Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Originally Posted by Caerus


@ "You shut down Jason Terry in the 4th quarter of Game 1... He's outscored you 16-2 the last two 4th quarters... What's going on?"
@ "You shut down Jason Terry in the 4th quarter of Game 1... He's outscored you 16-2 the last two 4th quarters... What's going on?"
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by Big J 33

... a lot of shots that had no business going in that went in... but that's how it goes sometimes.

The Heat aren't dead yet, though.
Pretty much all that needs to be said. 
HEAT still not DEAD.... SIGH
.... GO HEAT!!! Hope some home style cookin' in South Beach revives the HEAT team.
Saw Lebron before the game, asked him for $1. He gave me $.75. I said where's the rest?

He replied, i don't have a 4th quarter.
Saw Lebron before the game, asked him for $1. He gave me $.75. I said where's the rest?

He replied, i don't have a 4th quarter.
Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by Big J 33

... a lot of shots that had no business going in that went in... but that's how it goes sometimes.

The Heat aren't dead yet, though.
Pretty much all that needs to be said. 
HEAT still not DEAD.... SIGH
.... GO HEAT!!! Hope some home style cookin' in South Beach revives the HEAT team.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Saw Lebron before the game, asked him for $1. He gave me $.75. I said where's the rest?

He replied, i don't have a 4th quarter.
Shoulda asked him for it in Chi-Town 
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Saw Lebron before the game, asked him for $1. He gave me $.75. I said where's the rest?

He replied, i don't have a 4th quarter.
Shoulda asked him for it in Chi-Town 
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Air Freshh 23 wrote:

Lebron scored in the 4th. 

He had 2 points on an uncontested layup....

To be fair, he also had a very contested layup potential and one. It just didn't count on the scoreboard, because he was called for an offensive foul even though Chandler's foot was clearly inside the circle. But haters ain't fair. He did miss some shots he should've made though, there's no denying that. And he should've taken advantage against the Kidd mismatch. But tonight's game was more about Mavs hitting everything they threw up in the air.

No, he didn't. He did the typical LeBron James barrel-into-the defender, and guess what? Chandler was set.

Poor kid, I know you love the dude with all of your being, but let it go... he's just not that good. Sorry.

Shut the hell up. You're one of the proudest LeBron haters on this forum. You're trying to argue something that really isn't up for discussion: Chandler's heel was fully inside the circle. And then you call it the easiest call of the finals or whatever, like that will win you the argument. And even if Chandler was outside of the circle (which he wasn't), the call would still be debatable.

But like I mentioned earlier, this game was more about the Mavs not missing than anything else.
Originally Posted by University of Nike

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Air Freshh 23 wrote:

Lebron scored in the 4th. 

He had 2 points on an uncontested layup....

To be fair, he also had a very contested layup potential and one. It just didn't count on the scoreboard, because he was called for an offensive foul even though Chandler's foot was clearly inside the circle. But haters ain't fair. He did miss some shots he should've made though, there's no denying that. And he should've taken advantage against the Kidd mismatch. But tonight's game was more about Mavs hitting everything they threw up in the air.

No, he didn't. He did the typical LeBron James barrel-into-the defender, and guess what? Chandler was set.

Poor kid, I know you love the dude with all of your being, but let it go... he's just not that good. Sorry.

Shut the hell up. You're one of the proudest LeBron haters on this forum. You're trying to argue something that really isn't up for discussion: Chandler's heel was fully inside the circle. And then you call it the easiest call of the finals or whatever, like that will win you the argument. And even if Chandler was outside of the circle (which he wasn't), the call would still be debatable.

But like I mentioned earlier, this game was more about the Mavs not missing than anything else.
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