Official 2012 Boxing Thread: JMM/Manny IV - FOTY.

What the hell is the difference between Rigondeuax & Nishioka? Donaire's a chump, I am convinced


What do you mean what? Donaire KO'd Vic at the height of his reign, still living off that.
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what has Donaire done since the Vic fight?

He has fought No one and hasnt looked good doing so.

he has abandoned a lot of his boxing skills in search of one punch KOs.

someone put Nonito in the ring vs Gamboa PLEASE
nonito had a good win with the knockout but hes been matched up with some bums.... i dont know if hes really that good to make boxers look like bums or is he just fighting some garbage fighters.... regardless i didnt enjoy this fight as much as the rios fight which was disappointing since the nonito fight was a main event :smh:
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Don't forget... he got Montiel too.

But i agree, in between Vic and Montiel, and post Montiel, he's been fighting a lot little dudes with no names. One dude he fought before Montiel (forgot the name) was a fighter who normally fights in 108 :smh:
I told ya Nonito wasn't all that he was living off the Vic fight and Montiel KO

i never jumped on the Nonito fan bandwagon
Get him in the ring with Rigondeaux or Mares and I think he still beats them.

The reason he hasn't looked good in beating these guys is because he tries to force exciting fights. Exciting fights that end in KOs are what the casual boxing fan wants to see because that's what they'll tune in to watch. It's Nonito getting as big a money grab as he can, not hard to grasp. He can box when he wants he just doesn't, because like he said "it's boring to watch."

He wasn't technically perfect tonight, far from it, but he wasn't nearly as wreckless as he had been previously.
Get him in the ring with Rigondeaux or Mares and I think he still beats them.
The reason he hasn't looked good in beating these guys is because he tries to force exciting fights. Exciting fights that end in KOs are what the casual boxing fan wants to see because that's what they'll tune in to watch. It's Nonito getting as big a money grab as he can, not hard to grasp. He can box when he wants he just doesn't, because like he said "it's boring to watch."
He wasn't technically perfect tonight, far from it, but he wasn't nearly as wreckless as he had been previously.
He said he wouldn't do that after Mathebula.
Think Mares-Moreno winner has a good chance vs him, no one else
just came back from the fight and damn Rios v Alvarado was so :x :pimp:
but NOnito is a :smh:
never going to one of his fights
so boring/hype job
That Rios fight was crazy. I still can't believe he stormed back to take out Alvarado. A lot of good matchups to be made at 140. I would love to see Matthyssee vs. Rios.

Regarding the Donaire fight, the people he has been in the ring have refused to fight with him. They are too concerned about defense and forget to throw some punches. When Nishioka did engage with Donaire, Donaire was able to take him apart easily. Boxers don't want to exchange with Donaire because they know what power & speed he possess. His fights have been dull because he can't get anybody to trade with him. I think the 2 people that would be the most competitive for Donaire are Mares and Moreno. Mares always throws and he would stalk Donaire around the ring. Moreno is a superior boxer and is very difficult to pick apart. I would watch both those fights if they were made. I don't need to see Rigondeaux vs. Donaire. That would be very similar to the Nishioka fight. Rigondeaux is not an exciting fighter. He is not aggressive and punches very little. Not too mention, who has Rigondeaux fought that makes him worthy of fighting Donaire?
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"he needs more guys to make me excited, I have to get excited for the fight or else i'll get bored"


you aint foolin anybody nonito...
Wait, what am I missing here? Nishioka is a pretty good fighter, I think a lot of people would probably have him in their top #20 P4P. He didn't want anything to do with Donaire and when he did finally decide to open up he got KO'ed. Donaire made him look like a nobody.

Rigondeaux is an incredible talent but if anyone saw his last fight, he was wobbled badly twice on the rare occasion he got hit. Prior to that fight I'd give Rigondeaux a really good shot at winning but now I think he gets KO'ed. The only other guy who might have a chance is Morena and 122 is a damn good division.

As far as Rios, I'd like to see him and Matthysse go at it. I seriously don't think Rios could slug it out with Matthysse and not get KO'ed. Soto found that out pretty quick.
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The Rios-Alvarado fight was a slug fest. Hated how maxwell came out after like it could have been something better and ref stop it too early. Its like ****, i guess he wanted to see rios or someone dead on the canvas. It was good with what we got.

Sorry but Donaire's fight was boring. Put someone who will at least fight back and not wait til the 5th rd to fight...
Man, early in that Rios fight, I was thinking maybe Alvarado had him figured out. But Rios took his best shots, and Alvarado couldn't. Love the pompousness of Rios. Dude is a fighter. Great to see someone out there that whoops *** and backs up his talk. :pimp:

Nishioka didn't give Donaire much of an opportunity to look good. He was fighting to take a payday for the first 5 or so. And when he decided to open up, he couldn't get close to Donaire without being put down. Donaire looked great again. Nishioka's trainer was probably the worst I've ever seen, if the translator was correct. "You're doing great, just keep avoiding his left hook." "You look great." "Keep it up."

No advice given at all. Atrocious.
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