Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Lol the season is down to this one series. Just thought everyone would like to be in the same place during gametime. Like watchin the game with your friends. Just my .02
Lol the season is down to this one series. Just thought everyone would like to be in the same place during gametime. Like watchin the game with your friends. Just my .02
Originally Posted by bakedFresh707

missed lay up already

He can miss a trillion shots, the game didn't start.
And he dunked it right after btw. 
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Damn. Thought the game was at 8. Gotta put my food in the fridge
I couple games ago I rushed to Five Guys during the half so I could have a late dinner and catch the 2nd half. 
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Damn. Thought the game was at 8. Gotta put my food in the fridge
I couple games ago I rushed to Five Guys during the half so I could have a late dinner and catch the 2nd half. 
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by bakedFresh707

missed lay up already

He can miss a trillion shots, the game didn't start.
And he dunked it right after btw. 

, MJ would have made it.........

JP, take a chill pill and enjoy the game
Originally Posted by Air Freshh 23

Originally Posted by bakedFresh707

missed lay up already

He can miss a trillion shots, the game didn't start.
And he dunked it right after btw. 

, MJ would have made it.........

JP, take a chill pill and enjoy the game
We actually have an Official playoff thread, a season thread, and a game thread all on page 1 and all about 1 game. Time to exercise my troll walk tonight.
We actually have an Official playoff thread, a season thread, and a game thread all on page 1 and all about 1 game. Time to exercise my troll walk tonight.
wasn't the Lakers down 3-2 last year after game 5? Then won the last 2 games at home?

There's still hope for Miami
wasn't the Lakers down 3-2 last year after game 5? Then won the last 2 games at home?

There's still hope for Miami
I just put a lot of damn money$$ on Miami tonight. I have faith in bron to come through with a big time performance tonight..

Letsssss goooooo heeaaaaatttttt
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