OFFICIAL 2015 NBA PLAYOFF THREAD (NBA FINALS SET; GSW V. CLE - (But we have a whole week before the

What Team is Going to Win the Finals?

  • Cavs

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  • Warriors

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  • I Can't Decide

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LeBron is putting up some massive stats this offseason.

First Round:

27ppg, 9 rebounds, 6.5 assists per game

2nd Round:

26.2ppg, 11 rebounds, 8.8 assists per game

Conference Finals:

30.5ppg, 8.5 rebounds. 8.5 assists per game

If he wins a chip with this squad :nthat:
That game 2 performance has been the Lebron I've been waiting to see this post season, perfect balance of assertiveness from the get go and getting dudes involved.
That doesn't count as an and1, but the one where Iggy took like 3 more steps after the whistle blew does? Aiight
It seems to me that the GSW are able to stay focused on the road without the home crowd pushing them to do to much.

The way GSW plays D, I can't see how they don't win the title. They can throw green, barnes, iggy, Thompson, and Livingston at lebron and have leftovers for kyrie, JR, and the other cavs. All while being able to score the way they do, this team is absurd :smh:
It seems to me that the GSW are able to stay focused on the road without the home crowd pushing them to do to much.

The way GSW plays D, I can't see how they don't win the title. They can throw green, barnes, iggy, Thompson, and Livingston at lebron and have leftovers for kyrie, JR, and the other cavs. All while being able to score the way they do, this team is absurd :smh:

I'm going to enjoy watching the finals immensely

That play was so predictable. You just knew the Rockets wouldn't switch back, and eventually Green would miraculously score
It has to be beyond frustrating watching Curry as a fan of the opposing team. Wonder if it's as bad as watching Russell Wilson scramble and pull something out his ***.
if both series end in 4 do the finals start earlier? 

im guessing no because lebron needs more rest 
I feel bad for Mark Jackson B, this has to be eating him alive

He commentating like

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