Official 2014-2015 Atlanta Hawks Season Thread

In case u didn't know the hawks also have 2 2nd round picks and also Walter Taveres (7'3) who they drafted last year over in spain coming over this season as well. Don't need to be trading for any draft picks period. Hawks need veteran experienced players. Got enough young talent already to build around. Muscala, Scott, Bazemore, Schröder, Mack, all 25 and under.
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As for the hawks fanbase, hawks had the biggest jump in attendance this season of all the teams. Sold out 32 of its last 35 games. Shattered both atlanta Radio and TV ratings. Needless to say there is a solid "fanbase" for basketball in atlanta and georgia for free agents that u think give a damn about a teams fanbase when signing with a team. Just gotta give us something worth a damn.
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Like I've said before the hawks are the thinking man's team. So im not surprised when fans of other teams have no idea what moves for this team to make going forward, when they don't even understand how they got in this position in the first place and where they came from and even how long this group has been together - 1 season.
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*Get ready for the most intriguing and exciting offseason in Atlanta Hawks history to date. I personally have no idea what they will be doing. Guessing that whoever it is(Ferry) has been watching and pulling all the strings from behind the scene the whole time. Im sure whoever it is already knows what they wanna do. I wouldnt be surprised if Millsap and Carroll are both gone tho. With teams like the lakers and knicks just throwing crazy money around somebody will overpay these guys. Millsap aint worth 16+ million. Maybe 12. Carroll aint worth more than 10 In my opinion but some league exec said he could demand 15 mil. That's outrageous. And would hinder the hawks to improve elsewhere paying those 2 that type of money. Hawks got roughly around 25 mil to spend. Teague, Horford, Korver, Thabo, Scott, Mack, Bazemore, Muscala, 15th overall pick, Daye, are the players returning. 10 players on the roster. Seems like they are in good shape to succeed regardless next year. Only 5 other teams have more cap space than the Hawks. And I wouldn't blame the hawks for not resigning eirher of them unless its for the right price.

Free Agents Hawks I think are looking at.
F - Lamarcus Aldridge**
C - Marc Gasol
G/F- Aaron Affalo
G/F - Wes Mathews
G - Danny Green
G - Gary Neal
F/C - Greg Monroe
F - Tobias Harris
F/C - Ed Davis
F - Jae Crowder

Just a few names ive been hearing and seeing being thrown around and what would make sense team wise and cap wise - which nobody really knows since our GM is in timeout and the owner is new whether or not the new ownership will be willong to go over the cap and pay the luxury tax-they damn sure better if they wanna try for a ring, or improve on last season.
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*How the hell do u fire this man? Be the dumbest move a front office has made in atlanta history if they let Ferry leave (while paying him his 3 years left on his contract) 1 year suspension wasn't enough? Athletes beat their wives, childen, girlfriends, commit all sorts of crimes and are allowed back. This guy said a remark that was racially insensitive so he's banned from the league? Fired from the team? That's a joke, they better bring Ferry back, cause if they don't its gonna really piss off "that fanbase" they claimed they couldn't get enough of to buy season tickets last year. Last i checked we all say things we regret. I guess the people calling for his firing must be perfect or something. Take that statement and change African with European and nobody would have gave a damn and it wouldn't have been any less "racially insensitive" Dude made caviar out of spam. Budenholzer is no General Manager or assisant GM. He's a coach. No idea who this Wilcox guy is but he isn't Ferry. Grant Hill may he a viable option but he's never been a GM before. It's only logical to bring the leagues top Exec back out of his time out. Nuff said. BRING DANNY FERRY BACK.
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"He has some African in him...He has a store out front that's beautiful and great, but he may be selling some counterfeit stuff behind you."

