Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

You didn't go and buy the package Nowitness?

I made sure to order it, probably last one I'll ever order.
Originally Posted by welcome2jungle

Lebron "I didnt play up to my standards im i the reason we didnt win the finals I dont know"
-"maybe i did put to much pressure on myself"
-"i thought of juwan,big z & jamaal i wanted to win a title for them"

some quotes from exit meeting 2day

Dude needs to just shut up!
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by bilbo07

NT is full of hypocrites. How is dirk wearing that shirt any different than brons lbj-mvp or check my stats? congrats to dirk though, he is that dude.

because he's wearing it after winning a championship, maybe?

and lebron was wearing his shirt after an mvp season no?

going to the playoffs and winning your last game >>>>x100000 ANYTHING accomplished in the reg. season
To all my people going to the parade, what time yall planning on getting out there?
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by cornzilla

Yes people hate him already, but the fact that he said those things just makes it worst. I mean there is such a thing as damage control. I mean does he want to turn more people away with his comments? Probably not.

But how does making a press conference about leaving a itty team and a itty city worse than rape, or cruelty/killing animals? like i really want someone to explain their thought process when they say oh this guy beats his wife infront of his kids...meh thats not to bad, oh this dude rapes a chick.... that is kinda bad, oh this other guy goes a date rape girls almost underage... not to bad.... oh this dude had me thinking he was going to sign with my fav team, or stay with his on itty team.... but hey makes a press conference and says he leaving..... Oh hell naw now thats where i draw the line. This is just outright dispicable.

Its one thing to stab a man, kill a dude while drunk driving, or date rape woman. But to leave your hometown as a free agent and not sign to my team... then hold a press conference about it at a boys and girls club and donate the proceeds to charity... Now thats just taking it to far.

yup too true. jason kidd beats his wife over french fries, deshawn stevenson *%%%! a 14 year old girl and must register as a sex offender....yet you have people saying "congrats to jkidd! he deserves it! im so happy!" or deshawn is that dude!

smh %$#* is bass ackwards... but ofcourse thats niketalk for you..


They're talking about what they do on the court and to say kidd one of the all time great pgs in nba history shouldnt get a ring because he hit his wife who wade claimed to be a straight up *%%+* in his divorce papers, but not what he has done as a pg. Or deshawn stevenson who had sex with a girl who claimed to have sex with more people than she actually did to get public attention doesnt deserve a ring because of what he did off of the court, but not through the struggles and his great defense on the court, they deserved that ring more than anyone on the heat because they worked their #+@ of for it, unlike heats big 3 who just thought teaming up would win them a ring. Only people on the heat who deserve it are  miller, haslem and anthony, and maybe chalmers. But you root for what you see on the court and what they do that relates to basketball and thats why Lebron is hated by many.

On another note Mike vick is nearly the same way, 95% of your respect comes from what you do on the court/field.
I'm not sure how I feel about the fitteds.

Does anyone know how long they keep the Championship gear in stock though? There's a ton of crap I want to buy, but I also don't have a bunch of cash to spend right now either.
Game 7 tonight. Can't wait!!!

My dude lebron about to drop a 40 point triple double and teabag nowitzki





Originally Posted by knightngale

Game 7 tonight. Can't wait!!!

My dude lebron about to drop a 40 point triple double and teabag nowitzki





Is there any truth to certain Miami Heat Player or Players being at Club Liv when the Mavs were celebrating? I wouldn't be too surprised if that was the case but I'll be curious to know who it was.
Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

Is there any truth to certain Miami Heat Player or Players being at Club Liv when the Mavs were celebrating? I wouldn't be too surprised if that was the case but I'll be curious to know who it was.

I know one of them was Eirick Dampier, only name I heard but I think there was more.
Originally Posted by durantula

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by LDJ

But how does making a press conference about leaving a itty team and a itty city worse than rape, or cruelty/killing animals? like i really want someone to explain their thought process when they say oh this guy beats his wife infront of his kids...meh thats not to bad, oh this dude rapes a chick.... that is kinda bad, oh this other guy goes a date rape girls almost underage... not to bad.... oh this dude had me thinking he was going to sign with my fav team, or stay with his on itty team.... but hey makes a press conference and says he leaving..... Oh hell naw now thats where i draw the line. This is just outright dispicable.

Its one thing to stab a man, kill a dude while drunk driving, or date rape woman. But to leave your hometown as a free agent and not sign to my team... then hold a press conference about it at a boys and girls club and donate the proceeds to charity... Now thats just taking it to far.

yup too true. jason kidd beats his wife over french fries, deshawn stevenson *%%%! a 14 year old girl and must register as a sex offender....yet you have people saying "congrats to jkidd! he deserves it! im so happy!" or deshawn is that dude!

smh %$#* is bass ackwards... but ofcourse thats niketalk for you..


They're talking about what they do on the court and to say kidd one of the all time great pgs in nba history shouldnt get a ring because he hit his wife who wade claimed to be a straight up *%%+* in his divorce papers, but not what he has done as a pg. Or deshawn stevenson who had sex with a girl who claimed to have sex with more people than she actually did to get public attention doesnt deserve a ring because of what he did off of the court, but not through the struggles and his great defense on the court, they deserved that ring more than anyone on the heat because they worked their #+@ of for it, unlike heats big 3 who just thought teaming up would win them a ring. Only people on the heat who deserve it are  miller, haslem and anthony, and maybe chalmers. But you root for what you see on the court and what they do that relates to basketball and thats why Lebron is hated by many.

On another note Mike vick is nearly the same way, 95% of your respect comes from what you do on the court/field.

this post is totally biased and not worth replying to. but i will. dog you making excuses for their crimes and expanding why people hate lebron
basketball related? come on now
it should be based on what they do on court but you know its not and people have selective judgement. ONCOURT. not because of tweets and shows or a t shirt.

To the other guy who asked why do i care? its my opinion and i despise men hitting women and pedophiles.

i got no problem with people saying they deserve it because of what they did on the court. But when you make statements like "the good guys won" thats going too far.

Lets put things into prespective. Seperate entertainment from reality. Because in real life Lebron James and Dwayne Wade arent bad guys. The first people to cry about what they do are the same people laughing when someone else does it... and best believe if wade or lebron did that type of stuff this board would be throwing it in their face right now ie Kobe Bryant being called a rapist for so long...

I'd be doing the same bringing that thing everywhere with me hahahah. mavs are lucky ti have an owner like that

he needs to send that to stern
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