Official 2013 NBA Offseason Thread

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Steph really dunked 
 Can honestly say I've never seen him dunk before
Its only like my fourth time no joke, and once was at a Pro-Am, which was this offseason

Son looks like he has 2 percent body fat, word to Lex Luger.

Steph with the jam
,ASG starter coming. 
Unfortunately...with CP3 and Kobe still alive and on the'll never happen.
Let me have dreams man. Let me have dreams.

Jordan Farmar getting standing ovations out here
Like I imagined when he signed, Iguodala will be Jack on steroids. Playing PG right now for the Warriors.
Well look at Austin Rivers having a positive night for once. I expect to see this performance around game 27
Like I imagined when he signed, Iguodala will be Jack on steroids. Playing PG right now for the Warriors.
I'm paying attention to the rotations than anything. I know the Pre-Season isnt all that indicative of what the real rotations will be like, but I've seen a lot of defensive oriented lineups out of Mark. The O'neal/Bogut combo, and this current lineup out there right now. Its made up of all of their best defenders. Pretty interesting, the offense was still able to flow with those guys out there but it was all running through Klay.
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Pretty sure McHale wanted to jump for joy when Casspi missed that 3 so they wouldn't have to have overtime the day before having to travel 20 hours overseas :lol:
Out of Henry, Wes Johnson or Shawn Williams one of those 3 will have a quality season for the lakers.
My young boy Austin Rivers :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Been calling it man, he's looking like a totally different player. Wouldn't be surprised if he wins MIP. He was starting to play better before he got hurt last year, and had a great summer. He's not getting off the rock as quick, and has found his faith in his ability again. I've always said he was better than what he showed, and has been one of my favorite players since High School.
what happened to Eric Gordon?

and i want to see Donatas Motiejunas start full time with Dwight Howard in the frontcourt

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My young boy Austin Rivers

Been calling it man, he's looking like a totally different player. Wouldn't be surprised if he wins MIP. He was starting to play better before he got hurt last year, and had a great summer. He's not getting off the rock as quick, and has found his faith in his ability again. I've always said he was better than what he showed, and has been one of my favorite players since High School.
I've been saying that too, IDK where the minutes are going to come from, but if he gets them he will flourish

Farmar and Kaman look great it cant be said enough, Bogut looks awful. Sons glued to the ground out there.
I really dislike watching CJ Watson and his ankle socks play basketball. Atleast DJ could knock down shots once in a while.
Im so confused by the pelicans choices you have Eric, Jrue, Tyreke, Austin, and Anthony Morrow..... where are the minutes going to come from.... I think jrue was a terrible pickup, I guess I understand tyreke he can play either 1 or 2 and come off the bench for good points.
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