Like I said, I hope the guy never gets another job again.
like i said, BRING DANNY FERRY BACK. He already apologized multiple times to everyone possible. Has black former mayors, civil rights leaders, ex players, nba writers, 90% of fans in atlanta want him back. dude doesnt deserve a job no more cause somebody illegally recorded him saying a black person had some African in them? I see more racially charged comments daily here on NT that are alot worse than what Ferry said. Euro players get labeled soft and every orher word in the book and nobody even bats an eye. Replace That statement with European instead of African and nobody would have even gave a damn. Dude was reading a scouting report. It wasnt his words. Yes he screwed up. U must just be perfect and never say anything wrong about anybody ever in your life. Guess you've never made a mistake. Guess you've never made racially insensitive comments when u thought u were in private. Was illegally recorded. Bad timing. It happened when that mess was going on with the Clippers and that idiot Donald Tukowitz(Sterling) who really was a racist and had been for 20 years out in the open and nobody cared. Tukowitz(Sterling) was a major contributer to the NAACP. Pretty sure the NAACP even gave Donald Sterling some award the summer before he was busted for being a racist con man. They took it back after his racist rant. Had a track record of being a racist. Now that's deserving of losing your job. He deserved to lose his team. Tho he still made out rich. Ferry has no track record of ever being a racist or anything near it. He's been in and around the nba and NCAA basketball for 35 years. People need to leave Danny Danny Ferry the hell alone. And i for one don't want to go back to the old atlanta losing ways. Winning cures all. U likely don't get Budenholzer without Ferry. So figure that one out genius. And he won't be banned from the league and if the hawks let him walk and pay him his 3 years left on his contract he will just go to another team and build a winner. And the hawks will go back to being the old hawks. Dominique Wilkins and Danny Ferry need to make up for the franchises sake. They dont seem to like each other and need to bury the hatchet and move on.
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dude doesnt deserve a job no more cause somebody illegally recorded him saying a black person had some African in them?

No. He doesn't deserve his job anymore because he vilified being African.

And this isn't just an issue because it was directed at an African. This way of thinking is dangerous, regardless of the targeted group. Replace African with homosexual, Muslim, female, etc, and I would still feel the same way.
No. He doesn't deserve his job anymore because he vilified being African.

And this isn't just an issue because it was directed at an African. This way of thinking is dangerous, regardless of the targeted group. Replace African with homosexual, Muslim, female, etc, and I would still feel the same way.
replace African with European and u wouldn't give a damn and neither would have the national media. Yet it still would have been just as racially charged and insensitive. Cant have double standards. Hell if I'm danny ferry I dunno why I would even wanna come back. Look at all this hooplah over a dude reading a scouting report somebody else wrote and called a black man an "african" and basically a con man. If that's racist and where the line is drawn, there wouldn't be any GMs in the league. Or people with jobs period. Let someone illegally record u saying a white man has some European in him and is a con man and u get fired and see how u feel. Ur one of that
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I'm not saying he wasn't wrong. What Ferry said was definately "insensitive" but damn it's not like he has any track record of this and its not like he hasn't been around the nba and black players his whole life. He's apologized to everybody possible already. He's already been convicted in the court of public opinion. Was suspended for a season. Tho he still got paid. And he will get paid from atlanta whether or not they keep him or not cause hes got 3 years left on his deal and the hawks are gonna either be paying him to GM somewhere else by buying him out or paying him to gm the hawks. I don't see any other people qualified to take his job. What he said isn't worthy of being fired in my humble opinion. He's already done his time. Leave this man the hell alone and jus let him get back to what he does best which is putting together basketball teams. And last I checked he's one of the best at doing that. If not the best. If not for Ferry the hawks would still have Joe Johnson and Josh Smith makin 20 and 15 mil a year and being one of the biggest laughing stocks of teams in the league. If they let Ferry go this new ownership better be spending some big time money on players this offseason.
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 replace African with European and u wouldn't give a damn 
Yes I would. 
 Look at all this hooplah over a dude reading a scouting report somebody else wrote and called a black man an "african" and basically a con man.
And this is what you seem to not underdstand. He didn't just call Lou a con man. He said Lou was a Lou was a con man BECAUSE he was African. That is what makes it bad. If he wants to call Lou a con man and a liar, by all means, he can do so, but don't attribute those qualities to being African.

And also, black =/= African.
And if they do fire him, which they're dumb enough to prob think they can replicate what he just did....Would be the dumbest move the hawks franchise has made prob ever.
I literally don't give a **** about any of that.
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Anybody in the thread want to play g.m. for niketalks mock draft. Please see thread if so. I'd rather a fan that knows the team do it that someone else
I'm not saying he wasn't wrong. What Ferry said was definately "insensitive" but damn it's not like he has any track record of this and its not like he hasn't been around the nba and black players his whole life. He's apologized to everybody possible already. He's already been convicted in the court of public opinion. Was suspended for a season. Tho he still got paid. And he will get paid from atlanta whether or not they keep him or not cause hes got 3 years left on his deal and the hawks are gonna either be paying him to GM somewhere else by buying him out or paying him to gm the hawks. I don't see any other people qualified to take his job. What he said isn't worthy of being fired in my humble opinion. He's already done his time. Leave this man the hell alone and jus let him get back to what he does best which is putting together basketball teams. And last I checked he's one of the best at doing that. If not the best. If not for Ferry the hawks would still have Joe Johnson and Josh Smith makin 20 and 15 mil a year and being one of the biggest laughing stocks of teams in the league. If they let Ferry go this new ownership better be spending some big time money on players this offseason.
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