Welp another dud week from my receiver spot (Snead & Hankerson)

I gambled and lost

Idk why i played 2 Thursday guys. I expect to be fired as head coach/GM after this week
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Freeman in garbage time
even in garbage time he gets in the end zone...he cant possibly keep this up right???
Cooks sucks so much.
actually i dont think they know how to use him.....i bet he would flourish in new englands system
That's one of the only reasons he's still on my team. I don't think he's trash but he just isn't getting any love out there. That and the fact that the one position I need to improve on is WR and I keep holding on to a glimmer of hope that He'll start coming through for me....

the suffering continues
That's one of the only reasons he's still on my team. I don't think he's trash but he just isn't getting any love out there. That and the fact that the one position I need to improve on is WR and I keep holding on to a glimmer of hope that He'll start coming through for me....

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the suffering continues

I agree! I wish they used cooks more! He's good. I like him a lot. But fantasy wise brees is handicapping him.

I have 7 points with two players today. Matt Bryant and cooks.
he is not a huge guy at all so even tho he has speed you cant just send him on a deep route and even then they dont throw him the ball, he should be catching the ball on quick slants to use his speed to make big plays.....
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20.60 points from Ingram to start the week off, I'll take it.

Now back to 2 full days and a Sunday morning scramble of start/sit questioning :lol: .
Of course I'm playing against Freeman and I played Snead smh. I'm not playing anybody on Thursday unless it's a stud.
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