Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

Can't wait for sunday....Hope HEAT bounce back. GO HEAT!
That game 2 is bitting Miami rightnow. If Dallas wins this series they deserve it 100%. Wade and Bron think being hated rightnow if they dont win these next 2 all hell will break loose.
That game 2 is bitting Miami rightnow. If Dallas wins this series they deserve it 100%. Wade and Bron think being hated rightnow if they dont win these next 2 all hell will break loose.
Why are people making a big deal about the Mavs shooting so well and that's why they won? They haven't shot well the entire series, and the first time they do, they win by nine in a high scoring game. THat's what happens when they hit their shots. The first few games they were bricking wide open shots all day. Now they hit a few and it's a fluke? That's what they did in the first three rounds. If they do that again in Game 6, it's a wrap. Of course I fully expect Miami to get a free throw parade similar to the Suns in Game 7 of the '93 WCF, so it won't matter either way.
Why are people making a big deal about the Mavs shooting so well and that's why they won? They haven't shot well the entire series, and the first time they do, they win by nine in a high scoring game. THat's what happens when they hit their shots. The first few games they were bricking wide open shots all day. Now they hit a few and it's a fluke? That's what they did in the first three rounds. If they do that again in Game 6, it's a wrap. Of course I fully expect Miami to get a free throw parade similar to the Suns in Game 7 of the '93 WCF, so it won't matter either way.
 @ me.

For the life of me I couldn't recognize Deron Williams.
 @ me.

For the life of me I couldn't recognize Deron Williams.
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