor of either team, that's how close it's been.

Dirk hits that jumper in G3, we'd have a chance to be up 3-1.

LeBron shows up yesterday, they'd be up 3-1.

Instead, G5 tomorrow.

Anyone else think the winner of G5 wins it all?

Yep, I think the winner of game 5 wins it all, Just too much pressure.

Just showing this is Wade's team, Wade just trying to make LeBron feel better, but in the inside he knows it's his team.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Man, 2-2 in the finals... I still can't believe it.

This series could easily be over in favor of either team, that's how close it's been.

Dirk hits that jumper in G3, we'd have a chance to be up 3-1.

LeBron shows up yesterday, they'd be up 3-1.

Instead, G5 tomorrow.

Anyone else think the winner of G5 wins it all?

Yep, I think the winner of game 5 wins it all, Just too much pressure.

Just showing this is Wade's team, Wade just trying to make LeBron feel better, but in the inside he knows it's his team.
Originally Posted by Freeze

^ Normally. but after my lakers lost game 5 last year, then took 6 and 7, anything is possible. 

Word, after last year everyone should realize it isn't over till its over. Is game 5 important? Hell yes. Does it mean everything? No. 
Can't wait tho its been a good series. 
Originally Posted by Freeze

^ Normally. but after my lakers lost game 5 last year, then took 6 and 7, anything is possible. 

Word, after last year everyone should realize it isn't over till its over. Is game 5 important? Hell yes. Does it mean everything? No. 
Can't wait tho its been a good series. 
supposedly.. Lebron is having off the court issues again. Eddie House smashing his moms?
supposedly.. Lebron is having off the court issues again. Eddie House smashing his moms?
It's all match-ups IMO...

If it weren't from Bron, we might not see the Heat in the Finals.

Wade was very mediocre for himself, while Bron killed them.

Bosh struggled mightily in the first three games against DAL, and came up bigger in G4.

It's clear that the best player for the Mavericks this entire post-season has been Dirk Nowitzki.

As for the Heat? It's not clear. Wade and Bron. Without the other, they wouldn't be in the Finals.
It's all match-ups IMO...

If it weren't from Bron, we might not see the Heat in the Finals.

Wade was very mediocre for himself, while Bron killed them.

Bosh struggled mightily in the first three games against DAL, and came up bigger in G4.

It's clear that the best player for the Mavericks this entire post-season has been Dirk Nowitzki.

As for the Heat? It's not clear. Wade and Bron. Without the other, they wouldn't be in the Finals.
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