Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

My Miami in 6 pick is looking really nice right now.

LBJ goes for 40 tonight in the biggest game of his life.
My Miami in 6 pick is looking really nice right now.

LBJ goes for 40 tonight in the biggest game of his life.
I pray LBJ plays hard as hell tonight. If he doesn't, I can't take up for dude anymore. This is THE biggest game of his life.
I pray LBJ plays hard as hell tonight. If he doesn't, I can't take up for dude anymore. This is THE biggest game of his life.
I just have a question for people who have been saying Lebron is finally going to go off tonight because he's riled up.. doesn't that imply that he was, in fact, mentally checked out before? If so, how can you excuse him being mentally checked out for the first four games of a Finals series?
I just have a question for people who have been saying Lebron is finally going to go off tonight because he's riled up.. doesn't that imply that he was, in fact, mentally checked out before? If so, how can you excuse him being mentally checked out for the first four games of a Finals series?
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