OFFICIAL 2015-2016 College Football Season Thread

Scott (@FootballScoop):  Nick Saban will not be Alabama’s coach for the 2016 season.

I can’t support it by reportable facts, and of course there is no pressure from the administration; but from folks in the profession, I keep hearing “Nick isn’t happy,” “Nick seems miserable,” “Nick is very frustrated,” and I can foresee the very real possibility that Nick pulls the rip cord and ejects from Tuscaloosa after this season. Where that parachute will land, well, that has to play out, but I don’t suspect T-Town will be Nick’s final coaching stop.
Came just to post that Chris Brown 4-2-5 piece for @JPZx lol

Hard Knocks: Playing Defense With TCU’s Gary Patterson


Great read. One of the best Ive seen on the GP defense.
Come back to Miami saban.

Nah man, his wife didn't like it here remember? Didn't think it was the right environment to raise her kids :rolleyes

Good thing their daughter turned out to be such an upstanding citizen.
Scout network folks said they think a 2 loss Pac 12 champ def gets in over a 1 loss ACC champ.

Just sayin...
The Harbaugh Submarine hasd only increased hype...if we lose to Utah, Lord knows the media will jump down his throat. I honestly see
Would a high caliber coach like Nick saban or say urban Meyer let stuff like that happen? Even if it was ok'ed by the coaches. That team just lost 7 games last year. Any high caliber coach would have his team focused and these types of ideas wouldn't even pop into their heads.
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